
What is the best way to represent the levels in a 2D side-scroller?

I've no games programming knowledge and have oft wondered how the levels in 2D games such as Mario and Sonic (etc) are stored. 'Stored' as in how is the data (ground, platforms, buttons, lifts, etc) stored. I.e. obviously a level in mario is NOT some kind of very wide image which is moved from left to right. ...

What design pattern and strategy for a Request base system for actions [C#, PHP]

Hi all, I am doing a RogueLike game, and would like to make the logic for each entity modular. This probably could apply to web applications where there are roles and permission control too. The idea is to have something like this - we have different type of entities in the game. a door can be bashed down, while a stone wall cannot be ...

Good Beginning Silverlight Game Resources?

I am starting to learn Silverlight game programming, and was wondering if anyone knows of some good tutorials or resources to get started with. I'm just beginning, so guides that teach concepts thoroughly would be appreciated. ...

How can I find the direction of a Vector2 with only the X and Y coordinates?

Hi, I would like to know 2 things about the struct Vector2 in XNA: Why does this struct only have X and Y instead of X,Y (origin) and X',Y' (destination)? How can I calculate the direction of a vector with only the X,Y? Thanks a lot in advance. Kind Regards. Josema. ...

Python networking library for a simple card game

I'm trying to implement a fairly simple card game in Python so that two players can play together other the Internet. I have no problem with doing the GUI, but I don't know the first thing about how to do the networking part. A couple libraries I've found so far: PyRO: seems nice and seems to fit the problem nicely by having shared Car...

iPhone View / Touch questions for iPhone game

Hi I've been reading three books (iPhone Game Development, iPhone cookbook and beginning iPhone development), but so far I've not found the answer to my question, so I was hoping someone here could help me. As an example, lets say that I want to have a joystick onscreen, and three buttons. I need all of these permanently visible on th...

What tools, IDE, languages do you recommend for 2D game development?

Hi, I like programming but I also like to draw and design nice-looking things, so I thought it will be nice to mix this two things developing some simple 2d games... I've tried Flash but I don't liked it a lot from the programmer point of view, I like easy programming languages, like PHP (dinamic typing, etc.) or the old days of Visual ...

OO game design question

Hi SO, I am programming a simple game in Java but I am trying to do it 'right' with a nice clean design and no hacks. I have two classes GamePanel that receives clicks and keypresses and Model which contains all the Entities and is responsible for their updates. The Model needs to know where the user's mouse is but I can't decide on...

Which is the best way to solve this kind of game?

Hello, this evening I tried to solve a wood puzzle so I wondered which is the best way to find a solution to this kind of problem programmaticaly.. The aim is to combine a set of solids (like tetris pieces in three dimensions) together combining a shape in a feasable way that takes care of the fact that pieces can be attached or slided...

Games for learning

I often find myself wasting a lot of time playing short games like Mine Sweeper or Solitaire in between my studying. I am looking for a better habit to replace this one. I have learned a lot by solving problems from programming competitions, an activity which has a certain instant gratification / short feedback-loop quality to it. The l...

Voting economy: balancing credits properly

Many websites today (including stackoverflow) and games allow people to perform voting, give feedback, enable additional features etc, according to a score: eg. reputation, or MMORPG credits. As a programmer that will probably need to implement a community based website in the near future, I am interested in knowing about the existence ...

Ruby solitaire game

I would like to build a simple standalone solitaire game in ruby. Are there any libraries I should use? Do I even need game libraries to have cards moved from one stack to another? I have never written any games, and I haven't built a standalone app for a long time, that's why I'm lost :) ...

OpenGL texturing via vertex alphas, how to avoid following diagonal lines? This is my current program. I know it's terribly ugly, I found two random textures online ('lava' and 'paper') which don't even seem to tile. That's not the problem at the moment. I'm trying to figure out the first steps of an RPG. This is a top-down screenshot of a 10x10 heightm...

Help in choosing a 3D game engine

I am not new to programming, I am quite good in C++, Windows SDK , VC++; but I am new to game development . I want to start this as a hobby in developing a desktop game . I have found several engines, but I am not sure whether it does the initial job I am looking at . Initially I want to do the following :- Create a figure (avatar) ...

Is C++ worth investing time in learning?

With languages like C# that can basically do anything, I found a drawback that could not be the case in the future, and that is the lack of many open source 3rd party libraries that are well documented to choose from. However with C++, there are many libraries to choose from, and this is a big pro for me. One thing I want to get into is ...

Recommended XNA tutorials to start to learn 3D (for the first time)

I have learned a good deal of XNA in 2D and have created a good number of the classic games using XNA (Breakout, pong, a platformer, tetris) and feel quite confident about using it. I managed this using guesswork and Microsoft's meager 2D XNA tutorials. However, now I want to begin to learn how to code games in 3D and it seems there is...

Importing Maya ASCII to game

I am currently working on creating an import-based pipeline for my indie game using Maya ASCII .ma as source format and my own format for physics and graphics as output. I'll keep stuff like range-of-motion attributes inside Maya, such as for a hinge joint. Other types of parameters that needs a lot of tweaks end up in separate source fi...

Improving GUI & Graphics

A picture for reference of the current state of the game: I'm developing a simple 2D hobby (personal) game in C# that uses GDI+ for rendering since I decided that I would focus mostly on the gameplay, and not so much the immersion and graphics/UI. Now, however, I got most of the gameplay ready, and I w...

Creating a board game simulator (Python?) (Pygame?)

I've decided to start working on programming an old favorite of mine. I've never done a game before and also never done a large project in Python. The game is the old Avalon Hill game Russian Campaign I've been playing with PyGame a little bit and was wondering if there were reasons not to try to do this with PyGame and go after some o...

AS3/AIR: Managing Run-Time Image Data

I'm developing a game with AS3 and AIR. I will have a large-ish quantity of images that I need to load for display elements. It would be nice not to embed all of the images that the game needs, thereby avoiding having them all in memory at once. That's okay in smaller projects, but doesn't make sense here. I'm curious about strategies f...