
Android: Global hotkeys

I'm looking for a way for a user of my android application to specify a hardware button (be it scrollbutton click, any of the volume buttons, optional camera button, etc) and the ability to create a global 'hotkey' to this hardware button even when my application is in the background or the screen is locked. Is this possible at all? If ...

JavaScript: global scope

Nowdays, i create a .js file with a lot of functions and then I link it to my html pages. That's working but I want to know what's the best way (good practices) to insert js in my pages and avoid conflicts with scope... Thank you. ...

How to get the Global Object in JavaScript?

I want to check in a script if a certain other module is already loaded. if (ModuleName) { // extend this module } But if ModuleName doesn't exist, that throws. If I knew what the Global Object was I could use that. if (window.ModuleName) { // extend this module } But since I want my module to work with both browsers and ...

SharePoint 2007 - editing Global Audiences

This is a ridiculous question and I hate myself for having to ask. I have an issue that some users from AD are not able to see some secure sections of a share-point site. the webpart is filtered by a 'global audience' list. where do I need to go on share point 2007 to be able to see and amend this group information. I have full admin r...

How can I use an NSArray as a global constant?

I'm using a set of Constant.m files, one per target, to define specific things for each target. For example: // Constants.h extern NSString * const kDatabaseFileName; //Constants.m NSString * const kDatabaseFileName = @"target_one.sqlite"; I'd also like to define an NSArray for each of my targets: NSArray * const kLabelNames = [[NSAr...

Global Error Handler for Flash Player 10.1 not working

Trying to implement the new FP 10.1 Global error handler into my projects but no matter what I do any uncaught error will still show up the Exception window (both in debug and release versions of the SWF). All I want to do is to prevent these popups but instead send a message to my logger. Here's my code ... EDIT: I simplified the code ...

how to pass text between views

i made 2 views and i want to send text of label on main view to sub view to an want to print it there on another label's text value.... how to pass that text ...

Python - Assign global variable to function return requires function to be global?

So, I'm confused. I have a module containing some function that I use in another module. Imported like so: from <module> import * Inside my module, there exist functions whose purpose is to set global variables in the main program. Some of the global variables need to be assigned to the output of another function in that same module....

jquery and passing global variables

I have the following: window.linkFrom; $(document).ready(function(){ $("a.linker").click(function(event){ window.linkFrom = $(this).closest("div").attr("id"); alert(window.linkFrom); }); }); and want to pass the var linkFrom to a different script on a second page: window.linkFrom; (doc...

The good, the bad, and the ugly of lexical $_ in Perl 5.10+

Starting in Perl 5.10, it is now possible to lexically scope the context variable $_, either explicitly as my $_; or in a given / when construct. Has anyone found good uses of the lexical $_? Does it make any constructs simpler / safer / faster? What about situations that it makes more complicated? Has the lexical $_ introduced any b...

Javascript local variable works like class variable in window

I find this behavior of the global window object a little weird. var x = 10; function SomeClass(){ var y = 15; console.log("Someclass:y - " + this.y); //prints undefined } console.log("window.x: " + window.x); //prints 10 var obj = new SomeClass(); console.log("obj.y: " + obj.y); //prints - undefined Both variables x and ...

iphone ipad class vars from info.plist

Hey Guys, So I have a lot of configuration settings in the plist, but do not like to invoke the infoDictionary all the time when accessing the objects. I was thinking to load all the configuration into a settings class and make that accessible throughout the application. So in the plist, say I have a key "font" and a string "Arial". ...

In flex, how to get global coordinate position of a component?

In flex, how to get global coordinate position of a component? ...

Are images in Android global?

This is a strange problem -- may be not a problem. Before the last step to finish writing a application, I would use icon to replace any image. That is, all the things like <ImageButton android:id="@+id/top" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:scaleType="center" android...

Session or Global Variables in HTML

Hi All, In HTML do we have any variable which can be accessed in all pages similar to Sessions Variables in ASP.NET ? I have a Querystring value in welcome.HTML and I want that value in complete.htm User can't go directly to complete.htm from welcome.htm as there are other pages in between those pages. Regards msbyuva ...

Positiong nested movieclips based on stage

I have multiple nested movieclip in its own different movieclip, and i would like to arrange them accordingly. My idea was to use the localToGlobal function. I can get the position of the MC on stage, but how do I use the function and place the MC based on stage? cAPos = new Point(objectA.y); newcAPos = objectA.localToGlobal(cAPos); cB...

C# Change Global Mouse Cursor

I have a form with a Transparency-key color, where I'm doing a global mouse hook for the right click. Until there everything is okay, but since the form is transparent, the mouse cursor is changing according to what is behind the form. Is there any way to change the global mouse cursor? ...

Erlang - Global Variables .. yes I know, I know

Ok I have been trying every which way to figure this out. I need to get this table to be a global.. I have realized it is much less efficient to pass TableID around.. in the scope of my program. So I tried creating a new table then looking it up: TableID = ets:new(tb, [set,public]), put({tableUniqueID}, TableID), Then I used: get({...

c++ initialization order of globals

Is this portable or at least safe to use with g++? #include <iostream> #include <vector> struct c {}; std::vector<c*> v; struct i : c { i () { v.push_back (this); } } a, b, c; int main () { std::cout << v.size () << "\n"; // outputs 3 with g++ } EDIT: Ok, what I need turned out to be a bit harder: The same code with templates: #...

JavaScript: Access between two functions defined in global scope.

Hi there, can anyone explain the following to me. I have two JavaScript functions defined in global scope as follows: var foo = function () { var that = this; that.toString = function () { return "foobar" }; return that; }(); alert(foo.toString()); var foo2 = function (foo) { var that;...