
How to present formatted information on a .Net form?

Greetings Stackers, I have a simple little application that performs some analysis of all our corporate clients, and generates a score for each one based on their activity (think "traffic light" happyness system). Now, the score that's generated gets it's information from a variety of metrics, and spits out what can appear to be an arb...

Blackberry - can we change theme using our application?

Is it possible to do? can we change theme programatically using JDE 4.5? if possible give any link, or example. please help me. ...

How is coordination of child views best handled in MVP?

I am attempting to use MVP in WinForms and am confused on how to best handle coordination among child views. For example, I have a parent view that has two child views. Events on one child view need to cause an action to be taken by the second child view. Should the parent view control this directly? It seems like I am bypassing the M...

Introduction to the Python Clutter bindings?

I've had a search around but I haven't been able to find decent online tutorials for the recent clutter bindings. There are guides for 0.4 and 0.6 around but 0.8 is supposed to be very different making these guides kind of useless. Links or examples greatly appreciated! ...

WPF: Getting a list box to stay put

I have this situation where I have a listbox which is being populated from a background thread (it's an address book and the data is coming from AD). The problem is that since the list is sorted (using CollectionViewSource) and also available to the user while more data is being retrieved, it's bouncing all over the place as new items a...

jscrollpane to scrolling a panel

hi i have to writing an applet, in left side i must use an panel to contain a list of vehicles that can be a list of buttons,what is the problem, number of the vehicles are not given !!! so, i need to scrolling panel when number of vehicles is too much, i do this for jframe, but it didn't work correct with panel, please help me with ...

Blackberry User Interface Design - Customizable UI?

I am trying to design a Blackberry Application and I am wondering if there are any resources on how to create custom user interface elements, skin existing ones and what other possibilities are there? I have developed a few iPhone applications with custom UI and stuff, so not sure what BB world offers in terms of UI development. Any ti...

UIScrollView - (bounces = NO) seems to override (pagingEnabled = YES)

I have a UIScrollView with paging in it (so the typical model with a UIPageControl and dragging/flicking left and right between pages), and I've got that working fine. The weird thing is that when I wanted to get rid of bouncing (so that you can't see black behind the UI on the left and right sides), suddenly paging no longer works. In ...

qt GUI connecting

I am just starting out with QT. I have read through some tutorials, and I think I have an understanding of signals and slots. I am writing a GUI that has various buttons that change the state of my main program. So for example in a drawing app, you would pick different drawing tools (using various buttons). What is the best way to go ab...

Good sources for GUI inspiration

Where do you go when you want to know how other people solved a particular GUI problem? I'm still stuck at the Google Images level, but 99% of the images you find are screenshots from extremely boring UIs that are part of online tutorials. I know of a few webpages that maintain links to interesting new Web UIs, but is there any collabor...

Gui simulation for smart home application

hi guys! im looking for suggestion in which GUI tool is most appropriate for me to use in implementing my study. im using java language. i would like the graphics to simulate a house in which graphical changes apply without user inputs from mouse or keyboards. my user input is in the form of sms. thanks in advance guys. im hoping to anim...

Installing gtk and compiling using gcc under windows?

I have gcc installed in c:/programfiles (also set as a path variable), and i have all the necessary files for gtk from, glib,gtk,pango,atk and cairo. Although I have no clue as to how to compile a c program using gtk with the gcc compiler. How do I set everything up so that it works?. (I don't kno...

wx.StaticBitmap or wx.DC: Which is better to use for constantly changing images?

I would like to have a python gui that loads different images from files. I've seen many exmples of loading an image with some code like: img = wx.Image("1.jpg", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY, -1) sb = wx.StaticBitmap(rightPanel, -1, wx.BitmapFromImage(img)) sizer.Add(sb) It seems to be suited for an image that will be there for the entire life ...

RapidWeaver-like editor for windows

After seeing a friend using RapidWeaver and producing wonderful results in a few clicks, I was astonished and started searching if a tool like that exists for Windows. Unfortunately, so far my search yielded no result, so I'm writing here the criteria I'm using hoping that anybody will come up with a relevant suggestion: WYSIWYG HTML e...

Linux GUI programming

Hello. Could anybody please tell me which is the best software to do GUI programming in Linux and some books for it? ...

Preferable technology that I should use to create an efficient and user friendly GUI?

There are many more technologies and tools available to build the front end for an application. Which is the best technology/tool/platform available using which I can build a better GUI, by which I'll be able to build a nice looking as well as an efficient GUI? Definition of "better" includes factors such as efficiency,user friendlines...

How do I get the highlight color of the current Blackberry theme?

I've implemented some custom fields and would like to keep the look-and-feel consistent with the current Blackberry theme. So I would like the highlighting color of the fields to be consistent with the highlight color used throughout the BB apps. How can I get the this color? Edit: Apparently, there's no way to get those kinds of color...

What are good options for Windows GUI toolkits for a Perl program?

I am considering doing some automation of tasks on my Windows desktop (e.g. sorting through large collections of music/text/photo files, etc...). Seeing how my main area of developer expertise is Perl on Unix, I'd prefer to stick to Perl for coding the business logic of whatever I need done, just for the sake of development efficiency....

How should I manage toolbars, menus and context sensitive elements in a sound way?

Hello fellow developers, I'm currently developing a WinForms application in C#, and need some input on how to manage toolbar buttons, menus and other context sensitive elements. What is the best practice for this? I've found the article 'Use Design Patterns to Simplify the Relationship Between Menus and Form Elements in .NET' on MSDN b...

XDebug trace gui?

Hey, I'm trying to find a gui to parse xdebug trace files. Although you can make them human readable, the sheer number of lines makes it unusable. I'm looking for something like kcachegrind but for a trace file. My main goal behind all this is to find what the memory hogs are. Thanks! ...