
OpenGL "overlaying" two renderings

Exposition: 1) My viewport is 800x600 2) I have tex1 = frame buffer object; rendered to a texture, 800x600 3) I have tex2 = frame buffer object; rendered to a texture, 800x600 Now, I want to create the following image on the screen: tex1 _on top of_ tex2. Where tex1 is black, display tex2's pixel. Else, display tex1's pixel. Is th...

GPU Manual Mipmap Generation [OpenGL 2.x]

i want use a specific customized algorithm to generate mipmaps for some renderable textures (R16F & RGBA16F). All needed textures' mipmaps are pre-enabled by using glGenerateMipmapEXT(). The biggest problem so far is to render into 1+ mipmap levels. More precisely, this works like a charm: ... glDrawBuffer(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT); g...

Easiest way to test for existence of cuda-capable GPU from cmake?

We have some nightly build machines that have the cuda libraries installed, but which do not have a cuda-capable GPU installed. These machines are capable of building cuda-enabled programs, but they are not capable of running these programs. In our automated nightly build process, our cmake scripts use the cmake command find_package(C...

how to optimize cuda program for get better performance?

Hi, I write matlab program(cuda) for generate key. how to optimize cuda program for get better performance? ...

Is it possible to do old school 2d blitting on modern GPU?

Hi, It looks like GL has become mainstream for all gaming platforms (even handheld!) This has pushed the deployment of modern GPU chipsets to large numbers of consumers. This is amazing. With the modern GPU systems out there now, is it possible to do generic old-school graphics programming (aka - blit from X rect to Y rect using VRAM...

2D Engine scrolling on OpenGL via hardware?

hi, I'm using OpenGL as the bottom end for a 2D tiling engine. When everything is 2D, it is simple to optimize certain issues. For example, scrolling. If I know a certain section of the screen needs to scroll off the bottom, then I can just blit over that portion. I'm evening moving more than 1 pixel at a time. Without explicit hardware...

Which platform should i choose for scientific computing?

What are the pros and cons in choosing PS3 as a platform for scientific computing in detriment of GPU's? Is It the better choice ? ...

OpenCL and CUDA

Should i learn OpenCL if i only want to program NVIDIA GPUs ? ...

Cuda GPU optimization

i have read that there were 100X acceleration on certain problems when you use NVIDIA GPU instead of CPU. what are the best performance acceleration timings using cuda on different problems. please state the problem and the acceleration factor along with links for papers if possible. ...

graph algorithms on GPU

the current GPU threads are somehow limited (memory limit, limit of data structures, no recursion...). do you think it would be feasible to implement a graph theory problem on GPU. for example vertex cover? dominating set? independent set? max clique?.... is it also feasible to have branch-and-bound algorithms on GPUs? Recursive bac...

Which physical open source simulation methods worth to port to GPU

Hi, I am writing a report, and I would like to know, in your opinion, which open source physical simulation methods (like Molecular Dynamics, Brownian Dynamics, etc) and not ported yet, would be worth to port to GPU or another special hardware that can potentially speedup the calculation. Links to the projects would be really appreciat...

Get GPU Information in linux C

Is there any library in C for Linux to get gpu information for example BIOS Verison DigitalID... ...

Game of life in F# with accelerator

I'm trying to write life in F# using accelerator v2, but for some odd reason my output isn't square despite all my arrays being square - It appears that everything but a rectangular area in the top left of the matrix is being set to false. I've got no idea how this could be happening as all my operations should treat the entire array eq...

GPU YUV to RGB. Worth the effort?

Hello, I have to convert several full PAL videos (720x576@25) from YUV 4:2:2 to RGB, in real time, and probably a custom resize for each. I have thought of using the GPU, as I have seen some example that does just this (except that it's 4:4:4 so the bpp is the same in source and destiny)--

Where are run the Opengl commands?

Hi, i'm programming a simple OpenGL program on a multi-core computer that has a GPU. The GPU is a simple GeForce with PhysX, CUDA and OpenGL 2.1 support. When i run this program, is the host CPU that executes OpenGL specific commands or the ones are directly transferred to the GPU ??? ...

openGL ES gpu thread on android devices

does anyone know what part of the opengl es thread on an android device runs on the gpu (if it has one). just the method calls you make with the GL10 adapter class? or the complete onDraw method in your custom Renderer class? ...

cuda device selection with multiple cpu threads.

Hello. Can you tell me how cuda runtime chooses GPU device if 2 or more host threads use cuda runtime? does the runtime choose separate GPU devices for each thread? does GPU device needs to be set explicitly? Thanks ...

Offloading to HLSL/GPU without displaying?

As far as I know, certain mathematical functions like FFTs and perlin noise, etc. can be much faster when done on the GPU as a pixel shader. My question is, if I wanted to exploit this to calculate results and stream to bitmaps, could I do it without needing to actually display it in Silverlight or something? More specifically, I was th...

Which OpenGL functions are not GPU-accelerated?

I was shocked when I read this (from the OpenGL wiki): glTranslate, glRotate, glScale Are these hardware accelerated? No, there are no known GPUs that execute this. The driver computes the matrix on the CPU and uploads it to the GPU. All the other matrix operations are done on the CPU as well : glPushMatrix, ...

NVIDIA GPUs and PhysX engine

How is the NVIDIA PhysX engine implemented in the NVIDIA GPUs: It's a co-processor or the physical algorithms are implemented as fragment programs to be executed in the GPU pipeline ? ...