
How can you draw separate parts a control in different places with WPF?

Hello. I'm trying to split the drawing of a WPF UserControl onto two separate pages of a custom Paged Panel that I'm writing. I thought of using a VisualBrush to draw bits of the control. Is this the way to go? I presume I'll also have to put the controls that need to be visually split in an invisible container. Has anyone come across a...

How do I convert a Graphics object to a Bitmap object, inside PrintPage event?

This is the high level problem I'm trying to solve... I have a 3rd party plotting/graphing (IoComp Plot), and I want to embed a high quality (at least 600 dpi) bitmap of the Plot control in reports created by another 3rd party report package (Combit List & Label). This is the approach that seems most promising so far... ---Edit---: ...

Image cropping in Silverlight 3

I've found a solution that looks quite elegant but i don't understand its behavior. If i apply the cropping algorithm before adding my image to Canvas.Children collection it does not work. Why? Ideally i need a function like Image Crop(Image source, int X, int Y, int width, int heigh) which returns a new cropped Image instance and does n...

C# GDI+ X-Y Axis questions

How does one find the coordinates halfway on the X and Y axis in a user control or form? How can I identify the range of the X-axis and the Range of the Y axis on a user control or form? ...

Find Coordinates for point on screen?

The thing is I have some graphics shown in a form, rectangle for example, and I want to capture when the point gets over thees fields. So I Thoght I try to find the corrrdinates for thees rectangles, but as thay are the coords in the form it dose not match the ones with the mouse location. So I wonder is there a way to find what coord o...

Scaling Image to multiple sizes for Deep Zoom

Lets assume I have a bitmap with a square aspect and width of 2048 pixels. In order to create a set of files need by Silverlight's DeepZoomImageTileSource I need to scale this bitmap to 1024 then to 512 then to 256 etc down to 1 pixel image. There are two, I suspect naive, approaches:- For each image required scale the original full ...

Set bufferedimage to be a color in Java

I need to create a rectangular BufferedImage with specified color as a background, draw some pattern on the background and save it to file. My problem comes from how to create the background,I am using nexted loop: BufferedImage b_img = ... for every row for every column setRGB(r,g,b); But it's very slow when the image is large. How ...

Plotting color map with zip codes in R or Python

I have some US demographic and firmographic data. I would like to plot zipcode areas in a state or a smaller region (e.g. city). Each area would be annotated by color and/or text specific to that area. The output would be similar to but a) with annotated text; b) pdf output; c) scriptable in R or Python. Is there ...

Prerequisite to know before working on cocos2d-iphone or game programmign in general

Ok i am also one of those who are trying to make their first game esp for Iphone but i have no clue from where to start. I never work on such application before (graphics stuff). It's totally different paradigm for me. I google around, and came to know that opengl will be required, then it cam out there is something called cocos2d-iphon...

How would you allow a user to interact with graphical objects via the mouse?

The application that I'm working on is going to be used to create charts of data contained in a database. Right now objects on the chart are manipulated using a "control panel" - essentially a list of objects and a PropertyGrid to edit values. The users would also like to be able to interact with the objects using mouse interactions - th...

Clutter does not update screen outside of breakpoints

Hi, I have some code: l1 = clutter.Label() l1.set_position(100,100) for i in range(0,10): l1.set_text(str(i)) time.sleep(1) That is designed to show a count from 1 to 10 seconds on the screen in clutter, but I'm getting a strange error. When I run the script normally the screen runs as it should do, but there is no text displayed u...

[.net] Graphics.CopyFromScreen from Web = The handle is invalid

Hi, In an app, I try to get screenshot of server. Code works OK in VS.NET's web server but on IIS (even on local) I get the error. I've tried checking WWW Service's "Service Interacts with Desktop" property but didnt work. Any ideas? ...

Algorithm for moving a point around an arbitrary non self-crossing closed polygon in N time

I'm looking for an algorithm that would move a point around an arbitrary closed polygon that is not self-crossing in N time. For example, move a point smoothly around a circle in 3 seconds. ...

Graphing Data with Java Processing

I'm looking at creating a program with Processing ( in Java. The program will involve graphing a large amount of 2D data. I would like for the points to be displayed to fill the window. I've looked at their libraries and I don't see anything for data visualization. Am I missing something? ...

Java Graphics2D Panning and Zooming / Translating and Scaling

I've got a JPanel I'm drawing onto and I'm trying to get it so that you can use the mouse wheel to "zoom" in and out by modifying the variable scale. Right now what happens is you can zoom in or out but all of the drawing shifts to the right and downwards when you zoom in and then back up and left when zooming out. I want to make it so...

Rendering large numbers of meshes (objects)

I have a project where I am looking to render a large number of meshes over a 16 square mile landscape. While the meshes are not all unique, there are a lot of them (Probably only 1000 meshes but several million usages of them) I was wondering if there were any papers or (good) resources covering the topic. I have found loads of papers ...

Combining Bitmaps / ImageLists (Win32)

Is it possible to create an image list from multiple bitmaps, or to combine multiple image lists into one. For sake of simplicity, same element dimensions and transparent color could be assumed. Reason: I am currently dealing with a very long image list containing four groups of icons and notable "reserved" areas between them. For edi...

Smoothly and quickly animate resize of WinForms image

I'm considering whether it's feasible to add a specific animation to a WinForms application. I have a user control that's typically around 500 pixels square. When part of it is clicked, the effect should be that the control resizes down to a "thumbnail" representation around 200 pixels square. The idea is to provide the user some cont...

How to overlay a line for an lm object on a ggplot2 scatterplot

I have some data, calvarbyruno.1<-structure(list(Nominal = c(1, 3, 6, 10, 30, 50, 150, 250), Run = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("1", "2", "3"), class = "factor"), PAR = c(1.25000000000000e-05, 0.000960333333333333, 0.00205833333333334, 0.00423333333333333, 0.0322333333333334, 0.614433333333334, ...

where to download standard word powerpoint excel icons

I'm working on a web app that has functionality to export different data -- for instance in excel format. Where do I find the standard icons for Excel, Word, Powerpoint (and perhaps csv) files I'd like them to be directly downloadable in different sizes (at least 16x16 and 24x24). And preferably in png format (icon format is no good fo...