
how to use a class method as a WIN32 application callback method (WINPROC)... Error static struct HINSTANCE__

I am receiving errors and at the same time trying to make this work so please read what I got to say. Thanks.... I am creating a c++ application and majority of the application is encapsulated into a class. That means that my WinProc function is a static class method that I use as my call back method for my win32 application. The proble...

my window's handle is unused and cannot be evaluated

I am trying to encapsulate my Win32 application into a class. My problem occurs when trying to initiate my primary window for the application below is my declaration and implementation... I notice the issue within my class method InitInstance(); declaration #pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #define MAX_LOADSTRING 1...

how many color combinations in a 24 bit image

I am reading a book and I am not sure if its a mistake or I am misunderstanding the quote. It reads... Nowadays every PC you can buy has hardware that can render images with at least 16.7 million individual colors. Rather than have an array with thousands of color entries, the images instead contain explicit color values ...

how many color combinations in a 24 bit image

Possible Duplicate: how many color combinations in a 24 bit image I am reading a book and I am not sure if its a mistake or I am misunderstanding the quote. It reads... Nowadays every PC you can buy has hardware that can render images with at least 16.7 million individual colors. Rather than have an array with thou...

A RenderTargetView cannot be created from a NULL Resource

I am trying to create my render target view but I get this error from direct X A RenderTargetView cannot be created from a NULL Resource To my knowledge it seems that I must fill the rendertarget pointer with data before passing it. But I am having trouble figure out how. Below is my declaration and implementation declaration #prag...

cannot retrieve effect.fx file

I am having issues loading my effect.fx from directx. When I step into my application, my ID3D10Effect *m_pDefaultEffect; pointer remains empty. the address remains at 0x000000 below is my code #pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "d3d10.h" #include "d3dx10.h" #include "dinput.h" #define MAX_LOADSTRING 100 ...

Creating a Java platform game as easily as possible

I need to create a Java-based platformer game for a high school project (not computer science related), and I want to spend as little time on technical stuff as possible. I'm already experienced in Java, and I already have most of the gameplay, graphics, etc. All I need to do is code it. I've looked and I'm considering one of two option...

How to retain the state of a activity that has a GLSurfaceView

My problem is our game can switch into menu and setting mode instantly but it will need 4-6 seconds to load texture, init GL render mode eventually I just used 6 simple textures to create 6 sprites in game. Please help me answer two questions: 1. How can I preload our assets in android os to start our game quicker? 2. In order to use a ...

AI opponent car logic in car race game.

hello i want to develop AI car(opponent) in car race game what should be my direction to develop them with less complexity because i don't have any idea. because the player car is moving on the scrolling track plz suggest me should i have to use relative motion or way point concept but that should also be change on the scrolling track (...

A data structure based on the R-Tree: creating new child nodes when a node is full, but what if I have a lot of objects at the exact same position?

I realize my title is not very clear, but I am having trouble thinking of a better one. If anyone wants to correct it, please do. I'm developing a data structure for my 2 dimensional game with an infinite universe. The data structure is based on a simple (!) node/leaf system, like the R-Tree. This is the basic concept: you set howmany ...

How to decompile sega / super nintendo roms?

I like to decompile and find out how does the developers make these games. Is it possible and how should i go about it? And also is it ok to take images from these games Thanks ...

Where can I find information on the D* or D* Lite pathfinding algorithm?

There are links to some papers on D* here, but they're a bit too mathematical for me. Is there any information on D*/D* Lite more geared towards beginners? ...

How do you play an MP3 in Visual Basic.NET without delay?

I'm working on a game that plays MP3s at various points using the Windows Media Player component and it takes a long time to load and play MP3s. Would anyone know how to decrease the load time? I've considered multi-threading but I'm not sure how I would do that or if that's even the proper direction. ...

AI car development for computer player.

i am using way point for the artificial car but i don't know the exact concept for that i want to make 3 AI car so how can i mange them parameter based like acceleration speed rotation on turn and collision b/w them pl z guide me. ...

Algorithms behind Algorithmic Tree or Plant Growing

What are all the algorithms involved in Farmville game, specifically I am interested in drawing trees that has fruits based on user's activities. I am into a project which has a specific need to draw a tree-type image in SVG. I am not sure how to go about the algorithms to define the tree and based on certain business rules the leafs in...

Suggestions for opening the Rails toolbox to design a challenge game?

How would you suggest designing a challenge system as part of a food-eating game so that it's automated as possible? All RoR tools, design patterns and logic are at your disposal (e.g., admin consoles, crontab, arch, etc.). Prize goes to whoever can suggest the simplest and most-automated design! Here are the requirements: User has ma...

How to create a game map?

I am trying to develop a strategy game and i am thinking of creating the following game maps similar to below. How do i go about doing it and what kind of software to use of books/ tutorials to follow? Thanks ...

How do game trainers change an address in memory that's dynamic?

Lets assume I am a game and I have a global int* that contains my health. A game trainer's job is to modify this value to whatever in order to achieve god mode. I've looked up tutorials on game trainers to understand how they work, and the general idea is to use a memory scanner to try and find the address of a certain value. Then modify...

Tips for begining 3D Application Development

hey, guys I want to create an application that has a 3D display. I want all the planets in it. Then the next step is I want to have satellites in it as well. I want to provide an interface to add satellites etc. Off course this will include 3D designing and it will be more like a game. I want to know what are the things I need to know...

Playground for Artificial Intelligence?

In school, one of my professors had created a 3D game (not just an engine), where all the players were entirely AI-controlled, and it was our assignment to program the AI of a single player. We were basically provided an API to interact with the game world. Our AI implementations were then dropped into the game together, and we watched ...