
In GTK, how do I change the localized language text on the UI while it's running?

In Linux, is it possible to change the UI language on the fly which is created using GTK? I have a application which needs to change UI language on the fly. ...

Python + webkit + gtk on windows

hello there i am trying to do this script: PY WYSIWYG and it says i need gtk and webkit. i think i got the right stuff is this what i need: gtk WEBKIT so i downloaded the webkit but i got a folder but installer or install information do i move it into the python folder or what do i do Thanks ...

Image memory in gtk+

I'm new in the field of gtk+. My question is that is there a way to render images very fast in gtk??? I mean is there a way to directly alter the image data in frame buffer or video ram or something like that? Do pixbufs do the same thing?? I need to apply this for a scrolling example. Is cairo good for fast rendering of images? ...

GTK detailed_signal

Where can I find a list of detailed_signal (used in g_signal functions)? ...

pySQLite integration to pyGtk treeview.

Hello, Is there some siple way or how to integrate sqlite database into gtk.TreeModel (TreeView)? What I want is to display data from db in treeview and it would be nice when I change something in db to see the change in treeview and the odher way round. Thanks ...

Changing window title font style and color

How can I change window title font style and font color? ...

GTK and PYGTK difference

many programmers import both gtk and pygtk in this way: import gtk import pygtk I have created a simple program using only gtk and it works: import gtk window = gtk.Window() window.set_size_request(800, 700) window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit) button = gtk.Button("Vai") button.set_size_r...

gtk: why do Gtk::Main::Iteration?

What's the point of doing the Gtk::Main::iteration() on the last two lines of the answer to this question? I'm using pygtk, so the equivalent question would be, why do gtk.main_iteration_do()? Isn't the main loop that's running already taking care of this? ...

How to display an image from web ?

I have written this simple script in python: import gtk window = gtk.Window() window.set_size_request(800, 700) gtk.main() now I want to load in this window an image from web ( and not from my PC ) like this: How can I do that ? P.S. I don't wan...

automatically converting xml format from LibGlade to GtkBuilder

I've found 2 ways of converting from an old GTK+ UI xml format (using LibGlade) to the new format (using the built-in GtkBuilder). One is using Save As using Glade Interface Builder, and another is using gtk-builder-convert. They give different outputs, so I would like to know which one to trust more. ...

How to select a MenuItem programatically

I am trying to add a global shortcut to a gtk.MenuItem which has a sub menu. Here is my code: import pygtk, gtk import keybinder dlg = gtk.Dialog('menu test') dlg.set_size_request(200, 40) menubar = gtk.MenuBar() menuitem = gtk.MenuItem('foo') menubar.append(menuitem) mitem = gtk.MenuItem('bar') mitem....

how to store image data in X server in gtk, gdk?

Is there anyway to store image data in X server memory so that rendering of images, (for example in scrolling), is faster and so that round trips to x client can be reduced? ...

how to export the display faster to another system in gtk?

I have to run my scrolling gtk application on systems which are in network. But the display is slower when i try to run the application by doing telnet to other systems. Is there any way to render images fast on other systems? Can GdkDisplay be of any use here? ...

How to draw this window ?

Can I create a window without this topbar? : I want a window like this: ...

add gtk.TreeView columns to a size group

I want to stack two treeviews on each other and have the columns be aligned. I figured the way to do this would be to use a gtk.SizeGroup somehow. However, gtk.TreeViewColumn is not a widget... how can I do this? ...

detect when column in gtk.treeview is resized

What signal can I catch to detect when a column changes size in a gtk.TreeView? I can't seem to find it in the docs. ...

gtk: get width a TreeViewColumn would like to be if it were autosized

Is there a way to get the width, in pixels, that a gtk.TreeViewColumn would want to be if the sizing mode was set as gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE, even if it's currently gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED? ...

How to get a gtkDialog's default response to trigger of the space bar as well.

I have a messageDialog set up so that its default response is gtk.RESPONSE_OK so the okay button is clicked when the user hits enter even if the okay button does not have focus. I would like to also have the space bar trigget the default_response. What is the best way to do this? This is with python 2.4 in a linux environment. Unfortuna...

Passing user data with glade/gtkbuilder

Hi all, I am a newbie of glade/pygtk. I am doing with some radio menu items. I created a signal handler on the signals tab, handler: on_group_menu_change user data: 7 what I expected is pass the int(or str) value 7 as user param to the handler. However, at startup, I found such warning: Could not lookup object 0 on signal gro...

How to catch GTK focus state in gtkrc ?

GTK+ 2.x has the follow states: NORMAL, PRELIGHT, ACTIVE, INSENSITIVE, SELECTED for use in GTK themes and I can do things like... bg[NORMAL] = "#f6f6f6" .. to change background color when in NORMAL state. Also, I can change the background image of a button (when the mouse is over it) by changing the PRELIGHT state image. But I was n...