
What is the relative complexity of game architectures relative to other types of systems' architectures?

I always thought that game architectures were more complex than most other types of systems. Then I read some of the posts on SO and it makes me think that maybe it isn't a complex as others. It might be that I don't know enough about the domain of these other systems and that makes it seem more complex. What do you think? Do you thi...

Good resources on using functional programming in game development?

I'm quite new to that functional programming paradigm, but so far I like it. Since I'm into game development, I want to try it out in writing some games in purely functional programming style. I don't mind the language - be it Erlang, Haskell, Lisp, or even Ruby (I found out it supports functional programming traits). Well, it is obviou...

Where can I find free sound effects for a game?

Where can I find free sound effects for a game? ...

Game solving algorithm (Buttonia, lights-out variant)

I am trying to create a solvability function for a game algorithm. Basically a function that returns true or false for a given game it if is solvable or not. The game is (which does not implement the algorithm as yet), a type of lights-out game. Basically You have a grid of buttons, each of which, when pressed, will change ...

Allegro 5 game: game loop that runs at constant speed?

What is the best way to code a game loop in Allegro 5 that always runs at the same speed, and that properly separates drawing logic from update logic? Should I use threads or not? Should I make use of the new Allegro event system? ...

Class diagram examples for RPG (Role Playing Game)

Does anyone know where I can find examples of class diagrams for RP game development? Something similar to here would be quite useful. I'm not looking for things I can slavishly copy, but just for different examples that diagram various solutions to the problems I'm discovering as I try and pencil down my own classes. ...

Gaussian Elimination with custom operators

What is a good way to implement Gaussian elimination when the operators are custom operators, rather then standard arithmetic ones? Here are the operators: Addition: 0 + 0 = 0 0 + 1 = 1 1 + 1 = 0 Subtraction: 0 - 0 = 0 0 - 1 = 1 1 - 1 = 0 Multiplication: 0 * 0 = 0 0 * 1 = 0 1 * 1 = 1 Division: 0 / 0 = illegal 0 / 1 = 0 1 / 1 ...

How do I find rotation transformed 2D coordinates in XNA?

I'm making an XNA game and have run into a small problem figuring out a bit of vector math. I have a class representing a 2D object with X and Y integer coordinates and a Rotation float. What I need is to have a Vector2 property for Position that gets and sets X and Y as a Vector2 that has been transformed using the Rotation float. This...

Storing Large 2D Game Worlds

I've been experimenting with different ideas of how to store a 2D game world. I'm interested in hearing techniques of storing large quantities of objects while managing the set that's visible ( lets say 100,000 tiles square ). Obviously the techniques can vary based on how the game renders that space. Lets assume that we're describing ...

Simplest way to implement backend server for multiplayer JavaScript game? (COMET/longpolling)

I've been writing a game in JavaScript, and it's time to make it multiplayer. I would like to use AJAX long-polling to get the current game state, as well as implement the lobby. The server just needs to perform basic functions, like store the gamestate in the mysql database, retrieve the gamestate, and format the scoreboard. I think...

Help creating a schedule generator

I am working on a programming exercise that has interested me for some time. The goal of this exercise is to generate a softball schedule for a seasons programatically. What I am looking for is general advice rather than a specific anwser as I am trying to learn something in the process. The part of the program I am really struggling wi...

Coming back to Java after a long absence; good Java game dev resources?

Hi, all. I've just gotten a new job and will be focusing a lot more on Java development. I figure I'll do my business stuff (Web) during the day, and then do a bit of playing after hours (Game Dev). It's been forever since I've been active in any sort of Java game development community; is there a good central source for such inform...

how to draw a maze using openGL for iphone development?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone can get me started on how to build like a maze using openGL. Would i need to write code to draw the maze or is it like painting a picture in a separate window? would i need to create a game engine to start with this? I'm doing this for iphone development so any suggestions for that would be a great start for...

Core Animation or OpenGL for simple iPhone game

I am writing a simple game that animates a ball image quickly across a background image. Would Core Animation/Quartz be sufficient for this scenario? I don't really want to learn OpenGL ES if it is not going to provide any substantial benefit in this one off project. ...

What framework should I use to develop a game for the iPhone?

I want to develop this game for the iPhone. Which framework would be best to use (e.g., Cocoa, Cocoa2d, OPENGLES)? ...

Best data structure to represent a game board

Hey, I'm trying to bring a board game to the computer world, and the board consists of 16 spaces, 6 for each side and 4 in the middle. The board is diamond-shaped and two ends represent both team bases. In the game, peices only move foward towards the enemy"s base (with special abilities of course). So here is my question: what do you th...

enemies and slopes

How would you achieve a certain slope for a moving object ? I'm trying to get a enemy to spawn of the screen at point x,y and fly by itself across the screen to a new x,y while aslo adding a slope so it looks like it's swooping downward,straight, or upwards.. something like that. Right now I only have the knowledge of spawning and movi...

Finding side length of a cross-section of a pyramid frustum/truncated pyramid

How do I find the side length of a cross-section (as illustrated in the drawing below - cross-section in red) of a pyramid frustum/truncated pyramid? I know the side-lengths of the top and bottom base, the height of the frustum and the distance to the cross-section. Furthermore I know the top and bottom base are parallel and that the ...

What's the best format for sound effects on iPhone

What is the recommended audio format for storing and playing back short (2-3 sec) audio sound effects on the iPhone or iToouch? The iPhone audio SDK documentation indicates that the iPhone supports audio in several formats - however there are drawbacks to each: MP3: This is a highly compressed, but also high-quality encoding format th...

Coroutines for game design?

I've heard that coroutines are a good way to structure games (e.g., PEP 342: "Coroutines are a natural way of expressing many algorithms, such as simulations, games...") but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how this would actually be done. I see from this article that coroutines can represent states in a state machine whic...