
Is using goto a legitimate way to break out of two loops?

I am solving problem 9 on the Project Euler. In my solution I use a "goto" statement to break out of two for loops. The Problem is the following: A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a b c, for which, a^2 + b^2 = c^2 For example, 3^2 + 4^2 = 9 + 16 = 25 = 52. There exists exactly one Pythagorean t...

Is there a safe way to clean up stack-based code when jumping out of a block?

I've been working on Issue 14 on the PascalScript scripting engine, in which using a Goto command to jump out of a Case block produces a compiler error, even though this is perfectly valid (if ugly) Object Pascal code. Turns out the ProcessCase routine in the compiler calls HasInvalidJumps, which scans for any Gotos that lead outside of...

while(1) .. break instead of goto

I found the following code in a C program: while (1) { do_something(); if (was_an_error()) break; do_something_else(); if (was_an_error()) break; [...] break; } [cleanup code] Here while(1) is used as local emulation of "finally". You can also write this using gotos: do_something() if (was_an_error()) g...

Jump in m-file

I'm working with the m-file editor of MATLAB and I need to jump from a line to another. As long as I need to jump from inside a "For...end", I can't use the usual "while" technique. Is there anyway to jump from a line to another, like "goto" in C? Best Regards ...

Why does this "finally" execute?

If you run the code below it actually executes the finally after every call to the goto: int i = 0; Found: i++; try { throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception) { goto Found; } finally { Console.Write("{0}\t", i); } Why? ...

C# Puzzle : Reachable goto pointing to an unreachable label

Here's Eric Lippert's comment from this post: Now that you know the answer, you can solve this puzzle: write me a program in which there is a reachable goto which goes to an unreachable label. – Eric Lippert Jul 17 at 7:17 I am not able to create a code which will have reachable goto pointing to an unreachable label. Is tha...

Find and check if negative write

Hello, i'm creating a batch file and just a little thing i want to know: my (WINDOWS) batch file needs to search 'hello' in a text file. If it is there, it should use the GOTO command to somewhere else in the batch file. If it isn't there, it should write 'hello' on a new line. How can you do that? I know that you can use FIND and ...

Will using goto cause memory leaks?

Hello everyone, I have a program in which i need to break out of a large bunch of nested for loops. So far, the way most people have been telling me to do it is to use an ugly goto in my code. Now, if i create a bunch of local stack (i think that's what they are called, if not, i mean just regular variables without using the new comma...

Can you rewrite this snippet without goto...

Guys, I have the following code that is inside a big while loop that iterates over a tree. This is as fast as I can get this routine but I have to use a goto. I am not fundamentally against goto but if I can avoid them I would like to. (I am not trying to start a flame war, please.) The constraints: The current=current->child() is ex...

Actionscript if / else syntax Question

Which of the following best translates the English statement "If it's rainy, we will watch a movie. Otherwise we will go to the park." a. if (rainy = true) { gotoAndStop ("movie"); } b. if (rainy == true) { gotoAndStop ("movie"); } c. if (rainy = true) { gotoAndStop ("movie"); } else { gotoAndStop ("park"); } d. if (rainy =...

is erlangs recursive functions not just a goto?

Hi, Just to get it straight in my head. Consider this example bit of Erlang code: test() -> receive {From, whatever} -> %% do something test(); {From, somethingelse} -> %% do something else test(); end. Isn't the test() call, just a goto? I ask ...

Translate goto statements to if, switch, while, break, etc.

Is there a way to mechanically translate goto statements to if, switch, while, break, and continue statements, etc, or with function calls, objects, anything? ...

Windows batch file - The system cannot find the batch label specified

The Problem I'm having a problem with a DOS batch file and labels. I keep getting this error: The system cannot find the batch label specified What I've tried Two computers; a WindowsXP and a 2003 Server. Made sure it was encoded as ASCII Editted the hex code for the line continuation characters. Tried replacing all with CR ,...

How do I load and external swf AND gotoAndPlay() with ONE button

I've made an interactive tour. Which can be seen here: The main swf is the nav at the top. And I load 4 external swfs into the main (About, Rentals, Floorplan, Neighborhood). I need a button in Floorplan.swf to load Rental.swf AND gotoAndStop("CAFE") - a frame within Rental.swf. This is the code that I ...

What's the best(when performance matters) way to implement a state machine in C#?

I came up with the following options: Using the goto statement: Start: goto Data Data: goto Finish Finish: ; using the switch statement: switch(m_state) { case State.Start: m_state = State.Data; break; case State.Data: m_state = State.Finish; break; case State.Finish: break; } using goto and switch toge...

The intricacy of a string tokenization function in C

For brushing up my C, I'm writing some useful library code. When it came to reading text files, it's always useful to have a convenient tokenization function that does most of the heavy lifting (looping on strtok is inconvenient and dangerous). When I wrote this function, I'm amazed at its intricacy. To tell the truth, I'm almost convi...

Differences between Coroutines and GoTo?

I always read about the horrible thing that "goto" is. But, todaym reading about the google programming language "Go" and i see that it suports Coroutines (Goroutines). The question is: Coroutine == GoTo Or Coroutine != GoTo? Why? ...

Is this a clear use of goto?

Hi All, Just wondering if this is considered a clear use of goto in C#: IDatabase database = null; LoadDatabase: try { database = databaseLoader.LoadDatabase(); } catch(DatabaseLoaderException e) { var connector = _userInteractor.GetDatabaseConnector(); if(connector == null) throw new ConfigException("Could not load the database ...

How can I use goto in a switch statement in Objective-C?

In my code I need to be able to jump (goto) a different case within the same switch statement. Is there a way to do this? My code is something like this: (There is a lot of code I just left it all out) switch (viewNumber) { case 500: // [...] break; case 501: // [...] break; . . . . . case 510: // [...] break...

C Programming: address of a label

I know everyone hates gotos. In my code, for reasons I have considered and am comfortable with, they provide an effective solution (ie I'm not looking for "don't do that" as an answer, I understand your reservations, and understand why I am using them anyway). So far they have been fantastic, but I want to expand the functionality in s...