
How do games move around objects (in general)

I'm sure there's not just 1 answer to this but, do game engines actually change the vectors in memory, or use gltransformations? Because pushing and popping the matrix all the time seems inefficient, but if you keep modifying the verticies you cant make use of display lists. So I'm wondering how it's done in general. Thanks ...

How to run debug file on another computer?

I have a debug .exe file that i want to run on other machines that don't have MS Visual Studio 2008 installed on them. How can this be done? The release option doesn't work as the application does not function correctly when build in release (not sure why). At the moment I'm getting a message saying "This application has failed to start...

What's the best way to monetize Android Game ?

I'm developing an Android game, it has 20k downloads so far. But I'm not in US region, so I can't just SELL it via Android Market, so it's free. So, I'm looking for a best legal way to earn some money from my game. PS: Game already has AdMob ads, and I'm looking for something better. ...

Game Development: Open source project like Crayon Physics?

Hi, Crayon Physics is a wonderful game because of the real motion of all the objects. Gravity and collision are two very important things in that game. I know that is the reason why it costs $19.95 Damn, this is quite difficult to write down my question!! But, is/are there (an) equivalent open source project(s)? I'm very interested in ...

C++ online Role Playing Game (RPG)

So I've been learning C++ and SDL to make some basic 2d games. I want to create a game sort of like World of Warcraft but a 2D version. I want it to be on-line and use a database or something to start data like amount of Gold, HP, etc. I was wondering though, if I do this in SDL, would it still work on-line or would the user have to down...

Where can I buy game sprites and tiles?

Yes, I'd prefer to buy them instead of using "free" or "free" with some kind of weird license. Tried Google, but no luck and my fav RF graphics sites don't have any... :( ...

How do sprites work?

How do sprites work? I've seen sprites from old school games like Super Mario Brothers, and wondered how they're animated to make a game. They're always presented as one big image map, so how are they used? For Mario (as an example) are there precalculated image co-ordinates that outline mario, and are swapped between various mario sp...

book "Programming Role Playing Games with DirectX 2nd edition" and newer DirectX api

I got the book "Programming Role Playing Games with DirectX 2nd edition" and I notice there are things in the book that are now considered deprecated. There is a whole Section on DirectPlay. And as much as I would like to avoid this section, I am afraid it might screw up the entire engine he is trying to build. So I was just curious to ...

Making Javascript and HTML5 games

A long time ago (Netscape 4-era), I wrote Javascript-based games: Pong, Minesweeper, and John Conway's Life among them. I'm getting back into it, and want to get my hands even dirtier. I have a few games in mind: Axis & Allies clone, with rugged maps and complex rules. Tetris clone, possibly with real-time player-vs-player or playe...

should i learn Quartz for iphone game programming?

Hi all..I wanna learn and develop 2d game on iphone but i don't know if i should learn Quartz 2d first, or i can just jump into openGL ES directly? ...

Level editor for 3D games with open format or API?

I would like to experiment with machine generated levels for a 3D game. I'm very open which game this will be. I just like the idea to run through a generated map. For this approach, it would be great if I can use an API or an open format for level designs. Is there an open source level system that can be used in several game engines (e...

how to connect p5 glove with blender game engine ?

i try to do project about control model in blender by using p5 glove ,but i don't know how to connect it with blender game engine ...

How to get collision between two meshes in j2me 3d game

Hi, I am making an application for 3d ball balancing game on j2me, I need to move my 3d ball on my ball path. I can get both ball and path object as a mesh from m3g file. How I will know that my ball is in the path or not ? Is there any notification I can get for interaction of two meshes ? Thanks in advance... ...

Timer running while on home screen iPhone - Objective C

Hello, I am interested in building a Timer Based game such as mafia wars or soemthing like that. I'm stuck on one question. What would be the best way to retain a timer, even if the app is closed? Should I do this based on the Device Clock? or should I set a time to a server, and get the time when the device starts up? If any one kn...

Calculate minimum moves to solve a puzzle

I'm in the process of creating a game where the user will be presented with 2 sets of colored tiles. In order to ensure that the puzzle is solvable, I start with one set, copy it to a second set, then swap tiles from one set to another. Currently, (and this is where my issue lies) the number of swaps is determined by the level the user i...

Restore the object's properties after applying in Blender 3D (apply location/rotation/scale).

Hi There, I've made a game map in blender and accidentally applied the objects transformations. I don't really understand how it works. My guess is that the properties getting zeroed because the origin of the object is being set to its center. I've tried the "clear origin" option, but it doesn't work. Any suggestions? Thank you, A...

how to get game sound or how to create good sound for iPhone

Hi all, I am having problem of getting sound. i.e. how to get good sounds for our iPhone games? or how to make some good quality sounds for iPhone game applications so that the applications will become some more attractive? There are many sites like , but I am not able to get good sounds as per my choice. If any one...

What is the easiest way that you can fathom to draw solid black across an OpenGL display temporarily for a 'panic button'?

As in the title ...

How RPG characters are made

If RPG with the ability to change armors and clothes are made, how is it done? I mean the 3d side mostly If i make normal character, that has flat clothes, it would be easy, just change textures, but question is about armors, which have totally different models. So are only armor models recreated or character model with armor? How is i...

'Bank Switching' Sprites on old NES applications

I'm currently writing in C# what could basically be called my own interpretation of the NES hardware for an old-school looking game that I'm developing. I've fired up FCE and have been observing how the NES displayed and rendered graphics. In a nutshell, the NES could hold two bitmaps worth of graphical information, each with the dimen...