
Are there any ball tracking algorithms/patterns around in game programming

Hello, I am a newbie to game programming,I would need the suggestions and help of the wonderful people around here. I have set of players, and a ball, the players can kick the ball around the ground (not yet a football game, neither a foosball game too ).Are there any algorithms/ patterns for addressing the problems with tracking the b...

How well-suited is openMP for parallelizing a chunk of code that is run many times a second?

Say you have a typical game-loop, running about 30 times a second. One particular function takes about 50% of the time and looks like a prime candidate for parallelization - say it's a big loop or there are 4 distinct and independent strands of work going on. Assume we already checked that the function itself can parallelize well in isol...

Robust way to save/load objects with dependencies?

I'm writing an Android game in Java and I need a robust way to save and load application state quickly. The question seems to apply to most OO languages. To understand what I need to save: I'm using a Strategy pattern to control my game entities. The idea is I have a very general Entity class which e.g. stores the location of a bullet/p...

Game development guideline..

I'd like to have some suggestions about game development. I need advice on following points: How can I start game development? Basically I'm looking for any kind of web resources to aid starting game development. Which technology should I go for, Microsoft's XNA, ActiveX, OPENGL/AL? How to and where should I learn them? On which platf...

Object Serialization for Undo/Redo Functionality Java

I have been trying to implement and undo/redo system in a game I am coding in Java. I am taking the approach of serializing the state of the game after each move. I there a way of saving the serialized objects on a stack and accessing them for undo/redo? ...

Is there an easy to script 2d game world?

For a school project we're developing a game that's a little like Conway's game of life, with different organisms taking up slots in the world and then eating each other. I would like to see this take place in a 2d world. Like being able to take starcraft and have zergling and marines play roles. The problem with starcraft is that the wh...

Level Creator for iPhone Game

I'm making an iPhone game that has several maps with graphics attached. The graphics may allow the player to pass through them or block them. Is there an application for OS X that will allow me to pass some of this work off to a designer without having to reinvent the wheel and develop a map creator. ...

A rocket following the tracks height. Not Homing Missile.

What I am trying to create is a rocket that will hug the track in a straight direction. ie) The rocket travels in a straight direction and can orientate based on its local x axis. This is so it can go up/down ramps and never hit the ground. Currently I am using PhysX opengl and C++. This is the method I'm trying right now: 1. Ray cast ...

Is C# fast enough for games

Will a game written in C# have any speed issues after long periods of play, like for 24 hours at a time? I'm specifically talking about a 2D RPG similar to old Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest games. I know that languages like Python will slow down too much, curious how C# would stand. edit: programs I write are a lot like a termite-infest...

How do i start with Gomoku?

I read about Gomoku that it can be implemented using Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithms. So, i read these algorithms and now understand how the game will be solved. But when i sat to down to code, I am facing problem how to approach it. As in , How to design the prototype functions like getNextMove or Max(Move) ? How will the...

Does the player move or the tiles in a tile-based game?

I'm not sure if this question fits properly, but I'm wondering in tile-based games, does the tiles 'shift' when the player is moving (and the player stays in the same place) or does the player move instead (and instead the tiles stay in the same place)? ...

When do I synchronize methods or use synchronized blocks in my methods in an Android game?

I'm looking into writing simple graphics code in Android and I've noticed some synchronized() blocks. What is the reasoning behind this and how do I know when I should be "synchronizing" my code? ...

JME-Jbullet physics issue

I'm currently playing with the JME-Jbullet physics engine, and having issues with my terrain. I have 2 flat boxes, one for the floor, and one to act as a ramp. The issue is as follows: With the following code: Box slope = new Box("Slope", new Vector3f(0, -1, 0), 10f, 0f, 15f); PhysicsNode pSlope = new PhysicsNode(slope, CollisionShape...

The Maths for 2D Collision Detection between an OBB and a Circle

I'm creating a 2D game and want to test for collision between an OBB (Oriented Bounding Box) and a Circle. I'm unsure of the maths and code to do this. I'm creating the game in c++ and opengl. ...

[C#][XNA 3.1] How can I host two different XNA windows inside one Windows Form?

I am making a Map Editor for a 2D tile-based game. I would like to host two XNA controls inside the Windows Form - the first to render the map; the second to render the tileset. I used the code here to make the XNA control host inside the Windows Form. This all works very well - as long as there is only one XNA control inside the Windows...

Collision detection in Java game?

I am developing a game in which I have the problem of collision detection of moving images. The game has a spaceship and number of asteroids (obstacles). I want to detect the collision between them. How can I do this? ...

Done Some 2D Game Design, Now Want To Move To 3D.

I have used PyGame for a while now, and quite enjoyed doing so, but only 2D experience is not going to cut it when I apply for video game jobs, and besides, I have a number of ideas I want to try out in 3D. What 3D library should I go into first? I was considering Irrlicht, which will also force me to work on my C++ again, but I was also...

How to do 2d vector movement

my onscreen object has a var rotation (in degrees). how do i fix it so when i push up arrow it move forwards and not just x++ and y++? ...

How do I create Tetris Blocks in XNA with C#?

I'm making a Tetris Clone in C# with XNA, and I'm unsure of how to actually implement the blocks. I don't think that making the shapes as images will work (because parts are removed when lines are formed), so I Have blocks to make up the pieces like This. Unfortunately, I don't know how to actually define the blocks to make the pieces,...

2D Engine for iPhone OS

I have a pretty simple 2D flash game. It's a jump n run sidescroller and I want to port it to the iPhone. But what is the best way to do it? There is Adobe Flash Pro CS5 but I'd rather program it from the scratch in an iPhone environment. Are there any top games done by open source framekworks? Which is the best way to go? ...