
Game engine deployment strategy for the Android?

In college, my senior project was to create a simple 2D game engine complete with a scripting language which compiled to bytecode, which was interpreted. For fun, I'd like to port the engine to android. I'm new to android development, so I'm not sure which way to go as far as deploying the engine on the phone. The easiest way I suppose ...

How to implement properly plugins in C#?

I'm trying to add plugins to my game and what I'm trying to implement is this: Plugins will be either mine or 3rd party's so I would like a solution where crashing of the plugin would not mean crashing of the main application. Methods of plugins are called very often (for example because of drawing of game objects). What I've found ...

Constraints when using WCF for an online multiplayer game

I want to build a service oriented game server and client using WCF where users can play card games on different tables after they logged in with an account. I would like to choose WCF due to it's flexibility in exchanging the communication channels. Maybe, a web interface will be added later which can then just use an other channel cla...

C# - Hook/Overlay a DirectX game?

Hello. Can anyone tell me how to hook/overlay a DirectX game in C#? I've tried getting a fullscreen C# window to overlap a game, however it wont. After researching a little, I found out that I need to hook the game and then display the C# window. Can anyone explain how I would do this? Would I be able to display a C# form over a Direct...

How to develop an indie game for the Xbox 360

I want to make an indie game for xbox360 . even if it is freeware I should pay Microsoft or not? And what will I need to develop an indie game ... questions and reviews DirectX tutorials

Just curious to know if anyone has ever used products for learning directX. I was debating on whether I should buy it or not. I read online that most of his tutorials were written in the source code. It's nice to heavily comment your code but if most of the tutorial is in his code then I don't think that is necessarily ...

How do I obtain the Natal SDK?

How do I obtain the Natal SDK? Where to take it from (google had not given me lot of help) ...

iPhone: Switching from a map screen to a battle screen without the map progress being reset

Hello! I'm trying to make a role-playing game, and I want the game to work so that it transitions to the battle NIB for battles, then returns back to the map NIB afterward, yet still retain all the progress the player has made exploring the dungeon. I've tried proto-typing this with just a view-switcher, where one view creates content,...

2D Platformer Collision Problems With Both Axes

I'm working on a little 2D platformer/fighting game with C++ and SDL, and I'm having quite a bit of trouble with the collision detection. The levels are made up of an array of tiles, and I use a for loop to go through each one (I know it may not be the best way to do it, and I may need help with that too). For each side of the character...

Code Own Socket Server or Use Red5/ElectroServer on Amazon EC2?

I've been thinking for a long time about working on a multiplayer game in Flash. I need updates frequently enough that ajax requests won't work so I need to use a socket server. The system will eventually have enough objects/players that I would consider it an MMO. I would like to set up a scalable system on Amazon's EC2. (Which prob...

Modern Game Programming

Hey. I'm a software and web developer for ~3 years, and I want to start learning 3D network game programming. What is the most modern & fastest way to write 3D PC games? What language? For graphics, should I use a graphics API like Direct3D/OpenGL or is there something less painful? What math/physics skills should I know before startin...

iPhone switching views without first view being reset

Heya! I'm making a role-playing game, and I want to have a Map View and a Battle Screen. With the possibility of other screens as well. I thought the best way to achieve this was to use multiple NIB files. When I prototyped this by have one view that creates content, switching to the next view, and then back, the content on the origin...

How to implement "circular side-scrolling" in my game?

I'm developing a game, a big part of this game, is about scrolling a "circular" background ( the right end of the Background Image can connect with the left start of the Background image ). Should be something like this: ( Entity moving and arrow to show where the background should start to repeat ) This happens in order to allow to...

Which pattern is good for bullets hit test in game that need server validates ?

I would like to design a PvP game uses flash in client and java socket server, but I do need server validates trajectory and if bullets hit target from cheating. Is there any tutorial or paper provides how to do this ? ...

C#: How to resolve this circular dependency?

I have a circular dependency in my code, and I'm not sure how to resolve it. I am developing a game. A NPC has three components, responsible for thinking, sensing, and acting. These components need access to the NPC controller to get access to its model, but the controller needs these components to do anything. Thus, both take each oth...

If I'm using a 1d array to represent a square board, how can I take my index and check the sqaures above, below and to its sides?

If I have a 4x4 gameboard which I'm representing in my program as a 1d integer array of size 16. How can I get the indexs of the squares above, below, to the left and to the right any given index? So, for example: A = { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 } Which represents this board 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...

How should objects be in a Java game.

EDIT: i just deleted the entire post and reformulated the question to be more generic. I want to do a simple strategy game: map, units. Map: one class. Units: another class, self drawn. Simple questions: How does an unit should redraw itself on the map. A unit should be a JPanel or similar Swing component (just to be able to manage ...

A database of questions with unambiguous numeric answers.

I (and co-hackers) are building a sort of trivia game inspired by this blog post: The idea is to give confidence intervals and learn how to be calibrated (when you're "90% sure" you should be right 90% of the time). We're thus looking for, ideally, thousands of questions with unambiguous numerical an...

Which flash server i should use for flash chat with a lot of instant users?

I'm currently developing flash chat for social networking websites like facebook. Actually i want to develope flash chat in this game. Chat would have a lot of instant active users. So that, i need to know which flash servers i should use, is there any free ones that are pretty good for such high performance needs? I've found ElectroSer...

Modifying multiplying calculation to use delta time

function(deltaTime) { x = x * FACTOR; // FACTOR = 0.9 } This function is called in a game loop. First assume that it's running at a constant 30 FPS, so deltaTime is always 1/30. Now the game is changed so deltaTime isn't always 1/30 but becomes variable. How can I incorporate deltaTime in the calculation of x to keep the "effect per...