
Two owners of the same PostgreSQL database

Is it possible with Postgresql to create a database which has 2 users which act like owners to the database? I can create a group role and add both users to that group, and then make the group the owner of the database, but this requires both users to be have to manually set their role on every connection to make any tables they have cr...

Retrieve all the users in an Active Directory group using C#

How do I retrieve the users in a given AD group? Do I start by instantiating a PrincipalContext with a domain, username and password? ...

is System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.GroupPrincipal thread safe?

I am writing a program that will create users in bulk, I have a operation that is part of the creation that is blocks for about 5 seconds, to get around this I was going to make it threaded and have everything sitting in a thread pool. My question is if I create the principle outside the thread and pass the group principle to the thread...

UItableView referencing sections from core data:

Pleaseeee if you guys can help me or point me on the right direction, I would really appreciate. I am saving some data the user inputs into a data file using SQLITE, I am saving date, time, reading, and a note, as the following: //Create a Reading Object Readings *readingObj = [[Readings alloc] initWithPrimaryKey:0]; = ...

How can I store captures from a Perl regular expression into separate variables?

I have a regex: /abc(def)ghi(jkl)mno(pqr)/igs How would I capture the results of each parentheses into 3 different variables, one for each parentheses? Right now I using one array to capture all the results, they come out sequential but then I have to parse them and the list could be huge. @results = ($string =~ /abc(def)ghi(jkl)mno(...

C# - Lost in Regex - Matching groups on different machines

Hi Ive thought i knew how to write basic regex. On my x64 pc in VS2008, C#, im writting the following regex: private static readonly Regex TagRegex = new Regex(@"\{QTable\((?<key>(.*?))#(?<query>(.*?))#(?<columns>(.*?))#(?<heading>(.*?))#(?<tbl>(.*?))#(?<headers>(.*?))#(?<row>(.*?))\)\}", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline...

How to get list of groups the user is associated with in Azman?

Hi, I'm able to get the roles associated with the authenticated user but not the groups. Is there a way to get the groups WindowsIdentity userIdentity = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity as WindowsIdentity; AzAuthorizationStoreClass azManStore = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass(); string storeConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.Conn...

Programmatically add Local User to a Local Group

Hi, I am doing an C# application targeting WinXP, Vista, and 7 Operating Systems. One feature is, I can Add, Remove, Modify the Group set to a user programmatically. Can I ask for help how to make this happen? Will it be possible to do this in WMI? My codes mainly using WMI to get the users.. ...

List of programming related conferences, unConference and meet-ups in the UK?

I really enjoy attending unconference/BarCamp type events and getting to meet developers, designers etc. from different backgrounds and sharing ideas in person. However, I have trouble finding events as there does not seem to be one place where they are listed. Does anyone know of such a place? I also want to setup a Google Technology...

Display sql results in groups

Hi all, I have an sql query here and it returns a number of results. I'd like to show these results in groups. What I mean is, show the first 20 results in some part of the page, show the next 20 results in another part of the page etc... How can I do that? *I'm using PHP to display results. ...

Sharepoint UserGroup.asmx GetGroupCollectionFromUser(..) returns empty collection

Hey I try to get all the user groups that the current user is a member of, I am using the UserGroup.asmx GetGroupCollectionFromUser method. However this method returns an empty collection even if the user belongs to some groups. I checked the user group settings that allows all the group members to see the membership to this group. ...

django: displaying group users count in admin

I would like to change admin for a group, so it would display how many users are there in a certain group. I'd like to display this in the view showing all groups, the one before you enter admin for certain group. Is it possible? I am talking both about how to change admin for a group and how to add function to list_display. ...

Finding an element in a cyclic group of prime order

Greetings! How do I check if an element a belongs to a specific cyclic group G of prime order, given the generator? Right now i simply generate all the elements in the group, save them into a container and check if the element is in it. This is the code im currently using to generate all the elements of the group: public HashSet<BigInt...

Alter Oragnic Groups Membership Requests

Hi, I want to remove the option "Invite Only" from Membership Requests in Organic Groups. I've tried to do a hook_form_alter but I've had not luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Using: Drupal 6.16 Organic Groups 2.1 ...

PHP/MySQL User system w/ groups.

I have a user system set up in a 'users' table, and I have groups set up in a 'groups' table. Essentially, I want users to be able to join any and all the groups that they want, in the same was as one would on facebook. How would one go about structuring this in a mysql/php database system? Just a quick summary would be helpful! I've l...

Access Control Lists basics

Hi, I'm gonna add authorization, user and groups management to my application, basically... you will can define a set of permissions for a concrete user or group. For example, you could specify whom can use a concrete resource. So I want to ensure that my assumptions about ACLs are right: A basic rule could be "Grant", "Deny", "NoSet...

C# - adding new groups with items and subitems to a listview

Hello there. The following code adds a new item, and a new group with the text "Default". If i keep clicking the button, it will just keep adding new items to that particular group. ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(""); item.SubItems.Add(""); csslistview.Items.Add(item); What i'm trying to do, is to add a new group and fill it wi...

C# - Printing out groupnames, items and subitems in a loop?

What I'm trying to do, is to store all groupnames, items and subitems from a listview into a string. Take a look at the following screenshot. I'm kind of stuck though, with the loop. I'm pretty sure i can figure out how to actually store it in a variable though. The following code will loop through all of the listview Items: int cou...

Assigning Group's Permission to Document libraries

Here is the scenario.. ===== scanario 1 ===== 1. Document Library "Gatorate Classic" 2. I have four groups. Group Alpha - Role - Read Group Beta - Role - Edit Group Epselon - Role - Edit Group Gamma - Role - Edit ===== scanario 2 ===== 1. Document Library "Gatorate G2" 2. I have four groups. Group Alpha - Role - Edit ...

Table View Groups on iPad

Hello, I was followed this tutorial (iPad Hello World) and was wondering if it would be possible to group items together on the table view. Basically, when the user opens the app the table view would say something like: Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3. When the user tabs on one group the table view would load the items in the group. If an...