
Comparison between XNA and DirectX (C#)

In terms of PC development (excluding Xbox and Zune), What is the difference between XNA and C# DirectX? Does C# DirectX have a significant advantage over XNA (in terms of speed, royalties, etc)? How are the two compared to the speed unmanaged C++ DirectX? Where is the industry moving in terms of game programming? ...

Java socket programming

Leading on from my previous questions I am going to try and clarify one of the problems I am facing. I am trying to create a multiplayer version of PacMan. A simple overview of how i've made my application is that I have a server which has a ServerSocket which is constantly listening on a specific port. Once a client connects it creat...

Personal Project Planning

I want to design a 2D game idea with C#/XNA. Between school, project inexperience, limited resources, and other things that may cause me to bail on the project I am going to try to plan it out before I jump in: What are some key aspects you've noticed in a successful personal project? How did you (successfully) draw revenue the project...

Calculate final scores in a game relative to previous scores and other players.

Supposing a multi-player game, what you be the fairest way give final scores based on the previous scores of all players. For example, in a two player match, player A having two times the score of player B. "A" finishing first would not give him a lot of points; finishing last, he would lose quite a lot of points. ...

Transition from business to game programming

Does anyone have any idea how it would be possible to transition from business to game programming? How would anyone get a start in game programming? It seems much more exciting and rewarding (better paying too?). But it seems like most of the jobs out of school are for business programming. Any advice or insight on how to do it or if it...

How to set background image in Java?

I am developing a simple platform game using Java using BlueJ as the IDE. Right now I have player/enemy sprites, platforms and other items in the game drawn using polygons and simple shapes. Eventually I hope to replace them with actual images. For now I would like to know what is the simplest solution to setting an image (either URL or...

Any good card game AI strategies?

What would be strategies for writing a good computer opponent for a card game? Most card games are games of incomplete information, so simply mapping out and traversing the game tree as one could do with a board game does not seem too promising. Maybe one could track what open cards are in the game (as soon as they are revealed) and as...

How to program this game with basic C# and ASP .NET knowledge?

Hi, I would love to brainstorm with you guys on how to program this game (originally a flash game) in C#. I'm studying C# right now and my knowledge is pretty limited: I know the pretty much the basics of C# but I need your help with the concept. Here's the game: I...

Use C++ with Cocoa Instead of Objective-C?

Hi. I would like to write applications that use C++ and the Cocoa frameworks because Apple are not making Carbon 64-bit capable. C++ seems to be pretty vanilla in it's implementation on Linux and Windows but on Mac OS X it seems like additional Apple specific pieces of code are required (like an Obj-C wrapper). It also seems that Apple a...

What type of mac should I get for iphone development?

I understand that I need to have a mac for developing iphone applications as indicated here: And in other locations. What I'm not sure of, however, is what kind of mac would be good for this type of development? I've never done any kind of development on a m...

How to embed IronPython in a C# application for game scripting?

Hello everybody! I'm currently porting a my tiny space game project from Delphi 2007 Win32 to C#(and XNA). In Delphi, i used RemObjects Open Source scripting solution "PascalScript". Now that i continue developing the game with C#, i'd like to use IronPython for scripting purposes. The only problem is, that i don't know how to achie...

How to call upon a gameOver method in a Java game when sprite "falls off" the screen?

I am developing a simple platform game in Java using BlueJ. Over the next few weeks I will be posting a few questions asking for help with this project as am not very proficient at programming. So I hope I don't become annoying and I would be very grateful if you can kindly help me. In my game I have a gameOver method which ends the ga...

Best image format for uncompressed textures?

I am in the process of selecting an image format that will be used as the storage format for all in-house textures. The format will be used as a source format from which compressed textures for different platforms and configurations will be generated, and so needs to cover all possible texture types (2D, cube, volymetric, varying number ...

GPL, javascript and online gaming

I am working on a game interpreter in javascript for sierra adventure games of the 80s. I ported bits of the existing reverse-engineered C interpreter called Sarien, which is GPL licensed. Making my work GPL too. So far so good. However, my aim is creating a website where people can play these games online, with added multiplayer suppor...

Places that pay independent developers for games?

What are some places that pay independent game developers for their games? ...

Does XNA provide audio input (line in)?

Does XNA provide a means of audio input from the line-in? I looked at the MSDNA website but can't find anything on audio input. If it is indeed possible, a snippet of code or a tutorial website would be great. Edit: I need to do buffered reads from the audio-line in. I'm not so much interested in the implementation but rather if it has ...

Any nice place to communicate with c++/game developers?

Hi I'm a game programmer working in Korea I started Stackoverflow recently and I found it help me a lot. also I think communicating with other developers is good way to learnand improve myself but the Stackoverflow is the only site I know to communicate (especially in English). Any other nice place to communicate(ask/answer/talk) with ga...

is there any java mobile games builder for non programmers ?

is there any tool in the market that support making games for mobile java , for none programmers ? i need to find out what is the best and fastest way to do that , before we plan to build such tool this is for simple games only .. to be add-on to our main product Thanks ...

WPF, Silverlight or XNA: Choosing a platform for game development

Which .Net technology is best suitable for which kind of game? What the criteria for choosing between WPF, Silverlight or XNA? ...

Online play possibilities for iPhone game?

How would you guys go about creating online play capabilities for an iPhone game? Obviously, one could poll the server every so often, but is this realistic given the capabilities of the device? Assume you're polling the server every second or two and retrieving 100 bytes of data... Is it possible to retrieve the data in the backgroun...