
Google maps spatial reference system

What is Google map's spatial reference system using when you enter a lat, long into the maps search bar? I've found hints that it might be WGS84 but after converting to that coordinate system, nothing shows up when i paste the coordinates into the google maps search box. I am converting from GDA MGA 56. Sample: Input MGA56 coords: ...

How to turn off dragable behaviour on Google Maps V2 (javascript)

Hello Experts! I'm trying to set up a Google Maps on device and on top of it show some simple buttons. But events that I attach to those buttons seems to interferee somehow with map drag functionaliy. Basically drag completly doesnt work and also gives me this button not workin. I really dont care about this drag (I dont need it) - but ...

Google friend connect integration for mailing lists and forums and seperate channels

Google just released Google Friend Connect which allows you to allow community discussion and the possibility for real-time community communication on your site. I think it'd be really cool to integrate this with open source dev mailing lists and dev forums, to offer a more "real-time" chat discussion along with the longer email respons...

Google Maps, array + GLatLng + GPolyline

Hi! I am using the following code to group and show a list of ship positions on a map: function configure_ship_polylines() { var shipPoints = new Array(); // Group positions by ship for (var ScenarioPositionID in __data['scenarioPositions']) { var scenarioPosition = __data['scenarioPositions'][ScenarioPositionID]...

How is the "Google-Promote/Restore"-animation implemented?

I love the animation running when you promote (or later restore) a search result on google. This can be done by clicking the little arrows at the end of a result item. The item is moved up or down with the rest of the page still visible. Check it out. Did anyone work with the corresponding javascript or program a similar thing? ...

Dojo: Will Shrinksafe work together with the Google Closure Compiler?

Hi, i read about the Google Closure Compiler and i will try to use it to make my web application better. But i think it is doing the same things like the dojo shrinksafe. Has anyone tried to use the Google Closure Compiler for a complex dojo project? Thanks Benjamin ...

Google admanager and Jquery

I have Google admanager and Jquery and Jquery UI. But it takes a long time to load the Jquery because Google Admanager. I have about 30 banners in Google Admanager. Anybody know how to get the Jquery load first? Thanks ...

Does Google allow other people to use their "Did you mean" API?

I have been searching all over the Internet, but did not find that exact API. I'd like to use their Did You mean feature for my own website. ...

Handling Google OpenID

I'm trying to implement Google OpenID for my website, but I'm struggling to figure out how to handle the OpenID response I get. At the moment, when you click a login button, it takes you to the Google site, asks you to login there and when i click 'Sign In' it takes me back to my site and I get the followingi n the URL: http://mysite.c...

Google Visualization Api + SQL

Hi, I'd like to create a GViz of some data in a MySql Database and I'm having problems. Here is the source so far: <?php $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); mysql_select_db($dbname); $int_y_pos = -1; $int_y_step_small = 1; $sql = "SELECT * from table')"; $sql = mysql_query($sql...

Runtime Exception while executing Contacts Demo in GD-API

I have downloaded the google data API plugin for eclipse. While dealing with the Contacts template (, /* INSTRUCTION: This is a command line application. So please execute this template with the following arguments: arg[0] = username arg[1] = password */ /** * @author (Your Name Here) * */ import

What is the logic behind google spellcheck.

When I wanted to search a word or some thing in google; If there is some spelling mistake in that word or sentence, google can get back me with correct spell or corrected sentence. Can anyone explain me how exactly this is being done. I will happy if anyone can explain in terms of programming than in terms of database and all those stuff...

Why is my Bundle inside android.os.Message being reset ?

In an Activity, I have some snippet of code that fires off a Message: Message m = _handler.obtainMessage( UPDATE_PROGRESS ); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt( BUNDLE_KEY, 50 ); m.setData( bundle ); Log.d( LOG_TAG, "value " + bundle.getInt( BUNDLE_KEY, 0 ) ); // prints 50 Log.d( ...

Hide refinement tabs in Google CSE?

Is there a way to hide the refinement tab(s) in a Google Custom Search (CSE)? I'm using the Ajax CSE and I don't want/have refinements. Therefore a single tab is pretty useless and disturbing. ...

Google thinks sitemap is invalid but both sitemap index and sitemap itself pass sitemap validation. Error: Missing XML tag

From Googling around it looks like an old Google bug has come back.... My sitemap index file and sitemap itself validates here: but Google Webmaster Tools says: Missing XML tag This...

How to get Google Contacts information using Google OAuth?

I am new to OAuth, and want to create a page that gets the user's contact list from Google using the OAuth system so they don't have to login. How do I do this? I am using php, so I would really appreciate if there is example code that does this. I can't seem to find it on Google. Please help! Thanks ...

Why does GWT sometimes successfully compile and other times just stall?

I am working on a demo for a client of what's possible with GWT-Ext for GWT. After browsing for the simplest way to get up and running, I decided on installing the Google Plugin for Eclipse and using the New Web Application Wizard. First time around, I followed these steps for create the default application: Selected File > New > Web...

Getting XML from Google Search API?

The documentation from google only talks about returning JSON. Is it possible to get the results back as XML, or will I have to convert to XML myself? ...

Consume Google Map API from VB .NET windows APP

Hi, 1. I have a VB .NET windows App I have two locations: StartPoint = "Minneapolis MN US" EndPoint = "Dallas TX US" I want to call Google Map API's GDirections.load(xxx) and GDirections.getDistance() and get (Expecting) some XML formatted data that will give me the Distance between the two locations. I can probably use VB .NET web...

OpenId + Bort + google

Hi I'm new in using ruby and i wanted to implement the openid feature that came with the bort template... I used the google openid url in the sign up but it cant get the email that i used in the openid login.. here's a part of my code... its the standard code from the bort template def create lo...