
How do I use gluLookAt properly?

I don't want to get into complex trigonometry to calculate rotations and things like that for my 3D world so gluLookAt seems like a nice alternative. According to the documentation all I need to do is place 3 coordinates for the cameras position, three for what I should be looking at and an "up" position. The last made no sense until I a...

How to write a good SRS for multiplayer Flash game?

I am relatively new to creating SRS for a multi-player Flash game. Then are there some points difference from normal SRS? What are important things that I should pay attention. Can anyone point out some good samples / examples? Thanks. ...

Wpf Backgammon board

What are your ideas for designing backgammon board using WPF? may i use picture for board background? how about nuts? thanks all. ...

Hash map, string compares, and std::map?

First off, I would like to make a few points I believe to be true. Please can these be verified? A hash map stores strings by converting them into an integer somehow. std::map is not a hash map, and if I'm using strings, I should consider using a hash map for memory issues? String compares are not good to rely on. If std::map is not...

Silverlight Game Logic on client side or on server side?

I am running into some problems right now. I am developing a card game (Top Trumps) which is played by two players. I wonder how to best setup the architecture. Right now almost all of the game logic is calculated on client side. The game state is saved in a database table. The database is updated every second. But since two players a...

html 5 games: can i secure the code somehow so the game itself won't be changed while playing?

Hiya. As far as I know, it's really not possible, but I just want to be sure before I'm moving to flash. can I make an html5 game secure enough so people won't be able to change their score and other variables while playing? thanks! ...

Are UDK and Unity suitable for a semester long group project by CS undergraduates?

For the past two years I've taught a final year undergraduate course in game development with the main focus being a project in groups of 4-5. I've required that the students use the NeoAxis engine mostly because it what I found accessible, and it comes with a good range of demo games that the students can "evolve" to become their own g...

Making Android game, key input registered weirdly on X10 Mini Pro

Hey, I've just started to learn Android development and ran into a problem. Controls in the game I'm making work on virtual device, but not on phone: I have an Xperia X10 Mini Pro I'm making a basic Pong game to learn droid software development The game works just fine on my Android virtual device, you can move the paddles up and down...

2D iPhone game performance

I'm getting some intermittent bottlenecks on my 2D OpenGL ES iPhone game. When I profiled it in Shark, nothing remarkable came up. In the game, the background takes up the whole screen and I have about 7-8 smaller sprites continuously moving across the screen. For the most part it runs smoothly, but every now and then I'll get a small f...

Java multiplayer card game AI integration

Hello; I have developed a Multi-player Client/Server Variation of Trumps Card Game using QuickServer library. It works well with 4 human players. But when I finished the AI player, I didn't find a way to integrate it into the server: Should I create a separate thread for each player? I hope my question is clear. Any suggestions would b...

How do Menu Screens/Screen Changes work in C# and XNA?

I'm working on a game in C# w/ XNA, and I want to make a main menu screen/title and options screens. I'm not sure how to make them, or what's required to do so. ...

Java game sounds in applications (as in, NOT applets)

Hi all, I have two questions - (1) How to play small sound clips, e.g. saucer flying, bullets shooting, things getting hit with bullets, etc. Very short, but real-time, sounds. I like the old arcade sounds, so they need not be largess .wav's. I want to run these in as little code as possible. Which leads to my second questio...

Cross platform hardware accelerated 2d C++ app?

I know a decent amount of C++, and now I wanted to explore making a game. I was wondering what the best approach would be in terms of writing a hardware accelerated game that's still cross-platform (Windows/OSX/Linux). It's going to be a 2d game, but intensive enough that a CPU renderer probably wouldn't cut it. I know there's OpenGL, b...

How to make a connect 4 iphone game?

I want to take the next step and make a game, I had Connect4/4 in a Row in mind. How would I go about with this, I made a pong game from a tutorial and now I want to make something on my own. This type of game doesn't seem that hard to make or perhaps it is? Anyone got any good advice or some sample code or instructions? Thanks for a...

Starting vg dev, which language?

Hey, I know someone who is looking into developing simple video games on his pc, and then eventually, hopefully port or develop some on the XBOX 360 indie center, using XNA studio. So, I have heard about C#? How easy it for a beginner? C++ is pretty good isn't it? But I've heard it's QUITE deep, broad, and sounds pretty easy to get l...

2D-iPhone-Game with side-scrolling & platforms like Super Mario with Cocos2D?

I want to create a game where the player only can run and jump on platforms. I think Cocos2D would be great for that but i haven't found any tutorials for cocos2d and side-scrolling. Where I have to start? ...

Cool C# book, with or without XNA?

I am looking to delve into the wonderful, windowy-world of C# development, and I am wondering about the best book for the job. Now, I have two options in my opinion: 1) Get a book that focuses solely on the language, C#, itself. 2) Or, get one that is bundled with doing stuff with XNA Game Studio. I personally believe option #1 is ...

Box2D and sonic-like physics for platformer

I'm working on a platformer for the iPhone that is using Box2D and cocos2D. I'm trying to figure out a way to create similar behavior for my controlled character as is found in the Sonic the Hedgehog games, but maintain use of the Box2D physics library as I want projectiles and some level objects to behave according to realistic physics...

What languages or libraries will I need in order to write a cross-platform game?

What languages or libraries will I need in order to write a cross-platform game? Can I just build one game that will work on all platforms, or must I recompile for each platform? ...

How do I rotate a polygon in python on a Tkinter Canvas?

Hi, I am working to create a version of asteroids using Python and Tkinter. When the left or right arrow key is pressed the ship needs to rotate. The ship is a triangle on the Tkinter canvas. I am having trouble coming up with formula to adjust the coordinates for the triangle. I believe it has something to do with sin and cos, though I...