
How can I open an mp3 file using Java/Groovy via a URL?

Does anyone have any useful advice/links to information about working with mp3 files in Groovy. I appreciate that this is just the same as working with Java libs, but wanted a simple solution to this problem: I want to load an mp3 via a URL and interrogate it. I'd like to test whether it exists and pull out the title, artist and defau...

How to access domain properties from a controller in Grails?

I have the following Grails domain class: class Product { String name Float basePrice Category category String image = "default.jpg" static constraints = { name(size:3..25, blank:false) basePrice(scale:2, nullable:false) category(inList:Category.list(), nullable:false) image...

Execute a Groovy class in a package from the command line

Is there a way to execute a Groovy class by specifying the package with dots, as with java? Example: File ./my/package/MyClass.groovy: package my.package class MyClass { static void main(String[] args) { println "ok" } } > cd my/package my/package> groovy MyClass ok > cd ../.. > groovy my/package/MyClass.groovy ok > groovy ...

How to change behaviour of the methed in groovy using that method in metaclass

I would like to "spoil" plus method in Groovy in the following way: {Integer n -> delegate + n + 1} assert 2+2 == 5 I am getting StackOverflowException (which is not surprising). Is there any way to use "original" plus method inside metaclass' closure? ...

Groovy for loop execution time

O Groovy Gurus, This code snippet runs in around 1 second for (int i in (1..10000000)) { j = i; } while this one takes almost 9 second for (int i = 1; i < 10000000; i++) { j = i; } Why is it so? ...

XmlSlurper - list text and regular nodes of xhtml document

I am using Groovy's XmlSlurper to parse xhtml document (or sudo xhthml one), and I'm trying to get to the text nodes of the document but can't figure how, here is the code: import groovy.util.* xmlText = ''' <TEXTFORMAT INDENT="10" LEADING="-5"> <P ALIGN="LEFT"> <FONT FACE="Garamond Premr Pro" SIZE="20" COLOR="#001200" LETTERSPA...

Scaffolding Web Services in Grails

I need to implement a web app, but instead of using relational database I need to use different SOAP Web Services as a back-end. An important part of application only calls web services and displays the result. Since Web Services are clearly defined in form of Operation: In parameters and Return Type it seems to me that basic GUI could b...

Groovy way to select block of lines from a list

In my Groovy program, I have a list of lines and want to select a contiguous block of lines from the list. The first line of the desired block contains a particular string, and the last line (which I can include or not - it doesn't matter) contains a (different) marker string. Working code is below but surely there is a "groovier" way t...

no log4j output in Grails app

Hi, I have the following log4j config in my Grails 1.1 app log4j = { // Enable Hibernate SQL logging with param values trace 'org.hibernate.type' debug 'org.hibernate.SQL' debug 'com.mycompany' appenders { console name: 'stdout', layout: pattern(conversionPattern: '%d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5p %c{1} - ...

How to escape special characters in Groovy's SimpleTemplateEngine?

By default, groovy's SimpleTemplateEngine uses <% %> as the scriptlet container. How do I escape these characters if I want to print out <% %>? ...

Connect to URL and dump webpage in Groovy

I would like to open a webpage from groovy, dump the specified webpage and eventually dump the webpage behind an anchor tag. Does anybody has some sample code for this? ...

SoapUI getting request parameters in mock service script

This is probably a very easy one for all SoapUI regulars. In a SoapUI mock service response script, how do I extract the value inside the request I'm replying to? Let's say the incoming request has <ns1:foo> <ns3:data> <ns3:CustomerNumber>1234</ns3:CustomerNumber> </ns3:data> </ns1:foo> How do I get the "1234" into a Groovy...

Groovy Parent/Child Private Field Access Weirdness With Closure

In Groovy, I have a parent class and a child class where the parent class's constructor tries setting the value of a field of the parent class using a closure as in the following code: try { def x = new ChildClass() } catch (ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err) } class ParentClass { private values = [] ParentClass(columnCount)...

Groovy: parametrized link tag

Hi I have the following gsp page: <g:def var="incidentMngmntId" value="${incidentMngmntInstance?.id}"/> <g:link controller="ticketMngmnt" action="list" params="[incidentMngmntId : incidentMngmntId]" id="${incidentMngmntInstance?.id}"> Tickets </g:link> The generated URL is as follows http://localhost:8080/smtool/tic...

RESTful grails application: DRYing up UrlMapping

Let's say we have a grails web application exposing several resources. tags urls users The application has a classical web-interface which the users interact with and some administration. We want to expose the resources from the application to clients via a RESTful API and we don't want that part of the app to clutter up the control...

Grails applications and version control

Which directories/files should be excluded when placing a Grails application under version control? I don't want non-source files or artifacts to be carried in SVN for my project. ...

Avoiding Groovy/Grails internals while debugging in IntelliJ Idea

I'm using IntelliJ Idea 8.1.2 for Grails development. The dynamic nature of Groovy is giving me a hard time debugging my code: I keep ending up in the internals of Groovy/Grails, i.e. CachedMethod, ExpandoMetaClass or the like. Is there a way for example to tell the Idea debugger to completely skip the Groovy/Grails internals while debu...

Any experience with groovy as core testing language?

Hey guys, I think I am not the only one who is gonna ask this question next time. After some experience with RoR I am impressed with the power of dynamic languages. Lots of projects are still forced for different reasons to use a java technology stack though. Since testing is an important part of any project I would like to hear your e...

How do I get the type (class) of a property of a Grails domain object?

I'm trying to dynamically create domain objects in Grails and encountered the problem that for any property referencing another domain object the metaproperty tells me its type is "java.lang.Object" and not the expected type. For example: class PhysicalSiteAssessment { // site info Site site Date sampleDate Boolean rain...

Groovy: stub typed reference

Hi, I have a Groovy class similar to class MyClass { Foo foo } Under certain circumstances I don't want to initialize foo and want to stub out all the calls to it. Any methods that return a value should do nothing. I could do it like this: Foo.metaClass.method1 = {param -> } Foo.metaClass.method2 = { -> } Foo.metaClass.method3 = ...