game-development WebForm or MVC browser game

Hello, I would like to know is this platfoerm (MVC or WebForms) good technology of creating webBrowser based games and if so maybe You have got some tutorials, books, any resources which may be helpfull in beggining with such things. thanks for help, bye ...

Followup: Table Per Concrete Type Performance/Scaling

This is a followup/post question to another question; as I have discovered a solution that has led me to a new problem. We're building this game system, so to speak; and I am using Table Per Concrete Type concept to perform inheritance modeli...

Trying to Make mini Jeopardy flash game button help pls

Hey im a noob in flash cs3 and i want to create a jeopardy game where when a button is pressed we go in to the main question scene and when we come back the button the we pressed is now disabled via 'button._visible=flase'...pls any help...any suggestions or links to tutorials or tutorials from you guys or girls will grateful thanx... ...

How to avoid game rendering component circular references?

I'm working on a simple game design, and I wanted to break up my game objects into more reusable components. But I'm getting stuck on how exactly to implement the design I have in mind. Here's an example: I have a Logger object, whose job is simply to store a list of messages and render them to screen. You know, logging. Originally t...

OpenGL constant don't exist

Hello! I haven't got GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP constatns, why ? I have old version of opengl ? Where can I download new library version ? ...

Modifying a model and texture mid-game code

Just have a question for anyone out there who knows some sort of game engine pretty well. What I am trying to implement is some sort of script or code that will allow me to make a custom game character and textures mid-game. A few examples would be along the lines of changing facial expressions and body part positions in the game SecondL...

Is it useful to use After Effects when creating a Flash game?

Well, the title said everything, I saw some very nice effects using After Effects, but I want to apply those to a Flash game.. will it be useful?, or After Effects only works on cut scenes, animations, etc? If you have some example, give me a link plz. Thx.- ...

Idea for a small project, should I use Python?

I have a project idea, but unsure if using Python would be a good idea. Firstly, I'm a C++ and C# developer with some SQL experience. My day job is C++. I have a project idea i'd like to create and was considering developing it in a language I don't know. Python seems to be popular and has piqued my interests. I definitely use OOP i...

Are there any design-patterns specifically useful for game-development?

This question's been bugging me for a long time. I've always wondered how game developers were solving certain problems or situations that are quite common in certain genres. For example, how would one implement the quests of a typical role-playing game (e.g. BG or TES)? Or how would you implement weapons with multiple stacking effects ...

Is there a table of OpenGL extensions, versions, and hardware support somewhere?

I'm looking for some resource that can help me decide what OpenGL version my game needs at minimum, and what features to support through extensions. Ideally, a table of the following format: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 ... multitexture - ARB ARB core core texture_float - EXT EXT ARB ARB ... ...

Dizzy-like game level representation (format)

How would you store game level for a Dizzy-like adventure game? How would you specify walkable areas and graphics? Is it tile-based, pixel-based or walkable surfaces can be described by vectors? ...

How to save a whole project in python

Hello I have developed a small game in python using ZODB as backend for DB processing.I have never done game programming before.I was hoping if someone can tell me as to how I can save my current game and then reload it using python.The database filename is data.fs and there are three more ZODB files in my folder.One being for locks rest...

JButtons don't imediatly change on mouse event

I'm using the java swing library to develop a board game called DAO. The problem is that after the human player makes its move, by clicking on the JButton with the piece image that he wants to play, I call the computer AI routine but inside the mouse event function. By doing this only when the function returns, the computer ends its tu...

In game programming are global variables bad?

I know my gut reaction to global variables is "badd!" but in the two game development courses I've taken at my college globals were used extensively, and now in the DirectX 9 game programming tutorial I am using ( I'm being told globals are okay in game programming ...? The site also recommends using only structs...

Web services or shared database for (game) server communication?

We have 2 server clusters: the first is made up of typical web applications backed by SQL databases. The second are highly optimized multiplayer game servers which keep all data in memory. Both clusters communicate with clients via HTTP (Ajax with JSON). There are a few cases in which we need to share data between the two server type...

Browser based online game question

I am developing a small browser based game in Think of a game room which has a capaticy of 22 players and players join the room by clicking a button. ( I am saving the number of players in the room in database) I need to call a method when the number of players in the room is 22. The problem is I don't know how to control the nu...

Good ways to map a 2D side shooter (somewhat like liero, or soldat)

I'm wondering what way would be best to render a 2D map for a shooter (these will be static maps) similar to Soldat. Multiple options I've considered are a tile based map (stored in txt files), or just creating different classes for the different terrains I plan to use and creating a data structure to read/store them in a file. (I want t...

C# 2D Vector Graphics Game using DirectX or OpenGL?

Hey Guys, So it has been a while since I have done any game programming in C#, but I have had a recent bug to get back into it, and I wanted some opinions on what configuration I should use. I wanted to use C# as that is what I use for work, and have become vary familiar with. I have worked with both DirectX and OpenGL in the past, bu...

iPhone Rendering Question

Hi all, I'm new to iPhone/Objective-C development. I "jumped the gun" and started reading and implementing some chapters from O'Reilly's iPhone Development. I was following the ebook's code exactly and my code was generating the following error: CGContextSetFillColorWithColor: invalid context CGContextFillRects: invalid context CGCont...

How would I create this background effect?

What would you call the effect applied to the backgrounds in the Giygas fight of Earthbound, and the battle backgrounds in Mother 3? This is what I'm talking about. Now anyone know how I could go about this without using animated images, or using ope...