
Requiring web redirects for downloads in games

I've noticed that several game suffer from poor download speeds (<10Kb/s) when you don't use a web redirect (an apache,iis,... server), is there a programmatic reason for this that I don't see or is it for other reasons I'm missing. It's been assumed that this is intended to not bog down the server but I'm looking to see if there is a l...

Algorithm to find an optimum number of rummy-style sets?

I'm developing a card game that uses rummy-style sets of three cards. From a random selection of cards, I need the algorithm to pick out which cards would get me the highest number of sets. By "rummy-style sets of three" I mean: All three cards have the same value, like three Jacks. OR All three cards are of the same suit and sequenti...

Silverlight sockets or db requests?

I am currently coding an online turn based rpg for an assignment. In the game players can chat with each other and send their actions once they complete a turn. What is the best way to take care of the data exchange between the players. Sockets or storing all information in a database and the program periodically does requests to check f...

Game programming where no "game specific" libraries exist

If one wanted to program a game in an unusual language, but no library or functions exist to manipulate graphics, how would this be accomplished? By writing your own low level routines? ...

XAML Based Level Editor

I would like to create a level editor for Silverlight with XAML. What resources would be useful for research before starting such a project? Here is some information to clarify. I made 1 silverlight game and released it so far. The I would like to have an overhead style action game. The map would be much larger than the current viewa...

How do I build a great game development team?

Gamasutra has a couple of very interesting articles Hiring Game Designers and Building A Great Game Team: Measuring Progress Neither of these talk about the hiring process of building out the team as a whole. I believe that great development teams, no matter what you are building, are like rock bands. You can't have a band with all g...

Are games the most complex / impressive applications?

I was thinking today about what could be the most complex / impressive application ever written. So I started thinking of what I am comfortable with and use everyday, databases. Then I went into the field of the unknown (to most of us I guess), the government. I can only imagine the complexity of NASAs applications that allow them to co...

Help me implement Blackjack in Python (updated)

I am in the process of writing a blackjack code for python, and i was hoping someone would be able to tell me how to make it: Recognize what someone has typed i.e. "Hit" or "Stand" and react accordingly. Calculate what the player's score is and whether it is an ace and a jack together, and automatically wins. Ok, this is what i have ...

How to create multiple game servers?

As the title said, how to create multiple game servers? I am about to develop an online game, and this is my first time. Game play in flash and database things are handled by php and mysql. I have questions about server. After user logged in, they should select a server. How do I create multiple servers for users to select? Is it better...

How can I make simple online multi-player games?

I want to make a little online game (ie.Tic-Tac-Toe). What technology can/should i use ? Where are the pitfalls? The Game should be playable on the browser. How can i find the opponent ? ...

How can you organize the code for a game to fit the MVC pattern?

Hi all, I'm a freshman in college going for my computer science degree... I've programmed plenty the last several years but just lately I've been getting more into theoretical ideas about organizing code, design patterns, differences in languages, etc. I have a Java class, so I've dropped my C++ research/development and moved into Java...

Water simulation with a grid

For a while I've been attempting to simulate flowing water with algorithms I've scavenged from "Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games". The trouble is I don't seem to get out water-like behavior with those algorithms. Myself I guess I'm doing something wrong and that those algorithms aren't all suitable for water-like fluids. What am I do...

How do I change the color of a Cocos2d MenuItem?

[MenuItemFont setFontSize:20]; [MenuItemFont setFontName:@"Helvetica"]; //I'm trying to change the color of start (below item) MenuItem *start = [MenuItemFont itemFromString:@"Start Game" target:self selector:@selector(startGame:)]; MenuItem *help = [MenuItem...

Does anyone have a working example of ParticleExplosion in Cocos2d?

I'm new to iPhone development and I'd really like to see a working example of this particular effect. Thanks in advance. ParticleExplosion ...

Declare, Instantiate, and Use a Delegate in C# XNA

I am trying to do as the title suggests, however I am getting confused. I get the idea of how the delegate is supposed to work, but Visual Studio is telling me i'm wrong. Microsoft documentation that says how to do this contains a convoluted example that uses a bookstore program that contains templates and a bunch of logic code that mak...

What is a good & free game engine?

For C++, Java, or Python, what are some good game + free game engines that are easy to pick up? Any type of game engine is okay. I just want to get started somewhere by looking into different game engines and their capabilities. ...

How To Make a Tetris Clone?

I am working on coding a Tetris clone in XNA C# and am unsure of the best way to approach the data structure side of the game on a high level. I am totally fine with the collision detection, rotations, animation etc. What I need to know the best way to do the storing of "dropped blocks" - ie blocks that are no longer under tha player's ...

Nintendo DSi SDK : Getting Started

Does anyone have a good starting point for learning about development for the new Nintendo DSi? What kind of hardware do you need to develop and test something like this? Can you develop for the DSi using the standard DS? What language do you need to use? [Bonus Question] : I also heard the new DSi is going to get an App Store similar ...

3d graphics library that works with lowend video card(without pixel shader) ?

Would like to know options in 3D graphics engines out there that can even work on cards that do not have support for pixel shader or dedicated video memory. For example , xna samples do not work on my notebook ( no dedicated video memory , shared video memory(64MB) and no pixel shader ) Although , on this very notebook unreal tourname...

2D Game Engines?

Some friends and I are just starting a small 2D game project (sort of a Shoot 'em up type game) and, not wanting to reinvent the wheel, we are looking for a (free/open source) game engine. So far, the candidates are Allegro (C++) and Pygame (Python). Are there any others we should be looking at? Are there any reasons to choose or not to ...