
Grouped items in Table view like the Mail app on the iPad

Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to group items like the grouped mail boxes in the mail app. I need it to be like selecting a mail box, when you tap it it loads new data, your inbox outbox and all of the other boxes for that mail account. Then you can tap back and return to all of your accounts. If anyone has a little sample code the...

Load a file in a group objective-c Xcode

I'd like to load a file from a specific Group in Xcode/Objective-c for example: I have TWO files named "SomeFile.txt" that are in two different folders (folders not groups yet) in the OS: SomeFolderOne |- SomeFile.txt SomeFolderTwo |- SomeFile.txt Inner Xcode I make two folders, and I put a REFERENCE to these two files: SomeGroupOn...

Majordomo/Mailman - Yahoo/Google Groups

Hi. Not an app question, but thought that I might ask here anyway! The responses might help someone. I've got an app where we're going to be dealing with 5000-10000 people in a group/pool. Periodically, different subsets of people will break off in their own group. I'm looking for thoughts on how to manage/approach this situation. (F...

How to list all users in a Linux group?

How do I list all members of a group in Linux (and possibly other unices)? ...

VB.Net Split A Group Of Text

I am looking to split up multiple lines of text to single them out, for example: Url/Host: Login:Admin1 Password:Password1 Url/Host: Login:Admin2 Password:Password2 Url/Host: Login:Admin3 Password:Password3 How can I split each section into a different textbox, so tha...

Drupal - Organic Groups event type/terms

I installed the OG Calendar module and I see dropdown select boxes with "event types" and "event terms". I checked Taxonomy but don't see reference to them there. Where do these come from & how do I maintained them? ...

Weblogic: listing users assigned to a specific group/role

Can I do this through the Admin console? Or do I need a script? If the latter, some hints about how to approach this would be appreciated. ...

Count the number of items in a TListview Group

When I attempt to count the number of items in a group I get the total number of items in the collection. How do you get the number of items in each group? ...

Java Matcher groups: Understanding The difference between "(?:X|Y)" and "(?:X)|(?:Y)"

Can anyone explain: Why the two patterns used below give different results? (answered below) Why the 2nd example gives a group count of 1 but says the start and end of group 1 is -1? public void testGroups() throws Exception { String TEST_STRING = "After Yes is group 1 End"; { Pattern p; Matcher m; String pattern="(?:Y...

Linq to sum on groups based on two columns

Hi, I have a class as below: Class Financial { string Debit; string Credit; decimal Amount; } And I have a list with objects of this class, with multiple records. All I need is to perform a groupped sum, something like in sql Select debit, Credit, sum(amount) group by Debit, Credit I tried with a statement as below: f...

Options for displaying OG groups a node is published for on node page?

What I want I have several OG groups in which content can be published. I would like to display which OG groups a node has been published for when viewing the node page. Like in "This page is published for: Department A, Department B." The code snipped below shows the data I have in the $node object in node.tpl.php. This data is gener...

Practices for Group Management - in Application or Directory Service

Hi: I am trying to grapple with group management policies in a number of application and directory services (both AD and LDAP). Can anyone refer me to online or book resource that has examples or best practices for group management? Thanks. ...

Android 2.0 contact groups manipulation

I would manipulate the contact groups in Android 2.O. My code is following: To get a list of group (with id and title): final String[] GROUP_PROJECTION = new String[] { ContactsContract.Groups._ID, ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE }; Cursor cursor = ctx.managedQuery(ContactsContract.Groups.CONTENT_URI, GROUP_PROJECTION, null, null, Contac...

Reporting Services Sum of Inner Group in Outer Group

I have a report in Reporting Services 2008 using 3.5 and SQL Server 2008. The report has 2 groupings and a detail row. This is the current format: Outer Group Inner Group Detail Row The Detail Row represents an item on a receipt and a receipt can have multiple items. Each receipt was paid with a certain payment...

SharePoint copy permissions of Domain Group to SharePoint Group, WSS 3.0?

Is there a way to copy the permissions of a Domain Group to a SharePoint Group in WSS 3.0? Where both groups have the same exact permissions including the Limited Access role definition. I have tried to copy permissions programatically but can't get the Limited Access to be assigned on some objects (website, list, and list items). My p...

How can you add nt authority\authenticated users to a local user group with C# (tried via DirectoryEntry)?

Hello Folks! I try to create a new group in C# after checking if that group already exists.. works great! Now I want to add the "authenticated users" to that group but that won`t work for me.. Before I start I need an directoryentry for my machine: System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry localMachine = new Direc...

Xcode -- groups and targets

I have an Xcode project. The project currently has four targets, and I am about to add more. Within the project are about 150 png files. I have all of these in a tree of groups in the Xcode "groups and files" panel. I want to include these png files in some of my targets, but not in others. The thing is, I will always want either ...

Drupal question - How to set / hide groups select from form?

I'm using Drupal with the organic groups module, and I've defined a content type that may be posted in a group, but on the node/add form, I want to set the default value to that user's group (as they can only belong to one) and set the type to "hidden". I'm trying to implement a hook_form_alter, but I don't see how to manage the group f...

Reading/Filtering Distribution Group's Subgroups of an active directory ?

I've an Active Directory with domain myDomain.local, under it there exists a Distribution Group that contains many groups. How can I read (programmatically) all these subgroups to retrieve a list of their names ? And how to optimize the query to filter the result so that it just retrieves all the groups that ends with the word Region ?...

MS Report Designer - What are table groups and how are they used?

Hi. I am working on a project with some existing MS Reports using Reporting Services 2000/2005 and Visual Studio 2005 with the built in Report Designer. I have come accross a report that makes use of a table to display data which is fetched by a Stored Proc. My work required me to modify the report and the stored Proc. I've made the ch...