
GUI shell script editor with function overview

Is there an editor for Unix shell scripts such as Bash that has a kind of function overview as most Eclipse editors? I have a really large shell script with a lot of functions here and I want to move quickly from one function to next. Or is there any other way to get such an overview? ...

How can Perl fill out fields on a GUI made in Visual Basic?

I have a script that runs several little programs I don't have the source code to, one of which requires filling out some fields in a GUI. I've been doing this by hand, but I'd like to have the Perl script focus the GUI window, then enter some hardcoded text into each field and close the window. ...

Add rectangle to WPF Listbox and make alternate the fill color of that rectangle

I have listbox with a TextBlock bound to a field, and the I have set the AlternationCount="2" this works great for changing the background color of the items control; however, I cannot get the effect I want with my rectangle... I'm trying to have a rounded corners effect on each listbox item. edit: the xaml <DataTemplate x:Key="TaskLis...

Framework for scalable (size) GUI (swing,flash,air,..) ?

Is anyone aware of scalable GUI for the desktop (or browser) ? Imagine you layout a huge gui that is too big for one regular screen, but you could zoom out see the complete gui (and even could press buttons etc.) or zoom into the area of your interest. Similar to browser on a mobile phone, zoom out and you cant read the text, but you st...

Making plot in Qt

I need to implement some plot like that or that in my app , it can be even something similar. I made a search on Qt web site with no progress , and i saw Qwt package but nothing similar there . Any ideas ? Thanks a lot . ...

Blackberry App still running

I am developing a simple app for blacberry with eclipse. I have just set up a ListField with a call back and then my app don't want to stop running after I close it. One very annoying consequence is that I have to reboot the simulator each time I want to test my app. Thank you for your help :D ! public class MyMainScreen extends MainS...

Can groovy's swingbuilder get more than one look and feel in a Java swing application?

Via this question, it would seem that normally you can't mix-and-match look and feels in the same swing app. However, we've been using groovy's swingbuilder to handle all of our GUI code, and groovy seems to do enough black magic that this seemed in the Realms of the Possible. Can swingbuilder set the LaF at, say, the Frame level? (Sp...

Alternative Design for two nested Tabbook Widgets in one dialog (Screenshot inside)

I have a dialog window where i have two nested Tabbook widgets. And as you guess it doesn't look very good. It's the old and ugly FOX toolkit but the basic problem would be the same with QT or GNOME. What would you consider a better GUI design. ...

Blackberry - fields layout animation

It's easy to show some animation within one field - BitmapField or Screen: Blackberry - background image/animation RIM OS 4.5.0 But what if you need to move fields, not just images? Like this: May be used: game workflow functionality, like chess, puzzle etc application user-defined layout, like in Google gadgets enhance...

GUI design for color blindness

It is common to represent status of an item in a GUI using the colors: red, yellow, green, to mean error, warning, and OK (or something equivalent). However, 7-10% of men have difficulty distinguishing between red and green because of color blindness. So far I've looked at Color Scheme Designer which simulates how people with different...

Flex Newbee pondering workflow and best practice

I'm a seasoned PHP developer and have spent quite a few years building AS2 and timeline Flash projects as well. And, I'm extremely anxious to start working in Flex as well. - I have the perfect project for it too. However, while reviewing the tutorials and example Flex projects, they seem to focus mainly on form elements and data grids, ...

Blackberry - Application loading screen

Hi all.. my application contains lots of it takes some time to load the application..i want to show a loading screen whhile the application is being is it possible..?? ...

Combobox Databinding as an element inside of a Listbox in WPF

I'm having trouble with a combox databinding, this is what I'm trying to have it setup like: 1) Combo box is an item inside of a ListBox control [working] 2) Combo box's "Text" should be bound to a value from the ListBox ItemsSouce [not working] 3) The combo box will have an itemssource bound to a list that is retreived from a databas...

What are good open source GUI SQLite database managers?

Is there any good open source SQLite database manager around? I am using sqlitebrowser now but I have to say the interface is not really friendly so I am looking for something better. ...

Sample code for creating a NSTextField "label"?

In my desktop Mac OS X app, I'd like to programatically create a NSTextField "label" which has the same behavior and properties as a typical label created in Interface Builder. I usually use (and very much like) IB, but in this case it must be done programatically. Try as I might, I can't seem to find the combination of method calls th...

How to start a java program?

I have written a java program and I am running it through command line like "java MyProgram" Now I want to have a GUI that have a start, pause and stop button. How to start that java program by clicking on start button. How to pause it and how to stop it? ...

Tool to explore GUI controls of a running .NET application needed

Is there any tool to explore properties of GUI controls (such as "Text" or "Location") from a running .NET application? ...

How to check the status of checkbox in java GUI?

I have around 200 hundred checkboxes in a Java GUI. Now I want to have the list of all checkboxes that have been checked by the user. I can do it in one way like this: jCheckBox1.isSelected(); But I don't want to write this line for 200 checkboxes. Is there any way to do this through a for loop. all the checkboxes have the name like...

C# - how to block for GUI or an event

Hi, I'm trying to create a very simple version of the game Simon with the WiiMote, using WPF. What I'm stuck on is how to make it turned-based, where the program blocks until the GUI is done displaying a sequence. Here's the code I have so far (mostly based on an answer here:

Resources on creating a GUI Layout Manager?

I have been working on a simple GUI and have hit a roadblock. I haven't found any examples or even readable source on how to create a GUI layout manager. I was wondering if anyone knew of some resources on creating one, or some source code that isn't cryptic like Qt's layout engine. Thanks. ...