
How do I map Grails Searchable plugin across more than 2 domain objects?

I'm using the Searchable plugin in my Grails application, but am having trouble getting it to map across more than 2 domain objects while returning valid search results. I've looked through the Searchable plugin documentation, but cannot find the answer to my question. Here's a very basic example of the domains I have: class Article {...

No output when integrating ExtJS with Grails

Hi, I am in the process of integrating extJS with Grails. Below is my list action in my music.TuneController. def list = { def tuneInstanceList = new ArrayList<Tune>() def tune= new Tune(); tune.playerId = "ASDF"; tune.playerPrice= "100"; tuneInstanceList.add(tune); def listResult = [ tota...

Show grails test results in Netbeans IDE

Hi, does anybody know a possibility to show the Unit-Test results of a grails project in the "Test Result"-Window of the netbeans IDE? The test results are saved in the project folder as JUnit XML Files. ...

Improve Grails-Commandline performance

Hi there, is there a way to improve the performance of the Grails commandline tasks. For example the test-app task is taking some time until all dependencies are checked, classes compiled etc. Even simple tasks like create-domain-class is taking some seconds to run. ...

Simultaneous debugging of Java and Javascript within IDE

Is it possibe to launch grails based java web project from within Eclipse or Netbeans IDE and setup breakpoints in both java and javascript sources and be able to debug both? If so then how? I understand debugging javascript is normally done using browser based debugger such as firebug for firefox but there are situations for large pro...

WSClient Plugin Example App Exception

Hello, I'm experiencing an exception when running the example code listed on the WSClient page - See error below. Any ideas? Thanks, Steve javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: "org.tempuri" doesnt contain ObjectFactory.class or jaxb.index at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory.createContext(ContextFa...

Regex to remove \" from a Groovy GString?

Hi, I'm trying to parse a JSON using Grails, to test the parser I Wrote an unit test and put my input JSON in a GString that looks something like this: """{"Information":"Some data here \"stuff\" some more.","AnswerToEverything":42,"Other":71,"Name":"Joe Doe"}""" The \"stuff\" is causing the parser to break. I tried using String.rep...

Stylesheet in Grails Feeds Plugin

trying to include stylesheet in grails plugin, any suggestion in how to implement with plugin or do I just need to write my own feed code? ...

Grails + Selenium + EasyB +spring-security-core: ifAnyGranted Isn't Working

Grails 1.3.5 and have selenium-rc, easyb, and spring-security-core plugins installed. Everything seems to work really well except this one case I've run into. I have a page I am testing which has the following markup: <sec:ifAnyGranted roles='ROLE_ADMIN'> <span class="menuButton"> <g:link mapping="adminPage"> <g:mess...

Grails 1.3.5: Updating user table when session is destroyed

Hi, I have HttpSessionListener to listen for when sessions are created and destroyed. I have a user domain which has loggedIn boolean column which I update whenever user logs in or logs out which I use for admin management. I also store the session Id in the database. I also want to update the loggedIn column whenever the session is de...

where are grails libs specified

Hi, I recently upgraded a project to Grails 1.3.5. This deleted everything in the /lib dir, though the project continues to work, so I guess the way dependencies are specified (and the location they're stored) has changed. I want to remove some libs that I'm no longer using, but can't do this until I find where the dependencies are spec...

Grails (Hibernate) Criteria query

Hi, I have a domain class in my Grails app that looks like this: class Event { Date date } I want to write a criteria query that selects events that occurred in a certain month of a certain year, any suggestions? Thanks, Don ...

EJB calls from grails to glassfish

Hello! I need to use EJB remote calls from my grails application. For this in previouse Servlet application I used client glassfish jar(gf-client.jar) and is's worked. How I can include gf-client.jar into build path in grails app for call EJB methodth? thank you. ...

Reading parameters enterd on the screen

Hi, I have a page that accepts parameters from the user. I read this parameter in my action using params.playerId. and then do the computations with it. I have changed my UI now and am using extJS for display purposes. Therefore I have an edit and an editData action. editData action has the code to run the sql and execute the approp...

jQuery fullcalendar: events (as a json feed) and events (as function) issue in IE

Hi, I am using jQuery fullcalendar with Grails. I was using events (as a json feed) earlier and when the user clicks prev/next or changes views the json feed URL is called every time. Since I need to check the user session also, I changed from events (as a json feed) to events (as function) as shown below. The problem is first time it...

Groovy criteria query

Hi, I have a domain model that looks like this Category 1 ------- * Type 1 ------- * Expense Or in English "An expense has a type, and each type belongs to a category". I want to write a Criteria query that will find all expenses in a particular category. I tried both this Expense.withCriteria { eq('type.category', someCategoryI...

Grails: How do I create filter like the ones in MS Excel??

I want to sort the elements in my list and have the option of filter them the same way MS Excel does. So it should be able to keep the filtered elements in the table and apply a filter within those results as well. Also be able to sort them without refreshing the whole table. Any help is greatly appreciated! FG ...

DataIntegrityViolationException when I change a List variable to ArrayList

I have a grails project that is throwing the following exception: org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not delete: [Role#4]; SQL [delete from role where id=? an d version=?]; constraint [null]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not del ete: [Role#4] In my Role dom...

doWithDynamicMethods not being Called

When I create a production war (grails war --nojars) my doWithDynamicMethods is not being called in a production environment. The code works in the dev env (ie grails run-app) Here is some of my code: PDFFormsGrailsPlugin.groovy (in PDFForms (plugin) directory) :- def doWithDynamicMethods = { ctx -> println "Adding renderPDFForm t...

grails webflow select statement problem

i use webflow in a my grails application, i have 2 tables with relation ManyToMany in hibernate mode. this relation as u know, creates a table with 2 primary keys of the original tables, both be the primary key of the third table. my tables are destination and destinationGroup. i write a select statement with dynamic finders to have a ...