
Display a ranking grid for game : optimization of left outer join and find a player

Hello, I want to do a ranking grid. I have a table with different values indexed by a key: Table SimpleValue : key varchar, value int, playerId int I have a player which have several SimpleValue. Table Player: id int, nickname varchar Now imagine these records: SimpleValue: Key value playerId for 1 1 int ...

Collision detections and how efficient they are

How exactly do you implement collision detection? What are the costs involved? Do different platforms(c/c++, java, cocoa/iphone, flash, directX) have different optimizations for calculating collisions. And lastly are there libraries available to do this for me, or some that I can just interpret for my platform of choice? As I understan...

Keyboard input for a game in Java

I'm writing a game in Java, right now it's Swing + JOGL - a JFrame with a GLCanvas. I handle input using keyPressed etc. events (jframe.addKeyListener(...)) and it doesn't seem to work properly: when I have 3+ keys down at the same time, they don't register properly - apparently this is keyboard's fault, I have to find an alternate co...

iPhone shooter game bullet physics!

Hello, Making a new shooter game here in the vein of "Galaga" (my fav shooter game growing up). Here's the code I have for bullet physics: -(IBAction)shootBullet:(id)sender{ imgBullet.hidden = NO; timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.05 target:self selector:@selector(fireBullet) userInfo:Nil repeats:YES]; } -(void)fireBu...

How do I pick the most beneficial combination of items from a set of items?

I'm designing a piece of a game where the AI needs to determine which combination of armor will give the best overall stat bonus to the character. Each character will have about 10 stats, of which only 3-4 are important, and of those important ones, a few will be more important than the others. Armor will also give a boost to 1 or all s...

I'm a PHP programmer, how easy will it be to "master" c++?

I've been a PHP programmer for 8 or so years, I'm familiar with OOP and try to consider best practices whenever programming. I would like to pick up C++ to possibly enter the 'game development' field, where now I'm doing web dev. I'm not a school person, but was wondering what people think about self-taught math to complement learning ...

1>main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain@32

having trouble getting my directx going I get the following error 1>Linking... 1>main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain@32 1>C:\Users\numerical25\Desktop\Intro ToDirectX\msdnTutorials\tutorial0\tutorial\Debug\tutorial.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals below is my code // ...

error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'vertices'

I would usually search for this error. But in VS C++ Express, this error comes up for just about every mistake you do. Any how I recieve this error below error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'vertices' everytime I add the following code at the top of my document // Create vertex buffer SimpleVertex vertices[] = ...

error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const wchar_t [9]' to 'LPCSTR'

When I add the following to my code. // Define the input layout D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC layout[] = { { L"POSITION", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, 0, D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0 }, }; UINT numElements = sizeof(layout)/sizeof(layout[0]); I get the following error 1>c:\users\numerical25\desktop\intro todirectx\msdntutor...

Chipmunk Physics or Box2D for C++ 2D GameEngine ?

Hello, I'm developing what it's turning into a "cross-platform" 2D Game Engine, my initial platform target is iPhone OS, but could move on to Android or even some console like the PSP, or Nintendo DS, I want to keep my options open. My engine is developed in C++, and have been reading a lot about Box2D and Chipmunk but still I can't d...

Making a Javascript game, Having a little problem with scrolling.

I have a #wrapper div and a #grid div nested inside. currently I can scroll around with this function below. getCursorPos : function(){ // set the empty cursor object var cursor = {}; //get the offset from the left of the grid container var grid //offset loop $(function getCursorPos(){ grid = $('#grid')...

Complicated idea - how to create car racing for my RPG game's players

So, I want to create car racing for my RPG game's players. Player can create race and choose how many participants can participate in race. After race is being created, other people can join it. When the maximum participants are collected, race begins. My idea, when the last participant joins, then instantly choose the winner (who's ca...

How to implement a link that can get bonus for 5 times by different people on a Social Network?

How can we generate a link that can be clicked on by 5 different people on a Social Network game, so that each of the five people can get a bonus? The link will be published as a "newsfeed" on the Social Network such as Facebook. The link shouldn't be easily "generated" by any people as a cheating method. Also, what database table(s) ...

Access violation reading location 0x00184000.

having troubles with the following line HR(md3dDevice->CreateBuffer(&vbd, &vinitData, &mVB)); it appears the CreateBuffer method is having troubles reading &mVB. mVB is defined in box.h and looks like this ID3D10Buffer* mVB; Below is the code it its entirety. this is all files that mVB is in. //Box.cpp #include "Box.h" #include "V...

Creating a 3d plane using Frank Luna's technique: what are sinf and cosf?

I am creating a 3d plane that lies on the x and z axis, and has hills that extend on the y axis. The bulk of the code looks like this: float PeaksAndValleys::getHeight(float x, float z)const { return 0.3f*( z*sinf(0.1f*x) + x*cosf(0.1f*z) ); } void PeaksAndValleys::init(ID3D10Device* device, DWORD m, DWORD n, float dx) { md3dD...

What technology should I use to write my game?

I have a great idea for a 3D network game, and I've concluded that it is possible to write it in Java as an applet which will live under the web browser, just like a full software in C++. And it will look and feel the same. The main advantage of Java on C++ is that with Java you can play without downloading any software. I have already ...

iPhone scrolling text

Hello! I'm currently making a role-playing game, and I want the text to scroll like all the other RPGs I've played. How would I accomplish this? Thanks! ...

Facebook Graph API and ActionScript

I'm setting out to develop a number of Facebook applications/games, which make use of some Facebook user information and stores game info in a database backend etc, in ActionScript 3.0. How can one leverage the new Graph API Should I use JavaScript or PHP as a "middle layer" or should I go with the ActionScript Client Library? Are ther...

is depth buffers mandatory

I am just trying to better understand the directX pipeline. Just curious if depth buffers are mandatory in order to get things work. Or is it just a buffer you need if you want objects to appear behind one another. ...

How do I slow down a flash game?

Basically the objective is to click on certain targets, which upon doing so would destroy the target and garner you points. I've written a macro to help me until the point where its impossible to even see the target more than a mere flicker, (maybe even less than that, i cant see it with my eyes). But its possible because i believe other...