
How to mention action in httpProxy url when using extJS with Grails

Hi, I am trying to integratae my Grails application with extJS. Below is the code in my edit.gsp file. <%@ page import="tune.Music"%> <script type="text/javascript"> var ds = new{ autoLoad: true, proxy: new{...

grails listbox selectindexchange event

is there an SelectIndexChange event in grails listbox or some thing like it. and what is the code of it. and how it is working? ...

Grails URLMappings

I have a plugin that relies on a custom url mapping. When i install the plugin i need to copy the content of the UrlMappings.groovy of the plugin and merge it with the one in the application where the plugin is installed I would like however to register these url mappings directly into the grails framework without copying the content in...

How to detect that a controller has been called by g:include tag lib?

In order to send appropriate response, I need to detect whether the controller action has been requested by a classic HTTP GET request, an AJAX request or a g:include tag lib. For instance, considering the following snippet code: class CommunityController { def show = { def users = getUsers() if (/* WHAT IS THE CODE HERE??? *...

WSClient Plugin Soap 1.2 Error

Hello, Environment: Grails-1.3.4, Ubuntu 9.10, Intellij 9.0.3, JVM 1.6 I'm getting the below stack trace using WSClient while trying to interact with a SOAP 1.2 server. I was able to get the wsclient example application working. Changing the URL to the other server throws the exception during initialization. Any ideas? I did see a refe...

Date Render Issue in ExtJS

I am using Grails with extJS in my project. I have a date column in my display page. It gets displayed as 2010-09-29T04:00:00Z. After i used the below to render the date, I got the date displayed as NaN/NaN/NaN {header: "Date", width: 90, renderer : ('m/d/Y'), sortable:true, dataIndex: 'date'} Am I missing something here? Thank...

Grails cobertura plugin is doing code coverage on BuildConfig.groovy

Grails coberatura plugin is doing code coverage on BuildConfig.groovy. I have tried all these configurations on BuildConfiguration to exclude BuildConfiguration from code coverage have tried all these. coverage { exclusions = [ '*/BuildConfig*', 'BuildConfig*', "BuildConfig*", 'BuildConfig', '...

MissingPropertyException while running unit tests for Grails service class

I am writing unit test cases for my Service Class. Below is my code in controller: TuneController def list = { } def listData= { playerId="6600AE" def tuneInstanceList = new ArrayList<Tune>() tuneInstanceList = tuneService.calculateId(String playerId) def editResult = [total: tuneInstanceList.size(), items: tuneI...

Grails ant tasks don't work - Unable to start Grails: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

Hi, I'm having issues getting something which seems very basic running with Grails. I want to call grails commands from an Ant script - Grails provides a Grails task to achieve this. I have defined the Grails taskdef and classpaths as per the docs however, no matter what command I call I get the same error... grails-compile: [grails...

Distinguishing between Grails domain-class fields and getBlah() methods via GrailsDomainClassProperty

I'm writing a Groovy script (as part of a Grails plugin) and I want to get a list of properties for a GrailsDomainClass that a user of my plugin might define. I can do this using (where domainClass is a GrailsDomainClass). However, suppose a user has the grails domain class: class Example { String name ...

how can i convert my grails application from http to https under Linux operating system?

how can i convert my grails application from http to https under Linux operating system ...

GORM Querying where filter is not a direct attribute of a class.

I am trying to figure out the most efficient / effective way of performing a certain type of query using Grails GORM. This is the scenario where I want to query all of the children / linked items in a many to one relationship. This is a one way relationship whereby the many side used the id of the thing it is linked to. One example in...

send log output to different files in grails 1.3.2

Hi, I want to have log output of my packages or classes in a specific appender. But everything is printed out to the root-logger. Here is my config: log4j = { appenders { console name:'stdout', layout:pattern(conversionPattern: '%c{2} %m%n') file name:'grailslog', file:'grails.log', threshold:org.apache.log4j.Level...

Running long experiments from a web interface.

Hi all, I'm building a research web app that runs a long batch analysis that can last hours. I'm using Grails but I think this is a general design issue. The batch process can be started by a URL, e.g. http://mydomain/experiment/run?a_lot_of_params And this page returns info about the experiment (whose data are stored in the back end a...

Grails Picasa Plug-in with google app-engine

Hi, Has anybody used Grails Picasa Plug-in running on google appengine? Below are the things i did I have hosted my website on appengine with grails, i was trying to add the picasa plugin to it. Which in turn made me add other dependent plugins like, 1.Oauth 2.jquery 3.spring-events After installing the plugins , i also added google ...

Grails: How do I eliminate the create.gsp and save.gsp and move it to the first line of the list in list.gsp?

I want to get rid of the create.gsp and save.gsp and have everything on the same page. What I did is move all those fields into the first row of my list in list.gsp But now I don't know how to connect it with the rest of the data and make it work. I got to make the create button work. But then I cannot make the update button work. Her...

Grails validation issue on multi-domain association ?

I need to validate save action between 3 domains, here is relationship : User - JobProcess : one-to-many, JobProcess - Heatmap : one-to-many. User { static hasMany = [ jobs : JobProcess ] ... } JobProcess { static hasMany = [ heatmaps : Heatmap ] ... User script ... } Heatmap { static belongsTo = JobProcess ... JobProcess job ... } I...

In Grails, how do I specify jars needed by an ivy resolver?

In a grails project I have added a custom ivy resolver per the reference docs, . However, this resolver requires jsch and and some other jars. How can I put them on the project's build classpath so that ivy will use them? This is my BuildConfig.groovy gra...

How to create my first Grails project in IntelliJ, with Maven?

The goal: create my first Grails project, in IntelliJ, with Maven support. Myself: Noob to Groovy/Grails, has some Maven experience but not too much The tooling: Groovy 1.7.5, IntelliJ 9.0.3 and Maven 2.0 What I've tried so far, is: File->New Project Create Module Maven Module Add & choose the Grails Archtype Right click on the proj...

How To Search Domain Objects And The Physical Files They Point To Using Solr Or Searchable

I have a digital library system where I store metadata and the path to physical file in the database. The files may be anything: plain text,Word,PDF,MP3,JPEG,MP4... How can I provide full text search to both my domain objects and the physical files (or some text extraction of the files). Is my only choice to store the document text i...