
Looking for GD tutorial in C/C++

I see a lot of GD tutorials for PHP, even though GD was written in C, not PHP. Could you please suggest any good tutorial for GD in C? ...

Problem with Cartesian widgets in FLTK

I use Cartesian to display XY graphics inside my software. In some occasion, I show a line constant with an amplitude of 0 on the Y axis but this is not data ...

points of an irregular shape flash

I have a grid that is dynamically drawn with the Graphics class. I have bricks that collectively make up pieces that need to snap into the grid. These pieces can be rotated by 90 degrees. Each time a piece is rotated I need to find the new points for the piece (an irregular shape) so I can calculate whether it is over an open square(s...

Unhandled Exception in XAML - How to solve ?

Hi, Please help me to understand the problem and solve this: Thanks ! ...

How to plot nice graph using few commands, separating drawing logic from layout?

Is there a simple way to make a nice plot of the following data in R, without using many commands? Region1 Region2 2007 17 55 2008 26 43 2009 53 70 2010 96 58 I do know how to plot the data, but it uses too many commands and parameters, and the result still looks absolutely terrible (see here): > test <- read.table("/tmp/data.txt") ...

Drag & Drop Shapes on Canvas

Hi, I used MouseDragElementBehavior to let user drag & drop Shapes on a Canvas: MouseDragElementBehavior dragBehavior = new MouseDragElementBehavior(); dragBehavior.Attach(myShape); Now, I would like to know when myShape was moved and when myShape was dropped. Could you please suggest a code that prints the mouse coordinates when mySh...

Animated GIF in SWT table/tree viewer cell describes how to display an animated GIF in SWT - in general. While the code works and is easily comprehensible I'm facing serious issues displaying an animated GIF in a SWT/JFace table/tree viewer cell with that technique. -> all code below Essentially, I implem...

R language: Dynamically create R graphics for webpage

Hi guys, I've spent a few weeks learning some R and I'm floored at just how slick and powerful it is. I'm using it to plot some data returned from an SQL query, and I'd like to be able to share those plots with others I work with through a web portal. I realize I can create a cron job to run the R scripts on the webserver to create t...

Glass Effect - Artistic Effect

I wish to give an effect to images, where the resultant image would appear as if we are looking at it through a textured glass (not plain/smooth)... Please help me in writing an algo to generate such an effect. Here's an example of the type of effect I'm looking for The first image is the original image and the second image is the outp...

BlackBerry - How to create a sub image from a larger image?

I need to create a new, smaller, image from a larger image at runtime. The smaller image size is fixed (square) and represents a specific region of the larger image (the smaller image is a subset of the larger image). Image format doesn't matter. Thanks. ...

Minimum area quadrilateral algorithm

There are a few algorithms around for finding the minimal bounding rectangle containing a given (convex) polygon. Does anybody know about an algorithm for finding the minimal-area bounding quadrilateral (any quadrilateral, not just rectangles)? I've searched the internet for several hours now, but while I found a few theoretical papers...

Create Editable plots from R

Hello, I'm creating a series of plots in R (I'm using ggplot2, but that's not essential) and I want to be able to save my output so I can then edit it for furthur use, For instance, I might want to move legends about, or adjust colours etc. I have seen that ggplot2 has a save command but that seems to produce pdf's or bitmaps, neither ...

How to validate image file format in C#

Hello Everyone, Does anyone know the script to validate what the file format is for a given image. Currently i am populating an image object, looking at it's height, width, and resolution. I don't see any specific properties off of this object that explains the file format. I would like to check for jpg, AI, PSD, High Jes Jpg, Bitmap,...

[WindowsForms] Graphics transparency on PictureBox

First of all, this is not about making the PictureBox control transparent. It's about bitmap transparency on the fully opaque "canvas". The PictureBox will always have the size of 300*300 with white background. No transparency is needed for the control. What I need is the way to draw the transparent rectangle (or whatever else) onto th...

Cement Effect - Artistic Effect

I wish to give an effect to images, where the resultant image would appear as if it is painted on a rough cemented background, and the cemented background customizes itself near the edges to highlight them... Please help me in writing an algorithm to generate such an effect. The first image is the original image and the second image i...

Is there an easy way to convert an image to grayscale with .NET

I need to convert all the images in a folder to greyscale (I believe their gif files if that matters). Any suggestions? I have .NET 3.5 (sp1) ...

Multiple ordered translate / scale transforms in GDI+

I have a number of graphics objects which I am plotting in a graphics context in a windows forms application. There is some interaction with the ui element in which the paths are rendered which allows the user to pan, zoom and set an origin for the zoom point. The question I have is, is it possible to set up a sequence of transform opera...

C# Bitblit from Bitmap to control (Compact Framework)

Hi everybody! I used once BitBlt to save a screenshot to an image file (.Net Compact Framework V3.5, Windows Mobile 2003 and later). Worked fine. Now I want to draw a bitmap to a form. I could use this.CreateGraphics().DrawImage(mybitmap, 0, 0), but I was wondering if it would work with BitBlt like before and just swap the params. So I ...

WPF and Silverlight controls and layouts pan and zoom capabilities

I would like to understand the general requirements for WPF/Silverlight layout for making it possible to implement pan&zoom (drag and zoom) features. I don't mean pan&zoom for an image but for a total page (window) layout (or part of it) with some controls. What features of the layout and what features of used custom controls make layou...

Background of UINavigationController view turns white

My iPhone application uses the camera to take pictures, which I suspect is somewhat memory-intensive. The app uses a custom background image for the view of its UINavigationController, and after taking a few pictures, the background goes all white. Any ideas on what I can do to stop this? ...