
Porting a GUI from a pc to a wince device - issue is with the size of the screen

I have to port a GUI that is currently running on a pc, to a wince device. I have already compiled the code on a win CE platform, the problem is now with the size of the screen of the device which is smaller than some of the dialog boxes of the GUI. I could resize some them in resource view of visual studio 2005. I am unable to proceed f...

Get label height for fixed width

Is there any way I can get the height of a label, if it hypothetically had a certain width? I've been trying with control.GetPreferredSize(size) like so: Dim wantedWidth as Integer = 100 dim ctrlSize as Size = label.GetPreferredSize(new Size(wantedWidth, 0)) because I thought that setting height = 0, would indicate a free height, but ...

PHP Doc software on OSX?

I use my OSX for dev. PHP and now i need to try PHPDoc but how? sombardy know a software? or how i can doe it? i try to look here but i hobe i can found a GUI software the out. :) tanks for all help. ...

Change the side the text appears on a radio button

I was wondering if there was a way to switch the side that text appears on a radio button in android? ...

SSH X11 Tunneling

Hey all, I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and trying to run a Java program I wrote whose source code is located on a remote machine. I'm using ssh to connect using the following command from the terminal: ssh -X username@hostname When running the program, one of the GUI frames has its buttons missing from view, but they are clickable and work...

Java GUI File Menu

I have a GUI with a Menu named file how do I Add a file open and close function to the program. If the program is in the encrypting mode, it should load/save the cleartext text area. If the program is in decrypting mode, it should load/save the ciphertext area. ...

ExtJs How do I scroll to the bottom of a grid?

I am making a web-based logviewer using extjs. I would like new log-lines to be added to the bottom of my gridview as it saves cpu by not requiring a sort to move it to the top of the grid (plus its how my coworkers prefer it). My problem is that ideally the grid would scroll to the bottom after a new row is added. I have been looking...

GUI Application on Windows and Linux

Hello, I would like to export the Bash Shell Automation Script Project to a GUI Project which can run in both Windows and Linux. Which Programming Language would be better suited for this ? Any suggestion would be really helpful. Thanks Kiran ...

How to repaint a XYPlot from JFreeChart? (JAVA)

Hi, I'm doing a GUI that has a XYPlot (from the JFreeChart package) and when I click a button I'm trying to add some values. I add them correctly to the XYSeries that are inside the XYPlot, but the GUI doesn't change. It only changes when y maximize or minimize. Is there some kind of repaint to do this? I have been looking for it and I ...

In C# how to show a GUI from another GUI, based on the event from a class in another thread?

I am working on a DirectX based simulator. On which I have to check for a device whether device has been plugged-in or removed from the PC. I've managed to make classes for device arrival and removal on another thread, which raises an event from the thread itself on device arrival or removal. The corresponding event method is being call...

Assembly-> Gui??

Hey all; Is there any way to link an application programmed in TASM ASSEMBLY to a windows form application or any kind of GUI? Thanks ...

How should 4 decimals places behave, being simple yet powerful

I have a UI question that troubled me on the best method to handle 4 decimal places for prices. In an table already cramped full of data, I would want to simplified the interface to make it not so cluttered. The actual current UI is shown below. The problem is, for a unit price/units/D.Price and Dis.(...

JButtons re-enable themselves after being disabled

I have an array of JButtons which form a keypad interface. After six numbers are entered I want to disable the keypad so that no further numbers can be entered by the user. I have written the code and the buttons do disable until the mouse hovers above any of them, then the buttons seem to re-enable themselves and run actionEvents added...

Clean way to display/hide a bunch of buttons based on a ComboBox selection

I'm writing a standalone application in VB.NET using Visual Studio 2005. I want to display/hide a bunch of Buttons based on the selected value of a ComboBox. Each selection would have a different set of Buttons to display, and I'd like to have them arranged in a nice grid. Driving a TabControl with the ComboBox value would be the kind...

Having a problem getting my ActionListeners, Handlers, and GUI to communicate.

So I am trying to get my GUI to work. When I run the code below, it does nothing, and I'm sure I'm probably just doing something dumb, but I am completely stuck... public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ UI.getInstance().sS++; if((UI.getInstance().sS %2) != 0){ UI.getInstance().startStop.setName("STOP"); UI....

BlackBerry - How to set image as a background for ButtonField?

How to set image as a background for ButtonField in BlackBerry? ...

Supressing GUI?

I am trying to run a plugin designed for Vuze using Java. For this I am using a command like this: /home/x/jre1.6.0_14/bin/java -Dazureus.config.path=/home/x/plugin_directory -Dfile.encoding=ANSI_X3.4-1968 -classpath /home/x/P/lib/swtgraphics2d.jar:/home/x/P/lib/Azureus2.jar:/home/x/P/lib/swt.jar org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main The prob...

how to add a map into a gui axis button?

hi i m working on matlab GUI. in GUI axis button i placed some concentric circles. now i want to place one map on the same axis. then on that map i want to draw my concentric circles. my map shouldnt disturb my old events. plzzzzzzzzzzzzz find me one good solution. ...

How write My own control like button in C++\Win32 (not MFC or CLI)?

Hello guys, Can anybody help, I'd like to write my own beautiful control, f.e. nonrectangle button (more beautiful). and it will be in another file (dll), for future use. The biggest problem is, that it will change design (color) when mouse cursor on it)) plz, help Galym ...

Creating quick GUI front ends

Hi, I wanted to have a GUI front-end for a script that accepts numerous command-line options, most of them are UNIX paths. So I thought rather than typing them in (even with auto-completion) every time, I'd create a GUI front end which contains text boxes with buttons beside them, which when clicked will invoke the file browser dialogue...