
different for loops java

I'm having some difficulties with the following problem: I'm making a little game where you're at a specific spot and each spot has each some possible directions. The available directions are N(ord),E(ast),S,W . I use the function getPosDirections to get the possible directions of that spot. The function returns the directions into an ...

UDK "Error, Accessing a member of _'s within class through a context expression requires explicit 'Outer'"

I get the following error in the UDK Frontend when I try to make my project: C:\UDK\UDK-2010-03\Development\Src\FixIt\Classes\ZInteraction.uc(58) : Error, Accessing a member of GameUISceneClient's within class through a context expression requires explicit 'Outer' The class ZInteraction extends Interaction. Line 58 is: GetSceneCli...

UDK "Error, Unrecognized member 'OpenMenu' in class 'GameUISceneClient'"

Upon compiling, I am getting the following error: C:\UDK\UDK-2010-03\Development\Src\FixIt\Classes\ZInteraction.uc(41) : Error, Unrecognized member 'OpenMenu' in class 'GameUISceneClient' Line 41 is the following: GetSceneClient().OpenMenu("ZInterface.ZNLGWindow"); But when I search for OpenMenu, I find that it is indeed defi...

UDK "Error, 'DefaultMesh': Bad command or expression"

I'm porting UT3 code to UDK, and I am getting the following compile error with the UDK compiler: C:\UDK\UDK-2010-03\Development\Src\FixIt\Classes\ZPawn.uc(25) : Error, 'DefaultMesh': Bad command or expression The ZPawn class extends UTPawn. Line 25 is the following: DefaultMesh = SkeletalMesh(DynamicLoadObject(ZBotOwner(Owner).M...

Archery game programming algorithm

I need the algorithm to animate the arrow based on 2 parameters, angle while shooting and power while drawing the bow. Ive tried to use y=asinx but it works only when shooting in up direction. Doesnt work well while shooting with straight or down direction. Thanks. ...

Why are (almost) all the on-line games written in ActionScript (Flash) not Java?

I absolutely love good defender games (e.g. Gemcraft, Protector: reclaiming the throne) as they can be intellectually quite challenging; it's like playing chess but a little less thinking and a bit more action. Sadly, there are not that many good ones out there and I thought I would create one myself and share it with the rest of the wor...

Breaking a concave polygon into convex ones.

I'm using a game physics library (Box2D) which only supports convex polygon shapes. However, I'd like the level builder to be able to just specify concave polygons without having to worry about that. So, how can I automatically break apart a concave polygon into convex ones (or even all triangles). Speed would be cool, but ease of imple...

Java IndexOutOfBoundsException

Hi all ... I made an little shoot em up game..It works normal but I want also implement if fires intersects they will disappear. I have two list for Player bullets and for computer bullets ...But if I have more bullets from computer or reverse .Here my loop for (int i = 0; i < cb.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < b.size(...

XNA sprite sort mode

What is the difference and consequences of use Sprite sort mode as FrontToBack or BackToFront? It's that with FrontToBack the object that has the smaller layer value will be draw first and with BackToFron the object that has the smaller layer value will be draw last? ...

game speed problem

HI..I made a little game.But this game works on every computer with different speed.I think it is about resolution.I used every thing in paintcomponent.and If I change screen size the game goes slower or faster.And if i run this game on another computer wich has different resolution it also works different. This is my game http://rapidsh...

Artificial Intelligence in online game using Google App Engine

I am currently in the planning stages of a game for google app engine, but cannot wrap my head around how I am going to handle AI. I intend to have persistant NPCs that will move about the map, but short of writing a program that generates the same XML requests I use to control player actions, than run it on another server I am stuck on...

Jeopardy template for Silverlight

I am supposed to be making a jeopardy game for my class. I was wondering it there is a template for it already out? Or do I have to make one myself, in which case, what would be the best approach to making this game in Silverlight? (My last resort is to make it in PowerPoint) ...

What beginner options are available for someone wanting to get into game programming in C#?

I know about XNA, but while my PC meets the minimum requirements, my friend's PC lacks a sufficient video card so he has issues with it. I was wondering if there were other options outside of XNA for someone learning programming in C#. I hope I worded that properly. ...

Drawing translucent bitmaps using Canvas (Android)

I have a Bitmap object and want to render it to a Canvas object with varying levels of translucency (i.e. make the whole bitmap partially see through). For example, I have sprites in a game (that are drawn over the top of a bitmap background) that I want to fade out from being opaque to being invisible. Can I do this without having to re...

Generate random platforms without intersection

How would I go about generating random platforms without intersection? I think garbage collection and maybe all that checking may be an issue. I've got the generating tiles part down, but not the intersection checking. ...

Hosting a flash game...

Hi ppl, Im starting a new project that consist in a game made in Flash, I use PHP for the server counterpart and a MySQL database. My question is, what do I need to host my game?.. I mean, how good (connection, HD space, procesor, ram, etc) should be my hosting to be able to take care of all the stuff I need...? And, if you know some ...

Java3D getting time problem

Hi, I made a little Shooter game with two ships firing at each other. I used methods of paintComponent for drawing or moving object, but for some reason it ran at a different speed on each computer. I searched for a solution and made some modifications to my game like drawing and moving objects in thread. Now it runs at the same speed ...

Design: an array of "enemy" objects for game AI

Hi..I made shoot em up like game.But I have only one ememy which fallows me on screen.But I want to make lots of enemys like each 10 second they will across on screen together 5 or 10 enemys. ArrayList<Enemies> enemy = new ArrayList<Enemies>(); for (Enemies e : enemy) { e.draw(g); } is it good creating array list and ...

Creating New Object of Other Class dynamicly ?

I am tryıng to create new object of other class ın a for loop. like for(int i =0;i<10;i++){ Computer p1=new Computer(10,20); } and when I try anywhere to reach p1.someAction(); it say you must declare p1. But if I declare it on top of program how can I create again in loop? I also try only Computer p1; but it gave exeption .. ...

What suggestions for a 3d game engine to support a huge terrain?

There are a lot of 3d game engines around, does anyone with experience with them have advice on which one would likely be able to handle these (arbitrary) requirements? opengl mac/pc 1000x1000km terrain 1000 towns varying in size from 10 to 1000 buildings 128 people in any one location MMO type networking (no solo play) physics engine ...