
OpenGL Video RAM Limits

I have been trying to make a Cross-platform 2D Online Game, and my maps are made of tiles. My tileset, which I render the tiles from, is quite huge. I wanted to know how can I disable hardware rendering, or at least making it more capable. Hence, I wanted to know what are the basic limits of the video ram, as far as I know, Direct3D has ...

Mouse management in JavaScript games

Im using JavaScript, the HTML5 canvas-element and WebGL to make a simple 3D-game in first person view for fun. Ideally, I would like to control my movement by using the keyboard to move and the mouse to look around, like you usually do in FPS-games. As you probably understand, there are some limits to this in the browser, since the mous...

When writing a game, should you make objects/enemies/etc. have unique ID numbers?

I have recently encountered some issues with merely passing references to objects/enemies in a game I am making, and am wondering if I am using the wrong approach. The main issue I have is disposing of enemies and objects, when other enemies or players may still have links to them. For example, if you have a Rabbit, and a Wolf, the Wol...

Game architecture: modeling different steps/types of UI

I have not done any large game development projects, only messed around with little toy projects. However, I never found an intuitive answer to a specific design question. Namely, how are different types/states of UI modeled in games? E.g. how is a menu represented? How is it different from a "game world" state (let's use an FPS as an ex...

physics game programming box2d - orientating a turret-like object using torques

This is a problem I hit when trying to implement a game using the LÖVE engine, which covers box2d with Lua scripting. The objective is simple: A turret-like object (seen from the top, on a 2D environment) needs to orientate itself so it points to a target. The turret is on the x,y coordinates, and the target is on tx, ty. We can consid...

Python Game using pyGame with Window Menu elements

Here's the deal. I'm trying to write an arkanoid clone game and the thing is that I need a window menu like you get in pyGTK. For example File->(Open/Save/Exit) .. something like that and opening an "about" context where the author should be written. I'm already using pyGame for writting the game logic. I've tried pgu to write the GUI ...

Java Classes in game programming?

I'm doing a little strategy game to help me learn Java in a fun way. The thing is I visioned the units as objects that would self draw on the game map (using images and buffering) and would react to the mouse actions with listeners attached to them. Now, based on some tutorials I've been reading regarding basic game programming, all see...

Game enemy move towards player

I'm creating a game in c++ and OpenGL and want an enemy to move towards the player. What is the best method of making game objects move towards other game objects, that works in both 2D and 3D game environments? UPDATE: wow thanks everyone for the quick replies! strangely enough I managed to get this to work just as I posted it alth...

Moving and resizing JPanels object inside JFrame.

Continuing my quest of learning Java by doing a simple game, i stumbled upon a little issue. My gameboard extends JPanel as well as each piece of the board. Now, this presents some problems: Cant set size of each piece, therefore, each piece JPanel ocupy the whole JFrame, concealing the rest of the pieces and the background (gameboard)...

How to render a 2d side-scroller game

I do not really understand the way I'm suppose to render a side-scroller? How do I know what to render when my character move? What kind of positionning should I use for the characters? I hope my question is clear ...

Do [sprite stopActionByTag: kTag]; work differently for CCAction and CCSequence ?

//prog 1 -(void)gameLogic:(ccTime)dt { id actionMove = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:1.0 position:ccp(windowSize.width/2-400, actualY)]; [actionMove setTag:6]; [self schedule:@selector(update:)]; [hitBullet runAction:actionMove]; } -(void)update:(ccTime)dt { if ( (CGRectIntersectsRect(hitRect, playerRect)) ) { [[[self getAc...

3D Character/Model Creator

I'm in a project to create a 3d game using XNA/C#, and the game will use a lot of 3d characters. Looking at the current 3d games, in some they create near to hundreds of characters, what lead me to think that there are some good 3d character/model creator. To narrow the sample, the game will have characters like the game "Grand Chase"...

XNA: How to convert a game to be compatible with the Xbox 360?

I have a C# XNA game that I'd like to test on the 360. How do I do this, in terms of what I need to do to the Visual Studio project? For instance, how can I define certain actions will only take place on an Xbox? Something like: # if XBOX // do stuff # endif ...

Changing Image In a Button After Being Clicked?

Creating a game in Android using multiple Buttons to display an image from the drawable folder. I want to change the button to a different image after the button has been clicked on. Here is the button code: <Button android:id="@+id/b36" android:background="@drawable/black" android:layout_width="45px" android:layout_heig...

How to identify four sided polygon (not rectangle) collision detection?

I am developing 2D game for iPhone, for that I need to handle collision detection. My need is: I have two polygons, each is a four-sided polygon (not a rectangle), I need to check whether they are collided or not. ...

A two player game over the intranet..

Hi everybody.. I am a student of 3rd year engineering and only a novice in my programming skills. I need some help with my project.. I wish to develop a two player game to be played over the network (Intranet). I want to develop a simple website with a few html pages for this.My ideas for the project run as follows: 1.People can log in...

Ogg/Vorbis: _ov_fopen cannot be found

I'm trying to use Ogg/Vorbis with OpenAL to get sound in my game. Right now I'm simply trying to load a .ogg file and read its data, I'm not actually doing anything with it. I first tried using ov_open, however, the documentation said I should really be using ov_fopen on Windows. However, when I try to use that I get the following: 1>A...

Ruby Hide Console

I am attempting to make a game written in Ruby using the Gosu library ( but when I run the game, a console also shows. How do I make sure the console is hidden from the start? thanks in advance, ell ...

Obj-C component-based game architecture and message forwarding

Hello, I've been trying to implement a simple component-based game object architecture using Objective-C, much along the lines of the article 'Evolve Your Hierarchy' by Mick West. To this end, I've successfully used a some ideas as outlined in the article 'Objective-C Message Forwarding' by Mike Ash, that is to say using the -(id)forwar...

Programming Technique: How to create a simple card game

Hi, as I am learning the Ruby language, I am getting closer to actual programming. I was thinking of creating a simple card game. My question isn't Ruby oriented, but I do know want to learn how to solve this problem with a genuine OOP approach. In my card game, I want to have four players, using a standard deck with 52 cards, no joker...