
Regex to calculate straight poker hand - Using ASCII CODE

Hi, In another question I learned how to calculate straight poker hand using regex (here). Now, by curiosity, the question is: can I use regex to calculate the same thing, using ASCII CODE? Something like: regex: [C][C+1][C+2][C+3][C+4], being C the ASCII CODE (or like this) Matches: 45678, 23456 Doesn't matches: 45679 or 23459 (no...

Unicode string display in XNA

In the game I'm making, I'd like to be able to display and have the user input Unicode characters. However, I'm having problems with using SpriteFonts to handle this task. Including all of the Unicode characters uses up WAY too many resources (it even causes VS2010 to crash!), so that's out of the question. But I'm not sure what other op...

A versatile yet simple gaming development platform for a rather beginner?

Hi, I am interesting in game development. However, I am not sure what platform to choose. There are a few different platforms I have been considering so far: Microsoft XNA Games only work in Windows and Xbox? JavaScript and WebGL Bad performance. This is mainly due to JavaScript -- the language is essentially synchronous and even t...

Program for capturing iphone screen during video games execution

Hi, I was wondering how it is possible to capture what's shown in the iphone screen while playing a video game. I know that this can be done and that there have to be special programs for this since there are many sites out there that present a video review of iphone games. Thanks for the help! ...

Android: how to use a timer

hi all, this is my first post.. so I'm learning Android & Java (coming from Actionscript), and I'm working on a project where : I'm trying to click an ImageView, have that ImageView swap images for a second, then return to the original image. ( this is for a tapping game ) sounds easy enough, right? I've spent the whole day try...

Cocos2d Animation Flickering

Hi, I have a sprite which i animate using CCAnimate. the animation is composed of 4 spritesheets that i swap when needed. everything works pretty good except for some flickering when swapping spritesheets. any ideas on what to do? ...

Storing spawn information for 2d platformer/scroller

I'm looking for some idea's how best to store spawn information for a side scroller. The game I'm writing is very similar to Super Mario Bros. What I'm trying to implement is as you move through a level, enemies should spawn at particular locations. I want to store this information in the level and I don't want to just randomly spawn ene...

Scrolling background for Map/Dungeon View in RPG

Hello! I am currently developing an RPG without using OpenGL, and I'd like to keep it that way. Is it possible for me to have a background scroll like it does in the old Final Fantasy games using IB's UIScrollView? And then to have the background remain centered upon the player sprite? If it is possible, that would be terrific! Any co...

Creating street block overlays from google map data or other map APIs

My question is the following: How can I grab 'blocks' in a city for use in a game? (And then display them shaded in a certain color?) My general idea is to use real blocks of your city in a game, that you can own/sell. I want to display the areas you own as polygon overlays in google maps. Are google maps the way forward, or are other...

Optimizing My Game App.

I want to create a game. Backgammon. i used to design my nuts and board in photoshop. i saved nut as png. and board as jpg. for per that i have in game i created a picture box , and i bound png picture to that. i know that this way is not correct. please give me tips and guidelines. seems my question is too general. i change my questi...

Tips For Creating simple game .net

Hi. I am developing a simple backgammon. i Designed 3 pictures for the game. black not as png format white not ==>png format board jpg I have some questions about designing the game. I want to create it with .NET Framework 4, probably under windows I'm a bit familiar with WPF but not much. what is the best way for putting png nut o...

iPhone - Bike physics game

I want to make a game where you ride a bicycle down a hill - using accelerometer for rider tilt and a pedal/brake button (vaguely like Moto X Meyhem). Does any one have any ideas where i can find tutorials/documentation of the things that i would have to do. (don't know where to start) I guess what i need is: To simulate physics of the...

Is HTML5 advanced enough to be used for a socket based application?

Is it possible to create a socket based multi-player game client using html5? Does html5 allow socket programming? ...

Pausing/Resuming A Game Thread Using wait() and notify() - Android

I have a main game thread but when the target score is achieved I have an activity that is launched called StageCleared which basically displays the stats to the user of their performance and then they can press a continue button to carry on with the game. This should switch focus back to the running thread that should continue execution...

Android 3D animation

I have been working on Android for a few months. Now i want to jump to gaming in Android. So are there any resources, ebooks, or tutorial where I can study game development be it 2D or 3D. Thanks. ...

Passing A Bundle From A Running Thread To An Activity Launched By An Intent From Within It- Android

I have a running game thread (lets call it 'A') that will call a new activity to start from within it ('B'). The game thread object itself is declared and run from another activity 'C' though so how can I pass a Bundle from 'A' to 'B'? An intent is used in 'A' to launch 'B' but would a different method be applicable? I cannot just creat...

Doodle Jump like gameplay

Hello, I am pretty new to cocos2d. Could someone please direct me to a good tutorial on how to make a game like doodle jump. I need to know how to make him bounce of the platforms, spawn platforms, use the accelerometer to control the player, etc. Thanks ...

Books or Frameworks for C++ Game Programming

Hey guys, I'm looking to get a career started in game programming, (like every other recent college graduate with a CS degree) and I see a lot of places require C/C++ fluency. I'm very comfortable with C, but my C++ is rusty at best and I've never used either for any kind of game programming. Can anyone recommend some good reading or ...

In computer graphics, what's the difference between a UVW mapping and a UV mapping?

In working with textures, does "UVW mapping" mean the same thing as "UV mapping"? If so why are there two terms, and what is the "W"? If not, what's the difference between them? [Wikipedia currently isn't illuminating on this question:] ...

A mutable MediaPlayer class that extends or uses android's MediaPlayer class

Hi all, I've been developing a cool game for android recently ( and I've been getting requests for a mute button. So I've implemented all the required UI stuff and I'm using the application's sharedPreferences to store the isMuted st...