
Why is Publish is faster than Release in XNA?

I'm making a game in XNA, and I noticed that when I publish the game runs faster than when I run in release mode. I have optimization enabled in the build options, trace and debug disabled. What else could be going on here. This is causing difficulty for tuning. Has anyone seen this before? What could be going on? ...

iPhone Tile-based game board question

Let's say you have a game board where you have tiles, like those where its a picture and its scrambled but you have one empty tile. So you drag a tile around until you can reassemble the picture. You have a 3x3 or 4x4 (doesnt matter) matrix with one empty square. example: ...

glTexCoordPointer problems using OpenGL ES

I have some problems mapping a texture to a triangle strip. I think I still don't fully understand the texture coordinates. I have a 512x512 texture, and I'm trying to map the 320x64 part of it on a triangle strip. Here is my code: static const Vertex3D bg_vertex [] = { { 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 64, 0}, { 64, 0, 0},...

Creating another Window from code?

I'm currently working on a game and relaly want to add an external console to it (right now it's built into the main game window). What I would really like is to create a new Window which acts as the console with maybe a text box in the bottom to add new commands into it and a larger text box on top which outputs information. I'm using...

P2P network games/apps: Good choice for a ""-like matching server

I'm making a network game (1v1) where in-game its p2p - no need for a game server. However, for players to be able to "find each other", without the need to coordinate in another medium and enter IP addresses (similar to the modem days of network games), I need to have a coordination/matching server. I can't use regular web hosting bec...

Creating a web game, what technology to use?

I am planning on creating a web game. I want this game to be able to run inside the browser, have decent performance and with a lot of continuous animations and input. I want this game to scale well, because I want it to get massive later on. I thought about trying to create a java applet, but then I started to doubt. Is an applet the r...

What are some good game programming web sites, blogs, newsgroups, and podcasts?

What are some good game programming web sites, blogs, newsgroups, and podcasts? There is and the Game Development Algorithms list ([email protected]). What other sites, blogs, etc have you found on game programming? ...

Best way to implement multiple levels within Objective-C roguelike?

I'm working on a roguelike using Objective-C/Cocoa to learn more. I've gotten most of the basic functionality out of the way, but I still have one problem I've been trying to figure out. Here's a breakdown of the process: First, the map is loaded: NSString* mapPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:mapFileName ofType:mapFileTy...

Good Tutorial To Learn C++ Development For Game Boy

I'm learning C++ with this book of Deitel: C++ How to Program, 5/e and some tutorials and resources of the internet, but I want to learn how I can develop Nintendo GameBoy Advance games using C++, but only in resources over the internet, because I don't want to spent money now with a thing that I only want to try. ...

Is there a way to tell if SpriteBatch.Begin has been called on a particular SpriteBatch object?

I have just recently begun playing around with XNA and couldn’t find anything on the web regarding this question. Is there a way to tell if SpriteBatch.Begin (and conversely End) has been called on a particular SpriteBatch object? At the moment, I am using only one essentially global SpriteBatch object for the system, mainly because ...

Finding non-web development entry-level positions

Now, I'm a college junior. I have a bit of time before the realities of the job search hit me. However, I've been trying to find more practical skills to learn since my CS department is rather theoretical. (Seriously, I only need Programming Language Design and Automata Theory to finish my major having taken all but 1 practical elective....

What should i research for my Honors

I am looking in to doing my Honors in Games Technology and i was wondering in this degree that covers such a broad spectrum, what would be a good topic to research. Preferably something that hasn't been done to death, but involving maybe procedural methods and something that isn't based on computer graphics (because that has been done to...

How does Quartz handle texture compression?

I'm developing on the iPhone and the majority of our game is using OpenGL ES, but there are also menus that use CGImage and Quartz in order to be displayed. In OpenGL ES, I know that no matter what image compression goes in (JPG, PNG, etc.), the data stored in memory as a texture is an 8-bit texture, unless I use PVRTC in which case I ca...

Better way to move NSView bounds with player?

Currently writing a roguelike to learn more about Objective-C/Cocoa. I'm really enjoying it so far and I've learned tons. This code moves the origin of the view's bounds, so that it follows the player as he moves. The code works perfect, I was just asking if there was a better way than using four for's. I've also seen in some cases th...

3D File Formats for Games

I'm getting started with XNA and Blender and am trying to find good quality, up to date information on the various 3D file formats that are used in game development. Clearly many games are developed with multiple and custom 3D file formats, but I'm interested in choosing a good solution using a more commonly supported format. What are ...

iPhone Game Development

I am starting iPhone Development, I have already made 1 app with c and objective-c, but the reason why i started was to make games for myself... What is the best language for beginners to make iphone games? I know there are a bunch of options, but which would you suggest for a beginner? Thank You -Techy ...

What are the "gotchas" when developing an iPhone Game?

Am used to developing business and reference apps. Now I have to do an iPhone game. What tips can you share to help me with: understanding the scope of the project defining the deliverables specifying the game play and other parameters estimating the development effort testing the game A big question, I know. Thanks! ...

AS3: Model and View Communication in a Game

So I'm attempting to use the MVC pattern for a game I'm working on. Everything has been going pretty smoothly so far, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get my model and my view to talk to each other effectively. My general model structure involves lots of nested information. a Level has Rooms a Room have Layers a L...

General Password Security && Implementation in Actionscript 3

My project for this summer is to make a multiplayer online flash game. I could use some advice as I've never implemented a secure login system before, let alone done so in Actionscript. My setup right now is a .swf sending/receiving game data to/from a Java server which communicates with a MySQL database about account info. 1) How ...

Help with Points between rounds in objective-c

I am new to objective-c and am having trouble figuring out a way to store points for multiple players in my game. I have 4 characters in my game that are all objects from the same class. 1 is controlled by the user and the other 3 are controlled by the computer. Each level in my game consists of 3 races. I need a way to keep track of eac...