
Possible to add background color to transparent image using GD and PHP

Hi, I have the thumbnail creation class written with php language using GD. I want to know is when i upload the transparent image which is png or gif, can i be able to put background in that thumbnail image ? If that's possible, please kindly guide me how. Thanks. ...

php gd: when i crop images through php some images come out smushed.

hi, here is the website im talking about you'll notice some of the images are smushed width-wise. the code i used is this: $width="500"; $height="636"; $img_src = $_FILES['galleryimg']['tmp_name']; $thumb = "../gallery/".rand(0,100000).".jpg"; //Create image stream $image = imagecreatefr...

PHP GD image perspective

Hi is it possible to transform an images perspective... so it's new shape is an isosceles trapezoid? I saw a solution using imagemagick, but that would involve possibly rewriting my entire image manipulation script... (not to mention learning, of which i'm allergic) ...

I have a base64 encoded png, how do I write the image to a file in PHP?

What's the proper way in PHP to create an image file (PNG), when I have the base64 encoding? I've been playing around with: file_put_contents('/tmp/'. $_REQUEST['id'].'.png', $_REQUEST['data']); do I need to decode? should I be using the gd library? ...

PHP imagegrabwindow GD Library returns only black images...

Hi There I am hoping that there is someone that can help me and many others with this problem... I want to create a screenshot of a website using the imagegrabwindow function part of php and the GD library After spending the whole day implementing the code I finally can capture the image and save it to a file, but the image is black a...

PHP - Mask polygon over image

Hi Everyone (this is my first post), I am trying to figure a way of cropping a polygon out of an image. I have been reading other similar code. It seems that most code is based around the following process: -Resize the image to fit the width and height of the polygon shape, -Create a blank image of an unusual colour the same size, -O...

PHP - Replace colour within image

I hope someone can help, I have made a script that masks images... however it is reliant on a colour to mask with ( 'green screen' style). The trouble is if the image that I am masking contains that colour it is ruined. What I am looking to do is prior to masking the image replace any occurance of my keying colour (0,0,255) with a simi...

PHP - Bug in polygon GD library?

Hi guys, I have run into some trouble with the gd library's imagefilledpolygon(). For some reason some of my lines were ending up 1px out of place so I decided to debug it using imagepixelset to set the colour of my shapes points to red. if you look at the picture you can see some of the points are inside the shape ... some are outsi...

PIL vs Python-GD for crop and resize

Dear Stackoverflow'ers, I am creating custom images that I later convert to an image pyramid for Seadragon AJAX. The images and image pyramid are created using PIL. It currently take a few hours to generate the images and image pyramid for approximately 100 pictures that have a combined width and height of about 32,000,000 by 1000 (ye...

php imagejpeg mime type

I am using php's imagejpeg to save a GD image resource to a file, doing this: imagejpeg($im, '../images/' . $image_id . '.jpg'); It works fine, but according to my browser, it tries to read the file as text/plain: Resource interpreted as image but transferred with MIME type text/plain. Is there a step before saving the file that...

I already have PHP installed, what's the easiest (best) way to get GDLib installed?

I'm running a Mac Mini with Apache/PHP5/MySQL as my staging server. I'm building and using software that requires GDLib for manipulating graphics. How can I install this on my machine? Im not much of a CI guru but Im not scared of it. I just have no clue how to troubleshoot errors or problems when ./configure says file not installed at ...

PHP: how do I convert a non-truecolor image to a truecolor image?

How to do that with GD? ...

Convert Bitmap Files into JPEG using the GD library in PHP

I have been trying to figure out a way to convert bitmap files into a JPEG using the GD library in PHP. I have tried numerous implementations but nothing seems to work. I have tried to tell my client that they should not use Bitmap files but he insists and quite frankly does not comprehend enough about computers to convert them to JPG ...

PHP Replace Colour in truecolorimage

Hi all, I need to find a colour within an image and replace it - if it is present. All I can find is information about replacing within an indexed image. Is there an easy way to do it with a true color image? Is it more efficient to convert a true color image to an indexed one and then replace the colour? Thanks, Mark ...

Best Image type for GD?

I am using the GD Library to add text to the PNG Image of a Form, that i am using to create a pdf. My Tests show that using PNG, dosnt put to much of strain on the server just doing one, however i am concerned about scalability. So my question is does working with one file type have more overhead, than any of the others? ...

problem building GD on Ubuntu 'Jaunty'

I'm having trouble building gdlib. As far as I can tell, zlib, png and all the rest are installed in either /lib or /usr/lib. It does not seem to matter whether I use --prefix or one or all of the --with-, the configure script keeps on insisting that it can't find any of the supporting libraries. ** Configuration summary for gd 2.0.34: ...

How to install GD library with Stawberry Perl

I am attempting to install the GD library using Strawberry perl and GnuWin32. However, when I enter "install GD" in the CPAN shell, the following message appears: 'gdlib-config' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. **UNRECOVERABLE ERROR** Could not find gdlib-config in the search path. Pl...

Is there a simple image processing library for Java similar to ImageMagick?

I am aware that Java includes very advanced image processing API's but what I'm looking for is a pure Java API (uses Java2D) that is "phrased" in terms more appropriate to common tasks of web image processing i.e. I want to write: image.scale(0.2) instead of AffineTransform t = new AffineTransform(...) t.resize(...) t.translate(...) ...

Detect predominant shade of image with PHP

Hi all, I've used GD before, but only ever for resizing/generating images on the fly - though I'm pretty positive it has the capabilities to do what I'm after. As simply as possible, I need to check an image to find out whether it has a light background or a dark background. I.e. if the background is predominately 'light' I'm returned ...

With PHP/GD, how do I trim an image?

I want to mimic the trim behavior of Photoshop (crop the area that is covered by the same color on all sides) with GD and PHP but I'm lacking ideas on how to accomplish this. If someone has any idea on how to do this I would very much like to hear it. Thanks in advance. ...