
How create custom user interface for Windows?

There are many applications for Windows these days that don't use native windows controls, don't have standard window frames and generally look different. What are some recommended techniques for creating such interfaces? ...

Haskell UI framework?

Is there, by chance, an emerging Haskell UI framework for Windows? I recently took up looking over the language, and from what I see, it would be for great little "one-off" applications (elaborate scripts). However, without a good UI framework I can't see it getting in under the smoke and mirrors of the more obvious contenders. I've r...

Java - Custom PropertyEditorSupport to display units

All, I'm trying to make the properties of my node have Units associated with the measure. ( I am using the implementation of JSR 275) So for instance, public class Robot extends AbstractNode { // in kg float vehicleMass; @Override public Sheet createSheet() { Sheet s = Sheet.createDefault(); ...

Are Java GUIs always slow to update or is it just me?

I've just started making my first GUI application in Java and I decided to use the NetBeans IDE to do it. I think its working fine so far, except for one problem; it seems to be slow updating the content of a window. Even in very simple windows with few controls I find that when - for example - closing or resizing a window, I get the no...

Game Programming - GUIs

I've been coding for a while now and would like to start looking into programming games. I know the industry's standard language is C++, for 3D graphics the main choice is between Direct 3D and OpenGL, but what is the most widely used GUI framework? I'm currently on a Mac so if native Windows API is the answer, then what is the cross pla...

Help with CVS in command line after an already "checked out" module by a GUI app.

I've already checked out a bunch of repositories in my ~/cvs folder, using CrossVC, a graphical CVS client. How can I use CVS in cmd with these already checked out repositories? Which variables should I export? (I have 10 directories, which one with different checked ou repositories) ...

C# .NET : Showing a simple list with a 32x32 icon column and a 2 line text column

I'm using .NET 2.0 with standard controls. I want to display a simple list with the following formatting: Column1 contains a 32x32px icon The second column contains 2 text lines: 1 Bold formatted text line 1 Non bold line Rows are separated by a dotted line (3px space, 1px dot, 1px height) What's the best way to do this ? .... e...

Is is possible to make a shaped, alpha-blended dialog?

I'm making a non-rectangular dialog, modelled over an image from Photoshop (the image is the background of the dialog, and the user will see trough the transparent part of the image). I'ts like a dashboard-style window for a media-app with a few custom-drawn controls. Most of the background-image is either opaque or 100% transparent - bu...

SWT-like GUI toolkit for C

Hello, do you know any cross-platform gui toolkit like swt for C (using default widgets in each operating system = right pics on ? There is an implementation of swt for D language called DWT but I need it for C or C++. Thanks. ...

How do I add controls other than buttons/actions to toolbars in Qt, such as text boxes and combo boxes?

From the screenshot featured on this page it seems like this functionality was available in Qt3. Was it removed in Qt4? ...

How many FPS should I have for updating a custom progress bar?

I just wrote a custom progress bar, it's single buffered and will remain so. How many frames per second are desirable for something like this? I don't want to waste too much CPU updating the screen unnecessarily. ...

How to Compile Sample Code

I'm breaking into GUI programming with android, trying to compile and analyze Lunar Lander sample program. The instructions for using Eclipse say to select "Create project from existing source" but that option doesn't exist. If I select File->New->Project I can select "Java project from Existing Ant Buildfile". Using that I've tried s...

Suggestions for GUI of a multiledia messaging application in J2ME

Hello everyone, We have developed a messaging application in j2me which adds text message, gets pictures from gallery and attaches them to the message etc and sends it over to a server after encryption, i.e. the client wants the messages to be encrypted. The app is ready but the only problem is that the GUI of the app looks miserable co...

Is there an application that can help someone create an XML document based on the Relax NG schema?

I've spent a bit of time creating a Relax NG schema for use within our team to validate XML documents we use for exchanging information. The schema is not complicated, but it is reasonably large. I am wondering if there exists a tool that can read in such a Relax NG schema and assist a user in creating a corresponding instance document,...

Help with simple frame, and graphics in Java

For hw, I'm trying to create a "CustomButton" that has a frame and in that frame, I draw two triangles, and a square over it. It's supposed to give the user the effect of a button press once it is depressed. So for starters, I am trying to set up the beginning graphics, drawing two triangles, and a square. The problem I have is althou...

Open resource dialog in eclipse plugin

Is there similar method open resource just like we have JavaUI.createTypeDialog for types? ...

How to dynamicly build up a gui

Hi there, currently im building an application which is supposed for some sound processing. I'm doing this in java/eclipse with swt/jface. The processing itself need some options/properties for the algorithem inside. At this time, i have a .properties file which holds all options like: trimLeadingSilence=20 trimtrailingSilence=20...

Hiding "Print to file" in a Java print dialog

I'm maintaining this Swing app that has a "print" option. Users need to be kept from interacting in any way with the underlying file system, but the print dialog offers "print to file" as one printer, and that of course allows selecting a directory and file from the file system. Is there a painless way to override/modify the print dialo...

Creating custom html text boxes

Hi guys Just wondering how you would go about creating the effect as seen in the following image: Image The part i'd like to attempt to recreate is the gradient within the text field itself along with the line border surrounding the text box. Thanks. ...

C++ OpenGL Window Kit

Besides Qt, GTK, wxWidgets... What are the recommendations for a cross platform, open source GUI framework library that works with OpenGL? ...