
Facebook Card Game? Which architecture?

I am developing a Facebook Card Game for my thesis and i am wondering which architecture fits best? I am going to develop the game using Silverlight + ASP.NET. On the one side the game should contain player vs. player card games. On the other there will be also a lot of contant similar to Mafia Wars(or any other game like that) where...

How could I generate instances of an object randomly at the top of the screen and make them "fall"?

I am making a game in Flash CS4 (actionscript 3) and I would like to be able to make "copies" of an instance that would randomly appear at the top of the screen and fall. For example, multiple objects(that are the same one) are falling from the top of the screen continuously, starting at random X positions. (i think this would be consid...

create board for game with events support in WPF

How can I create board for simple game, looks like for chess,but user could dynamically change number of column and rows? In cells I could insert symbol of pawn, like small image or just ellipse or rectangle with fill. This board should have possibility add and remove pawn from cells and move pown from one cell to another. My first idea...

Getting a job in the games industry as a developer, just knowing a game engine

I recently enrolled in a community college for games developement. But I am skeptical about the curriculum. I have no experience in the gaming industry so I wouldn't be able to tell whether it's a good investment or not. So I am asking you. I don't want to get too much into the details of all the classes I am taking so I will try to be ...

Friction in Box2d

I am using Box2d for a topdown game. The "ground" is a series of tiles, where each tile is a static body with a sensor shape. Can I make friction take effect for this, even though the objects aren't really "colliding" with the ground? If Box2d won't let me do this, I considered trying to implement my own by detecting what force is curre...

What is the lightest way to make a huge chess-like grid?

Hey there I'm working on a browser-game and I can't help but wonder about what's the lightest way to make the grid/board on which the game takes place. Right now, as a mere sample, I'll show you this: -link no longer active, it was basically a 25x25 table+tr+td grid- Now, as the grid gets bigger and bigger, the table and its td's cre...

What language should I learn to make 2D turn-based video games?

I want to make 2 dimensional turn-based games for the PC. Something like early Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger. Is C++ the only plausible option? I keep getting told that C++ is the language of choice for games, but is this the case even for 2D, turn-based games? Are any other languages good for this sort of thing? I'm really big on c...

Stack overflow error after creating a instance using 'new'

EDIT - The code looks strange here, so I suggest viewing the files directly in the link given. While working on my engine, I came across a issue that I'm unable to resolve. Hoping to fix this without any heavy modification, the code is below. void Block::DoCollision(GameObject* obj){ obj->DoCollision(this); } That is where the sta...

Smartfoxserver java extension

Hello, I'v created a java extension that handles login requests using smartfoxserver for my game. The following is inside the internal event: View Here: But its complaining invalid login request? ...

Put together tiles in android sdk and use as background

In a feeble attempt to learn some Android development am I stuck at graphics. My aim here is pretty simple: Take n small images and build a random image, larger than the screen with possibility to scroll around. Have an animated object move around on it I have looked at the SDK examples, Lunar Lander especially but there are a few th...

Box2dx: Specify fixtures to ignore in raycasting?

Everybody in my game world has fixtures with sensor shapes attached. When I raycast, it hits these fixtures, but I only want to hit fixtures with at least one shape that is not a sensor. Is this possible? I'm using Box2dx - the C# port. Also, what does the callback do? world.PhysicsWorld.RayCast((f, p, n, fr) => { ...

Odd "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" involving xWinForms

Hey, I've been trying to get the xWinForms 3.0 library (a library with forms support in xna) working with my C# XNA Game project but I keep getting the same problem. I add the reference to my project, put in the using statement, declare a formCollection variable and then I try to initialize it. whenever I run the project I get stopped o...

Box2d: Maximum possible linear velocity?

I think I've configured Box2d to have some sort of maximum velocity for any body, but I'm not sure. I apply an impulse like (100000000, 100000000), and the body moves just as fast as (100, 100) - which is not that fast at all. I'm using the Box2d XNA C# port. My game is a top-down 2d. Here is some code that may be relevant: private r...

what is the procedure followed to divide the background into squares like facebook supercity, farmvillie.

I have planned to develop a game in flex in which the users will build buildings on a plain surface. I want to divide those lands into pieces and allow the user to build the buildings on the pieces of the surface. How do i divide the land into pieces. I have seen face book application supercity, farm vilie etc. I want to develop same as...

Are there any 2D game tutorials for WPF?

Hello, I'm looking for an inspiration what to add to my 2D game and so far I've found only two games (with sources) in WPF. Are 2D games in WPF so rare? Do you know about some samples? Thank you! ...

UDK "Error, Unrecognized member 'FocalPoint' in class ..."

I'm porting a UT3 game to UDK. It uses a large code library and I'm getting this compiler error: C:\UDK\UDK-2010-03\Development\Src\FixIt\Classes\ZController_FireWeapon.uc(129) : Error, Unrecognized member 'FocalPoint' in class 'ZController' ZController extends UTBot. This is the referenced line: Agent.FocalPoint = ObjectOfAttent...

Which version of .NET is available for Xbox 360?

I tried to look this up on MSDN, but couldn't get a straight answer. It says: The .NET Compact Framework for Xbox 360 implements a subset of the .NET Compact Framework, and has been optimized to take advantage of and expose the power of the Xbox 360. What exactly is the subset? Which version of the framework? 3.5? 2.0? ...

Open Source Implementation of Checkers

Hello all, I am looking for an open source implementation of a checkers game to run some game tree searching experiments on. Does anyone know of an implementation? Thanks, Pat ...

Collision detection, alternatives to "push out"

I'm moving a character (ellipsoid) around in my physics engine. The movement must be constrained by the static geometry, but should slide on the edges, so it won't be stuck. My current approach is to move it a little and then push it back out of the geometry. It seems to work, but I think it's mostly because of luck. I fear there must b...

How to reset all the values after completion of the game, before starting it again ?

I have writing a small shooting game in cocos2d. Winning the game is to eliminate all the 10 enemies. After that end screen comes showing 'You Won' and 'Play Again'. If I go for 'Play Again' option the game is starting from where I need. But, the problem is that the game is continuing from previously ended state. I mean it is not startin...