
How to merge two FBOs?

OK so I have 4 buffers, 3 FBOs and a render buffer. Let me explain. I have a view FBO, which will store the scene before I render it to the render buffer. I have a background buffer, which contains the background of the scene. I have a user buffer, which the user manipulates. When the user makes some action I draw to the user buffer,...

C# XNA: AI Engine?

I'm developing a game with zombie running around in a swamp. I want AIs to have functionality like "chase this target" or "run away". A major stumbling block is pathfinding. Is there a good pathfinding/AI engine in XNA, or should I roll my own? Does anyone have any experience with this: ...

noSQL/SQL/RoR: Trying to build scalable ratings table for the game

I am trying to solve complex thing (as it looks to me). I have next entities: PLAYER (few of them, with names like "John", "Peter", etc.). Each has unique ID. For simplicity let's think it's their name. GAME (few of them, say named "Hide and Seek", "Jump and Run", etc.). Same - each has unique ID. For simplicity of the case let it be ...

OpenGL ES clarifying question regarding FBOs -- sorry can't find this info anywhere else?

If I instantiate an FBO without binding a rendering buffer or a texture to it, what happens when I draw to it, nothing? Do I need to associate a rendering target (renderbuffer or texture) to have an FBO do anything? What I'm trying to do is precache some buffers and then merge them later, but that doesn't seem to work at all. Ideally I...

Box2dx: Usage of World.QueryAABB?

I'm using Box2dx with C#/XNA. I'm trying to write a function that determines if a body could exist in a given point without colliding with anything: /// <summary> /// Can gameObject exist with start Point without colliding with anything? /// </summary> internal bool IsAvailableArea(GameObjectModel model, Vector2 point) ...

Game login authentication and security.

First off I will say I am completely new to security in coding. I am currently helping a friend develop a small game (in Python) which will have a login server. I don't have much knowledge regarding security, but I know many games do have issues with this. Everything from 3rd party applications (bots) to WPE packet manipulation. Consider...

RPG Game loop and class structure (cocos2D for iPhone)

I'm looking to make an RPG with Cocos2D on the iPhone. I've done a fair bit of research, and I really like the model Cocos2D uses for scenes. I can instantiate a scene, set up my characters etc. and it all works really nicely... what I have problems with is structuring a game loop and separating the code from the scenes. For example, wh...

Roadmap to Android development

Hello, I've done a little research, and am interested in developing for Android. I've never programmed before, and have no idea how to go from zero experience to developing for a mobile device. My interest is in eventually making some sort of 2d game. Is there a lesson plan for starting from the ground up? I would think one would ...

How would MVVM be for games?

Particularly for 2d games, and particularly silverlight/wpf games. If you think about it, you can divide a game object into its view (the graphic on the screen) and a view-model/model (the state, ai, and other data for the object). In silverlight, it seems common to make each object a user control, putting the model and view into a sing...

UDK SettingsScene variable

I am in the process of porting a script from UT3 to UDK. The script is for class ZOUIFrontEnd_MainMenu extends UTUIFrontEnd_MainMenu. I'm getting the following compiler error: C:\UDK\UDK-2010-03\Development\Src\FixIt\Classes\ZOUIFrontEnd_MainMenu.uc(18) : Error, Bad or missing expression in Call to 'OpenSceneByName', parameter 1 T...

UDK Where did AnimatedCamera go??

I'm porting a game from UT3 to UDK. One of the classes is a subclass of AnimatedCamera. However, AnimatedCamera seems to be missing from the UDK, as the compiler kindly tells me: Error, Superclass AnimatedCamera of class ZCam not found Where did AnimatedCamera go? ...

Learning about game development, any books recommended?

I want to write some games, but I don't have any game development experience. Any books are recommended? Is this necessary to have a good Maths skill when taking about some physical actions? Also, is it complex to do some AI design? thz a lot. ...

how to store a 2D game world in mysql

I am making a 2D game in javascript/ajax, that will be using data stored in mysql database. Every user have got his own "area" made of small squares that can have some values. But I have no idea, how to store values of each square in mysql, when each user can have area with different width or height. Do you have some idea? ...

Alpha-Beta cutoff

I understand the basics of this search, however the beta cut-off part is confusing me, when beta <= value of alphabeta I can either return beta, break, or continue the loop. return beta doesn't seem to work properly at all, it returns the wrong players move for a different state of the board (further into the search tree) break seems ...

Why need to call NSTimer again in this code, instead of doing repeats: YES?

- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { //set up main loop [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.033 target:self selector:@selector(gameLoop:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO]; //create instance of the first GameState [self doStateChange:[gsMain class]]; } - (void) gameLoop: (id) sen...

Define Instance Variable Outside of Method Defenition (ruby)

Hi all, I am developing (well, trying to at least) a Game framework for the Ruby Gosu library. I have made a basic event system wherebye each Blocks::Event has a list of handlers and when the event is fired the methods are called. At the moment the way to implement an event is as follows: class TestClass attr_accessor :on_close ...

Cross-(console)-Platform development frameworks / libraries?

What kind of frameworks / libraries are used to develop cross (console)-platform games, like ones that get released on Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3 at the same time? Or similarly, Xbox Live / PlayStation Network / WiiWare all at once? Surely such things are not freeware, but just... what are they in the first place? ...

Social Game Mechanics in Django

I want users to receive 'points' for completing various tasks in my application - ranging from tasks such as tagging objects to making friends. I havn't yet found a Django application that simplifies this. At the moment I'm thinking that the best way to accumulate points is that each user action creates the equivalent of a "stream item"...

AJAX vs ActiveX/Flash for browser-based game

I have been following the usage of JavaScript for the past few years, and with the release of extremely fast scripting engines (V8, SquirrelFish Extrene, TraceMonkey, etc.) the possibilities of JavaScript have increased dramatically. However, the usage share of Internet Explorer coupled with it's total lack of support for recent standard...

Correlating traditional Windows joystick axes with HID

I'm a bit confused on the description of joystick axes and I'm hoping that someone has a link or document which could help clear my confusion. I'm not a Windows guy, so trying to port some traditional Windows gameport code has me a bit confused. We all know about the common first three axes: X Y Z My understanding was that in the game...