
Flex: Would a computational engine for a Connect-4 type game be too slow?

OK, I was just fooling around in my spare time and have made this cool interface and game-playing code for a Connect-4 type game, written in Flex and playable by 2 human players in Flash. It accurately detects wins, etc. I'm smart enough to know that I've done the easy part. Before I dig into an AI for game play, I wanted to ask if this...

What is the best way to create a random value?

I am triying to create random value for my game to show enemies on screen. BUt it some times shows 2 together some times 3 ...I want to ask that which is the best formul for creating random value.. This is my so far random value random = 1 * (int) (Math.random() * 100); ...

XNA and PhysX : Error Loading Pipeline Assembly C:\...\Game\eyecm.PhysX

I have the physx sdk and runtime installed, but for some reason, I keep getting that error message when I try to build my game. Any ideas? ...

Prims vs Polys: what are the pros and cons of each?

I've noticed that most 3d gaming/rendering environments represent solids as a mesh of (usually triangular) 3d polygons. However some examples, such as Second Life, or PovRay use solids built from a set of 3d primitives (cube, sphere, cone, torus etc) on which various operations can be performed to create more complex shapes. So my quest...

Where can I find a high quality music library for python that plays OGG, ACC and/or MP3 which isn't pygame?

I've tried the sound module in Pygame, and I haven't been satisfied with the results. I need to play music and sounds in my game. What can I use that works with OSX, Linux and Windows, and plays sound well? Unfortunately, pyMedia doesn't compile on OSX. ...

Graphics library used by Windows Vista Freecell and Solitaire

What graphics library is used to create the graphics in the Solitaire and Freecell games included with Windows Vista (e.g. XNA, GDI, WPF)? A good answer would include the name of the library and evidence. I looked at solitaire.exe with dependency walker and it shows many calls to gdi32.dll and gdiplus.dll, but also a call to Direct3DCr...

Is JavaFx suitable for creating online multiplayer board/card games?

In JavaFx i can easy create animations, moving pieces etc., but as far as i see there is better to write program logic and communication in java. Worst i see at the moment is calling javafx part as a result of data incoming from server. Is there any convenient way to do it or its better to change to other technology (flex, qt?) assuming ...

DirectX: Render to a screen buffer without using a render target

Hello, I'm writing an open source 2D game engine, and I want to support as many devices and platforms as possible. I currently only have Windows Mobile though. I'm rendering using DirectX Mobile, with DirectDraw as a fallback path. However, I've run into a bit of trouble. It seems that while the reference driver supports createRenderTa...

Good websites and/or books to learn game algorithms?

I'm interested in learning video game algorithms. (For iPhone particularly, but generally as well. I assume certain concepts are the same.) I am best off (personally) learning from a book but websites are useful too. What has helped you learn game programming algorithms and concepts? EDIT: As per request, I'll clarify the types of alg...

Any book on designing and implementing a CRPG engine?

Hi! First, let me tell you, I am not really interested in making my own rpg engine (at least not in the near future, hehe), but I do feel like I want to understand the internals of how a rpg engine works. Why? Well, because I like to read about programming and design, It keeps me motivated and excited, and because I know I will learn a l...

XNA Class Design with Structs as Properties and issues because they are value types and not reference types

I'm wondering how you'd recommend designing a class, given the fact that XNA Framework uses Struct all over the place? For example, a spite class, which may require a Vector2 and a Rectangle (both defined as Struct) to be accessed outside of the class. The issue come in when you try to write code like this: class Item { public Ve...

What are interesting ideas for experimenting with Artificial Neural Networks?

I'm after a list of possible neural network implementations that can be experimented with. Possibly something that could take an hour to a week to write. What other possibilities are there? Here's the list so far: Games tic-tac-toe Connect 4 Chess Go Sudoku paper/scissors/rock horse racing predictor Visual recognition Character re...

How to get colliding effect or bouncy when ball hits the track.

** STILL NOT WORKING ** I am using below formula to move the ball circular, where accelX and accelY are the values from accelerometer, it is working fine. But the problem in this code is mRadius (I fixed its value to 50), i need to change mRadius according to accelerometer values and also i need bouncing effect...

OpenGLES mix and match blending options complicated question

So I have a background line drawing, black and white. I want to be able to draw over this, keeping the black lines in there, and drawing only where it is white. I can do this by using glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); And the black stays black and white gets whatever color I want. However in the white areas, I want to...

What is the best XNA book, which can teach you the 2d & 3d game programming from basic to advance?

1- What is the best XNA book, which can teach the 2d & 3d game programming from basic to advance? Is it possible after reading that book create professional looking 3d games??? 2- Any suggestion how can become professional game developer with XNA, and create cool 3d games? 3- Is it XNA industry standard for creating games? 4- Is ther...

Best Java 'framework' for LOW-END 3D Graphics?

I've made my share of 2D games on various platforms but I have never developed a 3D game. I want to make a small "mmorpg". I already made my server in python and it works just fine with my flash 2D game but I decided I want to step it up and try out 3D. I want to make a 3D game for the web browser and I think Java might be a good choi...

OpenGLES Add User Interactions From the above link they created tutorial by No Nib File. But i need to add User interactions like , adding Progress View. Please help me. i am new to iphone OpenGLES. Thanks In Advance. ...

Did anybody know how to create skin for Android game aiMinesweeper?

Hi! I found that game aiMinesweeper support skins. I have a images but i don't know how they have to be packed. Try to find any documentation about this, but nothing. Please help! ...

Make character escape from shot

Hello all math masters, I got a problem for you: I have a 2D game (top down), and I would like to make the character escape from a shot, but not just walk away from the shot (I mean, don't be pushed by the shot), I want it to have a good dodging skills. The variables are: shotX - shot x position shotY - shot y position shotSpeedX - s...

XNA/C# Game Settings (Menu?)

It's my first time trying to make anything really interesting in C# and I was trying to make a simple form or game screen where the user could define a custom resolution/screen ratio etc. or to automatically detect the max screen size/ratio and output? its my first game, so I was wondering if it was possible or if there would be any majo...