
Can games be considered real-time systems?

I've been reading up on real-time systems and how they work etc. I was looking at the wikipedia article as well that said a game of Chess with a timer per move can be considered a real-time system because the program MUST compute a move in that time. What about other games? As we know, games generally try and run at 25+ FPS, could it b...

Iphone 3d games using Open Gl Es

Hi, I want to make 3d games for the iphone and with all this doubt about Unity and Apples new sdk agreement I'm wondering what the best way forward is? A lot of people recommend opengl es and point me in the direction of the open gl es bible and likewise, the problem is none of this actually talk about setting a game up i.e loading a c...

How can I make a steady automata in JavaScript?

I'm working on a javascript game and I've got an automata system controlling game time and sprite animation as well as giving a hand to the path finding system for timing and such. My problem is on slow browsers the javascript loop I'm using for counting the time is not very accurate. It tends to jump around a lot. I there a way to force...

Defeating a Poker Bot.

There is a new Open Source poker bot called PokerPirate. I am interested in any creative ways in which a web application could detect/thwart/defeat a poker bot. (This is a purely academic discussion, in the same spirit that PokerPirate was written.) ...

Problems with makeObjectsPerformSelector inside and outside a class?

A friend and I are creating a card game for the iPhone, and in these early days of the project, I'm developing a Deck class and a Card class to keep up with the cards. I'm wanting to test the shuffle method of the Deck class, but I am not able to show the values of the cards in the Deck class instance. The Deck class has a NSArray of Car...

unresolved external symbol _D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain@32 referenced in function "public: bool

Having trouble creating my swap chain. I receive the following error. DX3dApp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain@32 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall DX3dApp::InitDirect3D(void)" (?InitDirect3D@DX3dApp@@QAE_NXZ) Below is the code ive done so far. #include "DX3dApp.h" bool ...

Binding keys with javascript while preventing the browser shortcut keys

I'm making a javascript game and need to bind a lot of keys to different functions. This I know how to do, what I need some help on is over-riding the shortcut keys for the browser. in other-words I want to blur hot keys for the browser and divert them to my application. ...

What is the average color of a star?

I am trying to procedurally generate point stars to create a starfield background for my game. I want to weight the color production based on an average star's real color. Can anyone point me in the direction of this sort of data? ...

Python: Traffic-Simulation (cars on a road)

Hello! I want to create a traffic simulator like here: But I didn't thougt very deep about this. I would create the class car. Every car has his own color, position and so on. And I could create the road with an array. But how to tell the car where to go? Co...

One letter game problem?

Recently at a job interview I was given the following problem: Write a script capable of running on the command line as python It should take in two words on the command line (or optionally if you'd prefer it can query the user to supply the two words via the console). Given those two words: a. Ensure they are of equal length b. Ensur...

why do game engines prefer static libraries over dynamic link libraries

I've been reading a few gaming books. And they always prefer to create the engine as a static library over dynamic link. I am new to c++ so I am not highly knowledge when it comes to static libraries and dynamic link libraries. All I know is static libraries increase the size of your program, where DLL link libraries are loaded as you ne...

Getting a gestureoverlayview

I have been using some nice tutorials on drawing graphics on my android. I wanted to also add in the cool gesture demo found here: That takes these lines of code: GestureOverlayView gestures = (GestureOverlayView) findViewById(; gestures.addOnGesturePerformed...

node.js real-time game

Is it possible to create a real time game with node.js that requires twitch reflexes. How high is the latency? How low can it realistically go? ...

Are there any good RTS game engines?

Are there any good, free, frame works for a RTS game? Could be as simple as Dune 2 or complicated as War Craft III. I have heard about Spring, loved TA, but feel it may have a steep learning curve. ...

Optimized 2D Tile Scrolling in OpenGL

Hello, I'm developing a 2D sidescrolling game and I need to optimize my tiling code to get a better frame rate. As of right now I'm using a texture atlas and 16x16 tiles for 480x320 screen resolution. The level scrolls in both directions, and is significantly larger than 1 screen (thousands of pixels). I use glTranslate for the actua...

Qt4 2D Game Engine

Are there any 2-D Game Engines for Qt4 out there? I want a game engine that has collision detection, and runs smoothly with lots of sprites on screen. ...

object array mobile development

Im currently creating a tile-based game for android. Using java via dalvik JVM. im fretting over a decision to represent objects in a particular map. should i use an id based map (2 dimensional integer array) and place game logic in a separate function in the game engine, or create an object array (2 dimensional array of game objects) an...

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _D3DX10CreateTextureFromFileW@24

I am trying to call a direct X funciton but I get the following error error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _D3DX10CreateTextureFromFileW@24 I understand that possibly there maybe a linker issue. But I am not sure where. I inluded both d3dx10.h and the d3d10.h. I also included the d3d10.lib file. Plus, the intellisense picks up on...

Video Game Bots?

Something I've always wondered, especially since it inspired me to start programming when I was a kid, was how video game bots work? I'm sure there are a lot of different methods, but what about automation for MMORPGs? Or even FPS-type bots? I'm talking about player-made automation bots. ...

What is the best platform/language for a 3D game in a web browser?

I have enjoyed making 2D games in various langues (actionscript 3.0, java, python, others) but now I'm ready to move into 3D and to really get me amped up while learning 3D development I'm going to attempt to make a 3D multiplayer game (I already have server written in python). I'm looking for a platform that will run a 3D game well in ...