
google chat web client

I am looking for a google chat client that I can embed in my website so visitors can chat with me directly. I haven't found any widgets like the google voice widget in which a visitor is connected directly to you without authentication. The only authentication I would want would be their name and email address. Are there any widgets o...

Translate user selected text with Google Translate API (and jQuery)

I am working on some JavaScript for a website with content in multiple languages. I would like to use the Google Translate API to allow the user to select a word (or phrase) and have a translation automatically provided. For the time being, I'm simply having it alert the result for testing. This is what I have so far: google.load("l...

About search engines: how do they take screenshots of web sites?

This may be a dumb question, but I really have no idea and I'm utterly curious! So please bear with me. What I know is search engines just read HTML and words in a site. They usually ignore CSS or part of it. They arguably cannot read images. Do they? If they really cannot or ignore to read those, then my question is how do they make sc...

Updating Google Chart dynamically with PHP and JavaScript

I have a Google Chart (using the Google Visualization API, not Google Charts API) that populates on page load. After which, the user can select options from multiple drop-down menu's. I would like the user to be able to update the Google Chart based on their selections. I've already created the PHP code to grab the new data via MySQL ...

Google suggest API does not work with Chinese locale

Hi, everyone! I have a problem with Google suggest API when using Chinese locale. I am picking Chinese hieroglyphs at random and use the REST API to retrieve suggestions. Unfortunately, Google always return an empty list of suggestions (I am completely sure, that I convert my request in utf-8, and it is working fine with other languages...

Log user into particular Google account for demo

My client created paid iGoogle apps but would like to demo them on an iGoogle page for which the user would need to log in to Google with a demo account. On clicking a 'view demo' link, the user would need to be forced out of their own google account and logged into the demo one, then taken to iGoogle. I have been playing around with p...

how does one add a subscription to a folder on Google Reader procedurally (thru the API)?

I want to manage a Google Reader "folder" of feeds that I can add and subtract feeds to programatically. I presume that's possible but I can't seem to find any API documentation on that subject. Any advice? thx ...

KmlScreenOverlay Buttons

KmlScreenOverlay Buttons!!? real? how? Any other way to put anything flash or html over GEPlugin? ...

GWT's hosted mode not working

I've been stumped for a while trying to figure out why my GWT demo app isn't working in hosted mode so I went back and downloaded the Google Web Toolkit again, unzipped it and simply went to the samples directory and ran "ant hosted". The hosted browser launches and only shows the static html content but none of the dynamically generated...

Download big images from

Hello I'm trying to download images from Its easy to download small images. But maybe someone know how to download big images that come from another site? Greate thanks for the possible answer best Vladimir ...

Mapkit routes and google license

So, this question is not if I can do routing with mapkit. You can't with the API. So I found the clever way of using an annotation to render a route between two points. The route is based on a series of lat/long values. In my app, I use it to render a route (but not for vehicles or walking). There is no list of directions, so it's ...

Chrome and its Spellcheck -- How Hard Would This Be To Implement

From a programmer's perspective. The dictionary in chrome, Google's "own" browser, does not have the same dictionary as their search engine. Countless times I have right clicked on a poorly misspelled word only to have no correct spelling appear. I Google the word and almost 100% of the time it knows what I was trying to type. :) I rea...

Google maps hide marker (and info) and only show when you click on an area that has info.

I want to add a transparent png into google maps instead of using the default icon. Where in my sample code would I change the default icon to a png named transparent.png? Thanks! function onLoad() { map = new GMap(document.getElementById("div_map")); map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTy...

Upload a file to Google Code Hosting with PHP and fsockopen().

Hi, Google Code Hosting has the ability to upload files to it remotely. I've been trying to program a script in PHP which uploads files to my account. Here's the script itself: <?php /* I censored a few details. */ $username = '***'; $password = '***'; $file = 'test.txt'; $project = '***'; $summary = 'test'; $uploadHost = "...

How to change Gmap markers color?

Hi! I've a custom google map with different points: Markers[0] = new Array(new GMarker(new GLatLng(45.0, 9.0)), "Location1", "<strong>Address Line</strong><br/>Some information"); Markers[1] = new Array(new GMarker(new GLatLng(45.0, 12.0)), "Location2", "<strong>Address Line</strong><br/>Some information"); etc. Simply I want to chan...

Using the Google AJAX Search API for SEO Purposes

I am looking at writing a .net application that uses the Google AJAX Search API to determine where our website falls for a given term compared to a competitor. I can find alot about the old SOAP API however for the new AJAX api I cannot find any information on the following: Is this sort of use allowed as the Terms of use are vague I...

HTML: How to get my subpages listed on a google search

When you go to Google and perform a search, it will return either one of two type of results: just the title of your webpage, or the title of your web-page plus, lists subpages it found on that web site Here is an example of option #2: My website on a sea...

Formatting time on Android, while following preferences (24 hr clock vs. AM/PM, etc..)

I'm currently using the following code to format time on Google Android: DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(millis) While this code honors my timezone and locale settings, it ignores the '24 hour mode' setting in system preferences, always returning time in AM/PM. Is there any way to get time in the same format as that on the sta...

Google AJAX API inurl: (Non-Javascript Enviornment)

Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time to look. I'm trying to get results from the following request:;q=inurl%3AnphMotionJpeg I'm getting a valid 200 server response but no results, even though searching for inurl:nphMotionJpeg in Google returns about two pages. The resp...

Will an incomplete google sitemap hurt my search ranking?

If I submit a sitemap.xml which does not contain all of the pages of my site, will this affect my search ranking? For example: If my sitemap only contained pages that had been created in the last month and didn't include all the pages from the past year, would Google treat these missing pages differently? ...