
Best web technology for building dynamic charts

I need to build a custom designed bar chart that displays some simple data. Below are my requirements. Can anyone suggest the best web technology for my requirements. high browser compatibility ability to draw shapes ability to fill shapes with gradients ability to have onclick and onmouseover events for the different shapes (bars ...

intersecting line and array of points?

hi, i am having a line in normal graph,i want to know intersecting some points with that line , any formula for it?any help please? The line is from startpoint(50,50),endPoint(50,0)....the some point may be (0,10),(2,45),etc.. ...

ANY material writen in/for DELPHI around the graphics topic?

Does anyone knows ANY material writen in/for DELPHI around the graphics topic? Planning to build a software for medical imaging processing . Thinking in 3D UI to absorve the power of nvidias GTX graphics card, and some real-time 2D processing integrated with high-end scanners. Please dont take this as a "rant" but, we have zillions of ...

WPF 2D image binding performance

I have a high speed camera that I am displaying in a WPF control. The camera's SDK provides me with an array of bytes representing the image data. I'm looking for the most efficient way to bind to these images on a Canvas control. These images are displayed side-by-side from a collection capped at 20 images. My current method does work ...

How can we update the system wallpaper in an Android 1.6 service after changing it with setWallpaper()?

We are doing a simple service that changes the wallpaper when the phone (an SE xperia x10 mini) is tilted. So basically the code "almost" works - the problem is that the system does not appear to know that the system wallpaper have been changed or does not do anything about it. Starting and closing another app manually appears to enforce...

Drawing path by Bezier curves

Hello. I have a task - draw smooth curve input: set of points (they added in realtime) current solution: I use each 4 points to draw qubic Bezier curve (1 - strart, 2 and 3rd - control points, 4- end). End point of each curve is start point for the next one. problem: at the curves connection I often have "fracture" (angle) Can you t...

For "draggable" div tags that are NOT nested: JQuery/JavaScript div tag “containment” approach/algorithm?

Background: I've created an online circuit design application where .draggable() div tags are containers that contain smaller div containers and so forth. Question: For any particular div tag I need to quickly identify if it contains other div tags (that may in turn contain other div tags). --> Since the div tags are draggable, in the ...

.net Drawing.Graphics.FromImage() returns blank black image

I'm trying to rescale uploaded jpeg in So I go: Image original = Image.FromStream(myPostedFile.InputStream); int w=original.Width, h=original.Height; using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(original)) { g.ScaleTransform(0.5f, 0.5f); ... // e.g. using (Bitmap done = new Bitmap(w, h, g)) { done.Save( Server.MapPath(saveas), I...

Best direction for displaying game graphics in C# App

I am making a small game as sort of a test project, nothing major. I just started and am working on the graphics piece, but I'm not sure the best way to draw the graphics to the screen. It is going to be sort of like the old Zelda, so pretty simple using bitmaps and such. I started thinking that I could just paint to a Picture Box contr...

2d Game graphics/sprites - landscape vs portrait - 2 sets?

Hi, I am working on a simple iPad game and wondering whether I should be using different graphics for portrait vs landscape or just doing some kind of transform between them? Thanks for any tips/advice Chris ...

Is PyOpenGL a good place to start learning opengl programming?

I want to start learning OpenGL but I don't really want to have to learn another language to do it. I already am pretty proficient in python and enjoy the language. I just want to know how close it is to the regular api? Will I be able to pretty easily follow tutorials and books without too much trouble? I know C++ gives better performa...

Easy Flood Fill

Some advice, please. I'm just starting out in C#. I've managed to get some shapes created on a Windows form, and now I'd like to fill them with color. In the old C++ I studied years ago, there was a floodfill function that was really easy. It has been an unpleasant realization to find there's not a similar method available in regular...

Draw curve arrow , place arrow head in right location

hello all , i am painting a curve arrow using java , but i cant place to arrow head in the right location can u help me please this is what i done so far , icon should be dynamic size , so all should be painted according to the m_size variable thank you public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y){ Graphics2D...

How do I get the length of a VBO to render all vertices when using glDrawArrays()?

I create a VBO in a function and I only want to return the VBO id. I use glDrawArrays in another function and I want it to draw all the vertices in the VBO without needing to also pass the number of vertices. The VBO also contains texture coordinate data. Thank you. ...

Mouse coordinates and rotation

How would you go about mapping mouse coordinates to world coordinates in a 2d context? For example, you have an image which you can drag. Next, you apply a rotation to that image and redraw it. Now when you drag the image it does not get translated correctly. For example after rotating 90 degrees, dragging up would cause the image to t...

Which parts of Graphics Pipelines are done using CPU & GPU?

Which parts of pipelines are done using CPU and which are done using GPU? Reading Wikipedia on Graphics Pipeline, maybe my question does not precisely represent what I am asking. Referring to this question, which "steps" are done in CPU and which are done in GPU? Edit: My question is more into which parts of logical high level steps n...

C# - How to initialize gradient panel demo?

I found a web page that describes how to create a gradient panel in a WinForms application. Does anyone know how to initialize this panel demonstration? There is source code but no comments or examples how the code can be used. ...

Draw string in canvas

Hey there! I'm having an hard time finding how to draw/print a String in a canvas, rotated 90º, NOT vertical letters. After some different approaches without success I was trying to follow one that would involve printing the Graphics object to an Image object. As the API is reduced it has been a difficult task. So basically what I'm ask...

BlackBerry - Develope Cropit Like Application

hi i want to develop cropit like application, i just want to know how to increase or decrease the size of the rectangle over the image (multitouch events), which define the image portion to be cropped. Thanks alot ...

Fuel Gauge in JavaScript?

Looking for a fuel gauge in JavaScript (no flash please). I founf this site, anyone try it? FREE - Bindows™ Ajax Gauges Library Any other recommendations? Thank You, Greg ...