
Open source C++ Code Coverage tool with GUI?

Do you know any Open source C++ Code Coverage tool that support a decent GUI to facilitate browsing the result? Thanks. EDIT: I forgot to mention, My code is developed Using MFC so I need a tool that supports Windows. ...

MATLAB gui loads old settings

I created a gui with MATLAB's GUI Builder. After some changing around, an image of an old plot is still loaded into the gui on start up. How can I tell MATLAB to disregard that old plot? I added a toolbar by adding set(hObject,'toolbar','figure'); into the "gui_OpeningFcn". Now I decided that I don't want the toolbar in my gui any ...

Command buttons order, Windows CRUD UI

Hello folks, I've found many answers, here or inside MS' UI guidelines, regarding button positioning, but none about how to position (in which order) buttons when you have three actions to do, New, Edit and Delete. I have a simple UI, in the upper part I placed a grid listing some data. Beneath, these three buttons. Following what I see ...

Wizard pattern and other GUI patterns for infrequent, complicated task

We are thinking of using a Wizard pattern to help a user complete a task. The Wizard pattern seems to solve our problem. We are also interested in what human factors research might have to say about the basic problem of a non-expert user needing to accomplish an infrequent and complicated task-–-are there other, possibly better paradig...

Pyqt - QMenu dynamically populated and clicked

I need to be able to know what item I've clicked in a dynamically generated menu system. I only want to know what I've clicked on, even if it's simply a string representation. def populateShotInfoMenus(self): self.menuFilms = QMenu() films = self.getList() for film in films: menuItem_Film = self.menuFilms.addAction(...

Blackberry - How to use notification icon in statusbar

In RIM Blackberry OS 4.6+ there is a new feature - ability to show notification icon in statusbar. Integrated application use it to give quick and informative information for user: Dealler - missed calls, Messages - unread messages etc. Possible use of notification icon: missed events RSS updates object status (ex. weather/a...

Notification Service for Blackberry OS 4.5 application

Hi, I am developing an application similar to email application. Whenever new message is received my notification service should indicate change to updating icon, also, the notification service should continuosly listen to server for incoming events. How do I achieve this? I am developing in os version 4.5. Please help. Tha...

Is it better to disable or omit context/popup menu options?

My application is context-sensisitve and I dynamically build menus for the main window / context/popup, and other places. I typically know if a given menu command will be valid given the current state of the application. Is it better practice to DISABLE/GREY the menu options which currently do not apply OR since I'm generating the menu a...

VCL forms application writing to stdout

My company has a large Windows application with a document-object model: open application, open a file, make some changes, save, close. I'm attempting to cut the GUI off of the top and create a console application that accepts some parameters, opens a file, does something useful, saves, closes the file, and terminates. Because there is...

Unix tools in GUI for Windows

I'm a Windows user and would really like to have the power of the Unix command-line for things to speed up programming. (clean up datafiles, search for occurrences of things in files, file/folder operations/ etc.) Now I know that using Cygwin and a few ports, I could use these command-line tools in Windows as well. However, the idea of...

How to create a button similar to "Remove Contact" button on iPhone?

Hi! Apple has many big colored buttons, that are not standard. One of them is a delete contact button in address book. Another is Start/Stop button in Timer (Clock application) or End Call button in Phone. They are different, but all have similar appearance. Question is simple. Is there a way to create these kind of buttons without us...

How do I add Unicode support to a CRichEditCtrl?

My application used to use an MFC CEdit control and we had no problems with wide character (Unicode) strings. After switching to a CRichEditCtrl, it seems that Unicode is no longer supported. Chinese characters become "??" and so forth. I have read that CRichEditCtrl uses RichEdit* under the hood and I have played around with trying to c...

Blackberry reducing the font size to fit in the listfield row

Hi there, i am using the ListField for drawing the text ,Problem is if the size of the text is more then the screen width the remaining text is not appearing.Is there any way where i can reduce the font size for a particular rows whose text content is more to fit in to the ListField drawing region. ...

Html.ActionLink : div as target

Hello, I use this menu : I piece of this menu is : <li><a href="#url">MyItem</a></li> I replace by this : <li><%= Html.ActionLink("MyItem", "Index", "ControllerName")%></li> I'd like show the result in "MyDiv" <div id="MyDiv"> </div> How can I do this ? thanks, ...

How to make and apply standards for UI development?

Hallo, I work in a small and young team of developers and we have problems that we are not sure how to solve. On previous projects every developer have been working on tasks that were based on use cases. So, upon setting the system architecture, each team member worked on user interface and business logic of tasks assigned to him. Thi...

Hiding dashed outline around trackbar control when selected

Hello, In C# winforms, is there a way to not show the dashed focus outline border that shows around a trackbar control when it is being used? Details: This outline looks kinda tacky to me, so I'm just shooting for aesthetics to not show it. Thanks, Adam ...

How can I enhance the aesthetics of an ugly windows form packed with too many (necessary) features?

One of the window dialog of a software I'm working on looks a bit like this : (original screen-shot copied from this coding horror post, other examples available on this SO question) The thing is that none of the options can be removed (those who can have already been), and that they must all be visible at a glance (i.e. no tabs allow...

Should UML be used for creating GUI's?

Anyone has experience using UML to create a GUI? What are the pros and cons? ...

Painting over analog clock in Android application and setting it.

I'm working on an Android Application for AutiPlan, which is a web-based planner tool for people with an Autism-related disorder. I want to create an application which shows the current activity (planned item), together with a clock. (AnalogClock) On this clock, I want to paint a red background from the current-minute to the minute at w...

Qt4 modular synth editing widget

Hi, I'm about to start writing a GUI for a modular synthesis app (like Alsa Modular Synth, Pure Data, Ingen) that will be used for patch (sound) editing. What I need to do is something like this: So, basically, it's an area where I can draw some rectangles (boxes) that represent synth modules with input and output ports that I ca...