
Python Solitaire

This is more of a thought i had awhile rather than an actual problem to solve, maybe more a discussion, but i was wondering if it would be possible to design the game of solitaire and be abkle to play it in the python GUI or some other form of iterface? I know you can get a deck of cards fairly easily and i know yuo can play simple games...

Game AI: Pattern for implementing Sense-Think-Act components?

I'm developing a game. Each entity in the game is a GameObject. Each GameObject is composed of a GameObjectController, GameObjectModel, and GameObjectView. (Or inheritants thereof.) For NPCs, the GameObjectController is split into: IThinkNPC: reads current state and makes a decision about what to do IActNPC: updates state based on wha...

Object oriented design of game in Java: How to handle a party of NPCs?

Hi folks, I'm making a very simple 2D RPG in Java. My goal is to do this in as simple code as possible. Stripped down to basics, my class structure at the moment is like this: Physical objects have an x and y dimension. Roaming objects are physical objects that can move(). Humanoid objects are roaming objects that have inventories ...

Which method should I use to give the perception the computer is thinking in programming?

I want to create a simple game like tic tac toe where the human user is playing against the computer. The computer function takes a couple of milliseconds to run but I would like to give the perception of the computer taking 5 seconds to make a move. Which method should I use? 1) Create two memory threads. One for the computer and one...

'Dodger'-type game

I am attempting to write a game using livewires and pygame where I have a chef (only image I had, haha), avoid rocks that are falling from the sky. The rocks are supposed to fall in random places. I want it to be that 1 rock falls to begin with, then every time you successfully dodge a rock, 2 more rocks fall, until you lose. What I have...

Calculating the angle between the line defined by two points

I'm currently developing a simple 2D game for Android. I have a stationary object that's situated in the center of the screen and I'm trying to get that object to rotate and point to the area on the screen that the user touches. I have the constant coordinates that represent the center of the screen and I can get the coordinates of the...

understanding of FPS and the methods they use

Just looking on resources that break down how frames per second work. I know it has something to do with keeping track of Ticks and figure out how many ticks occured between each frame. But I never ran into any resources on why exactly you have to use the methods you use in order to get a smooth frame work. I am trying to get a thourough...

How would I go about sharing variables in a C++ class with Lua?

I'm fairly new to Lua, I've been working on trying to implement Lua scripting for logic in a Game Engine I'm putting together. I've had no trouble so far getting Lua up and running through the engine, and I'm able to call Lua functions from C and C functions from Lua. The way the engine works now, each Object class contains a set of var...

Collision detection between ball & bricks in brick breaker game

How do you detect a collision between ball & bricks in a brick breaker game? ...

Game loop performance and component approach

I have an idea of organising a game loop. I have some doubts about performance. May be there are better ways of doing things. Consider you have an array of game components. They all are called to do some stuff at every game loop iteration. For example: GameData data; // shared app.registerComponent("AI", ComponentAI(data) ); app.regist...

Any good open source online RPG starter kit for development ?

Hi there, Does anyone know of a good open source toolkit that allows level designer and graphic designer or someone with basic programming experience to create multiplayer online Role Playing Game ? The game can be a simple 2D interface in a 2d virtual world. I know Microsoft have a starter kit something like the following : http://cr...

Java Array Game - Game Logic Question

What I want to do: Create a game that starts with 3 green dots on the left and 3 red dots on the right with a space between them. The endgame should have the colors switched sid*e. The rules of the game* is that, if there is a space next to a dot it should be able to move there, also if an opposite color is next to it - it should be able...

Lua, game state and game loop

Call main.lua script at each game loop iteration - is it good or bad design? How does it affect on the performance (relatively)? Maintain game state from a. C++ host-program or b. from Lua scripts or c. from both and synchronise them? (Previous question on the topic:

How to make a custom installer for games, etc?

Hello. Can anyone tell me how to create a custom installer to 'install' games. I say custom meaning I don't want the user to have the option where the game is installed. I want it to be a straight forward process, maybe with just one loading bar. The program I'm developing is a 'center' for game playing, which includes a community and...

Starting Game dev on iPhone:iPad - learning path ??

Hi there, I'm beginning in iPhone/iPad game dev and I'm searching to set up my learning path. The basic features I would like to learn (after the basic SDK iphone components programming) are : using a board like interface where I can move pawn with my fingers detect where the pawn was moved and triggers events in the game The board wi...

VB6 Game Development

I am developing a game in VB6 (plz don't ask me why :) ). The storyboard is ready and a rough implementation is underway. I am following a "pure-software-rendering" approach. (i.e. no DirectX, no openGL etc.) Amongst many others, the following "serious" problems exist: 2D alpha transparency reqd. to implement overlays. Parallax imple...

Programming language for opengl screenshot software

I need to develop a multiplatform software that takes screenshots from opengl games without affecting the game in performance, it will run in the background and will add a watermark to my screenshots. What language should i use? I thought of Perl / Python. Anyone can point me out something to start? Thanks! ...

Touching an object in a tweened animation?

I'm having trouble porting a simple game I developed for the iPhone over to Android. The game has an animated ball which moves from Point A to Point B. The user must touch the ball before it reaches point B or lose the game. This was easy to implement on the iPhone using Core Animation since I could locate the current position of the...

How did you get started with game development in Android?

Looking for any kind of recommendation, like books, articles, anything that aids me in getting started with game development in Android. ...

Downloading game assets to SD card on Android

I'm developing an Android game that has to download some assets to the SD card to keep the size of the app as small as possible. I was thinking of using an uncompressed zip file to bundle all the assets. A requirement from the client is to protect these assets as much as possible. Being part of the apk is considered enough protection, b...