
Can i use the google chrome gui library code for own desktop applications?:

I mean is it useable like WxWidgets to develop total non web releated client apps. A HTML widget is always nice but does it provide all the other common widgets a typical appication needs? Is it hard to generate a build script for an chrome based application or are the make files full of chrome specific paths and targets. EDIT: I know ...

Git gui client for Linux

Which is the best gui client on Linux for Git. Update: After checking out all of the GUIs mentioned here, git cola seems to work well for committing/pushing gitk seem to work the best for examining history and giggle is awesome for watching the diffs. I use command line for committing, web trac interface for viewing history, in a ...

How to program asynchronous Windows Forms Applications?

I'm writting a Windows Forms application in C# that performs a lot of long-running procedures. I need to program the application so that the GUI doesn't lock. What is the best way to program it? I know how to use the following: BeginInvoke/EndInvoke Calling Application.DoEvents() repeatedly (probably not a good idea) BackgroundWorker ...

In WPF, how can I determine whether a control is visible to the user?

I'm displaying a very big tree with a lot of items in it. Each of these items shows information to the user through its associated UserControl control, and this information has to be updated every 250 milliseconds, which can be a very expensive task since I'm also using reflection to access to some of their values. My first approach was ...

GUI for creating fullscreen web applications

Desktop GUI builder tools such as Qt Designer and Glade let me easily design a resizable interface with menus, shortcuts, tab order, status bar, etc Is there an equivalent tool for the web? I am not after building a typical web interface where you scroll down to view all the content, but a fullscreen interface with menus at the top and...

Error while calling member function

Hi I have just started using C++ today, and I am working on checkboxes. I have tried using CheckBox1->Checked in an if statement or whatever, but it isn't working. The error is: Error 2 error C2227: left of '->Checked' must point to class/struct/union/generic type EDIT: The Code is: void function () { if (1001->Checked) { ...

Any guildelines for coding Winforms applications, especially UI in C#/.net?

I wonder whether there are some guidelines that I can use for coding Winform applications in .net, preferably in C#? For example, when I initialize data bindings for a form, shall I put the initialization code in the loading event of the form or in the constructor of the form? What is the correct way of adding controls/components from c...

display an animation gif in WPF

I would like to display an animation gif such as loading... in my XAML as my procedure is progressing. I found out that this cannot be easily done in WPF as I loaded my Gif and it just shows the first frame. What are the best ways to display an animation in WPF. ...

How to test GUI for color blind person?

Is there a way to test if a GUI is usable for color blind person? I know that it has many degrees and I guess that's why simply doing a screenshot in black & white is not the best way to test the usability of a GUI for a color blind person. What is the best way or best tool to do it? ...

Blackberry application hangs and freezes on UI modification

I've written a Blackberry appliation with the Blackberry JDE, running on a 9000 simulator. I tested it a week or so ago and loaded it on a Blackberry 9000 phone, and everything worked just fine. Sometime between then and now, though, something went wrong. My code does the whole moving arrow "loading things from the internet" or whatever...

Presenting a tree of data with NSOutlineView?

I have a tree of data that I would like to present to the user in a top-down manner, the way you see parse trees presented. Conceptually, the data have a lot in common with what an NSOutlineView would present: hierarchical structure, tree nodes can be be expanded and reordered, etc. I'm trying to figure out how I might be able to manip...

jquery ui async ajax request set to false causes issues

Hi folks, I have got an issue with our beloved browser IE (all versions) and the tab ui control from jquery. I load my content for the tabs with the ajax option. Problem now is that i have to do that synchronously so each request after another cause async. doesnt works for me or just very buggy. But this is not the problem. The issue i...

How to set fixed axis intervals with Qt/QwtPlot?

I want to have a plotting widget in my Qt application. Qwt provides such a widget with QwtPlot. However, I can't find any way to only display a certain part of the complete range of my data. Specifically, I want to display spectrums with a frequency range from 0 to 2^14. For the GUI however, only the audible range from ~20-20k Hz is of ...

CS senior project ideas involving Unix system programming

I know there are a number of questions about senior project ideas but I am specifically looking for a project that involves Unix system programming in C or (preferably) C++. I have the book which I used for one quarter but haven't had a chance to use since. I want to find a project that will give me as much experience with Unix system ...

Drag+Drop with physical behaviour

I'd like to implement a dragging feature where users can drag objects around the workspace. That of course is the easy bit. The hard bit is to try and make it a physically correct drag which incorporates rotation due to torque moments (imagine dragging a book around on a table using only one finger, how does it rotate as you drag?). Doe...

Best WYSIWYG Java UI editor

What do you recommend as a UI creator for Java (WYSIWYG). I have used Balsamiq for website mockups but I am creating a spec that needs to be close to exact - Balsamiq is great for rougher mockups, is there anything you would recommend. ...

How to write a GUI library using OpenGL?

I am looking for a book that discusses about how to write a GUI libray. ...

How to get a "ribbon" UI component, like in Office 2007, in a Java program?

I want to create a ribbon-based GUI. I am pretty much a newbie when it comes to Java interfaces, I have used the basic Swing toolkit, but that's it. Can anyone point me in the right direction regarding what to do to get more flexibility with my UI and in particular being able to create a "ribbon"? ...

.NET: Inherit from MyControl for Windows.Forms

Hi, I want to add some custom functionality to all my Controls AND my Forms. I have created a class MyControl, and there's no problem just doing: MyControl : Control and then letting my controls inherit from MyControl. However, I want my forms to have the same functionality, and because Form inherits from ContainerControl, Scrollable...

ArrayList content to JLabel

Hi all, If i have an ArrayList of type Integer, containing numbers like 1,3,4,9,10 etc... How can i display those on a JLabel, not the sum, but all the numbers in a sequence. So the JLabel would display, in this case: 134910 Thank you in advance for any help. EDIT: Thank you all, ofcourse i should have thought about append. Anyways, ...