
Website Sitemaps and <priority>, is it working?

Hi, My "Privacy Policy" page is seen more important by Google than other really more important pages on my website. I'm currently creating a script to generate a sitemap, should I bother with the priority? How do you effectively assign priorities to pages? I consider one of my page important but the page have less content than another...

Curl setting Content-Type incorrectly

I am running a curl operation on the command line and am having trouble forcing the header to set as XML. I use the -H option to force the Content-Type to be xml, however, once I run the command I can see that the header is sent as urlencoded which is tainting one of the data values that I'm sending. Can someone explain to me why the Con...

how can google find me if I am inside a mysql table?

I am creating a classifieds website. Im storing all ads in mysql database, in different tables. Is it possible to find these ads somehow, from googles search engine? Is it possible to create meta information about each ad so that google finds them? How does major companies do this? I have thought about auto-generating a html-page fo...

Multiple file uploader - looking at Google Docs implementation

I'm looking to implement a multiple file uploader in my ASP.NET 3.5 site. Now, the Google Docs multi-file uploader is pretty awesome, and I'd like to create something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Google Docs is not open source, so I can't get my hands on the source code for it. Any ideas on how this is implemented, or the ...

Charset issues for jQuery XML translation

Iam using a mixed approach of manual language translation, and google translation using jquery-translate libray. I have gotten the google method to work correctly, but google is missing some languages my employer's client requires... So I am using jquery to read an xml file that has english + french canadian languages, for a sample page...

google maps v3 API mouseover with polygons?

I'm building a map using the google v3 api because it is way faster. Essentially, it's a map of an area with about 30 cities with polygons over the regions. When a user hovers over a city, I want the fillColor to get lighter, and then return to it's normal state on mouseout. when a user click, it redirects them to another page. The clic...

Spring's IOC with annotations is confusing for a Guice guy. Help to enlighten me

I came into IOC via Google Guice. And now I've been forced to use Spring 2.5.6 at work & I am lost because Spring is quite complicated. Here are some questions after reading bits of the spring docs: What is the difference between @Service, @Controller and @Component ? If I just want to auto wire my objects like Guice, do I need to be ...

Is there any form designer available for Google Android.

Hi, I am a new comer in Android development, I have downloaded and installed the Android SDK, but not find any GUI or Form designer, can any one know about some Form designer in for Android, Thanks in advance. ...

Google Search Appliance API - Is there a public server available for requests?

I'm trying to develop code to call the Google Search Appliance API. Because I don't have my own search appliance to test on right now, is there one on the internet that I can send a request to and get XML back from, as documented here? ...

Open Source Calendar Solutions (integrate with Google Calendar)

I'm looking for an open-source javascript solution that would allow me to style a calendar. So far the best I've found has been the only problem with this is that it doesn't integrate with multiple Google Calendars. Has anyone seen something that does? ...

How to decide the current point reach on google map?

How to decide the current point reach on google map? Hi to All, I have a list of points (pickup points) of a route that I want to show in my google map with polyline. Now i have to get the current location of bus after every 30 second, so now how we can assume that our current location is reach on our pickup up point location. because ...

How can we add building names and/or landmarks to Google Maps?

How can we add building names and/or landmarks to Google Maps? & to get new customize url to use it with adding our predefine landmarks. ...

How to use map created from MyMap url into our application??

Hi to All, I am creating a custom map into MyMap link on google map for creating our own map with various placemark points &/or lines. Can I use the url getting from crated map into our application to show it programmatically with adding some points through application. Regards, Girish ...

Google Site Search - How do I get rid of branding?

I've paid for Google Site Search for my site and despite it saying that you don't need to have branding, it puts a "Google Custom Search" watermark on the textbox. I don't want this to be displayed but it seems it is added by javascript by Google's API. Any idea of how to remove this? The code I'm using looks like this It uses the Go...

How do you think Google is handling this encoding issue?

I recently came across an encoding issue specific to how Firefox encodes URLs directly entered into the address bar. It basically looks like the default Firefox character encoding for URLs is NOT UTF-8, which is the case with most browsers. Additionally, it looks like they are trying to make some intelligent decisions as to what characte...

How to access Google/Gmail/Gchat/Reader user icons

Hello, I'm building a Google Reader client and wonder if it's possible to access a user's profile image (aka avatar) directly. When I navigate to the images in Reader itself, I find that they point to URLs such as

Optimizing an Ajax based website for Google Search

Hi all, I would really like to hear your opinions about search engine optimizations for an Ajax based website. The study case is the following: What are your SEO hints for such an application? Many thanks. ...

Google Protocol Buffer repeated field C++

I have the below protocol buffer. Note that StockStatic is a repeated field. message ServiceResponse { enum Type { REQUEST_FAILED = 1; STOCK_STATIC_SNAPSHOT = 2; } message StockStaticSnapshot { repeated StockStatic stock_static = 1; } required Type type = 1; optional StockStati...

Drupal and Google Search Appliance (Google Mini)

I have a Druapl site with pages indexed by a google mini search appliance. The earlier in the week I noticed that a bunch of links were marked as indexed, but excluded because there was a 'print this page' link back to the same page and had a rel="nofollow". I took the nofollow out and let the GSA reindex the site 2 days ago. Now, the...

Google Translate set default language

Maybe this has an obvious solution that I'm overlooking, but I can't seem to find the correct parameter to put in to make this happen. Using the Google Translate widget on a site, I need to set the default language that the user sees when entering the site, even though the site is english. function googleTranslateElementInit() { new...