
WPF: hiding a tab item in a tab control thats bound to an observable collection

Heya I have a tab control bound to an observablecollection for dynamic tabs as follows: <TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding AllTabs}" SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"> <TabControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <!--.............. --> ...

How to hide a string in binary code?

Sometimes it make sense to hide string value from binary (executable) file. For example, it really make sense to hide encryption key from executable file. What I mean when I say "hide"? Such code: const char* encryptionKey = "My strong encryption key"; // Using the key after compilation produce executable file with such sec...

How to toggle/switch Windows taskbar from "show" to "auto-hide" (and vice-versa) ?

Basically I want to make simple toggle program (that will be mapped to some keyboard shortcut) that set taskbar to auto-hide mode if in normal mode (and conversely, to normal show mode if in auto-hide). Do You know how to implement it in C#? (or Win32 C++, but anything that will actually do it is fine.) Thanks. Hope I've made myself cl...

jQuery - Refering to a specific row in a table

Hi, I have a table and can count the number of rows using var count = $("table tr").length; Basically, I have up and down arrow controls to reorder the rows in the table. I do not want the down arrow to appear for the last row and similarly the up arrow to appear for the top row. Is there a way to refer to specific rows in the table s...

jQuery adding an effect to many divs in one go

Is it possible to apply a jQUery method such as .hide() to many divs with different id parameters in one go. The example for a single div is: $("#action-div").click( function() { $("#some-div-to-hide").hide("fast"); } ); Can this be done for many divs with different ids, without having to handle the .click event many times. ...

Show/Hide multiple DIVs with Select using jQuery

I essentially have the same situation as the person in the following question: Link: how to show/hide divs by select.(jquery) Through extensive searching within Google I was able to come up with several different methods in which people claim their method works. I have yet to get any to work correctly yet. I don't yet know enough about...

Jquery IE6 IE7 hide and show bugs

I did a code in jquery and ajax with working very well in Safari, FF and IE8, but dont work in IE6. He can 5 Group of forms editable, which should not be showing, but only the first works, the ajax is also not working in IE6 and IE7. scintillation only put in 2, but is 5 how can you see the link below. $(document).ready(function(){ ...

Hide rows in postgres

I have decided that instead of deleting rows from a postgres database, i rather hide the rows so that in case the rows were deleted by accident, i can still retrieve them. What is the best approach to hide rows from a database? Do you recommend creating a column named "Active" and giving it a value of either 1 or 0, 1 meaning active and ...

Can't get rid of the keyboard in UITextView

Hi I have a table and in one of the cells I keep a UITextView. When the user taps it the keyboard appears. I was trying various ways to get rid of it. My first approach was to detect a tap on the table cell of the UITextView, but since the text view takes most of it, it's not suitable. Then I tried to add a button to the toolbar and whe...

JS: if statement issue, how to find element in body?

Hi, I am trying to write a simple if statement in javascript (jquery library) that simply finds the div.video element in the page and if it can find it set the variable 'arrows' to true, if it can't to false. Here is what I have so far: jQuery(document).ready(function () { // Hiding of prev & next arrows on movie pages. var arrows...

c# How to hide a row in a DataGridView with DataSource

I have a datasource (BindingList) with many Users, but there are some users I don't want to display in my DataGridView. Is it possible to hide them. I can't find events that works. RowsAdded sometimes hides worng rows. ...

Hide matrix Gridlines SQL Server Reporting Services 2005

Hi, I am creating a report using SQL Server Reporting Services in Visual Studio 2005 (SSRS). I have placed a matrix in a list. The data and the matrix are working fine. However I can't seem to find a way to hide the matrix grid lines at runtime. Also, I have set the visibility of the static 1st column and 1st row to false, but when the ...

Hiding GetHashCode/Equals/ToString from fluent interface classes intellisense in Visual Studio for C#?

I have a fluent interface for an IoC container registration process, and this contains some classes that are used to build up the registrations. For instance, I can do this: builder.Register<IFoo>().From.ConcreteType<Foo>(); However, at each step after a dot, intellisense pops up showing the four standard methods from the Object clas...

How to determine the number visible children in an hierarchical report?

I am using SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 to create a report. A table in this report displays hierarchical data, using a ID and ParentID field in the data. Each data row has an ID field and a ParentID field, where the ParentID points to the ID of the row that is its parent. Displaying this hierarchically is no problem, but now I wa...

MVC Route Question

Hi, I am trying to map an action with no controller to a specific action, However, I do not want to show the controller in the URL. I have partially achived this using the mapping shown below: routes.MapRoute( null, "Contact", new { controller = "Home", action = "Contact" }); This successfu...

jQuery delete class elements except with a certain ID

I need to hide() all class level elements of '.dd-container' except when that element has an id of '#tools'. I tried the following (which didn't work) but I'm pretty sure I fudged the syntax: $('div:has(.dd-container):not(#tools .dd-container)').hide(); ...

Conditionally hide UINavigationBar in a UIViewController

I'm using a UIViewController containing a UIView and a UINavigationBar on which there is two buttons (Cancel on the left, Save on the right). This UIViewController is presented on the screen like this on top of a Tabbar based application: [self presentModalViewController:(UIViewController *)myUIViewController animated:YES]; This wor...

Simple jQuery Hover Menu

This looks really bloated, can it be rewritten any better/more compact: $("#cart-summary").hover( function () { $('.flycart').slideDown('fast'); } ); $(".flycart").hover( function () {}, // mousein function not required function () { // hide menu on mouseout $('.flycart').slideUp('fast'); ...

QT: Hide the title bar of a dialog/window

I have a parent window in which a push-button's click event function has the following lines: SplashScreenDialog *splScrDlg = new SplashScreenDialog(this); splScrDlg->show(); What I want is I want to remove the maximize button, minimize button, close button and also the title bar from the dialog(or window). [Actually it is for a splash...

jquery hide only working on element with border

This is an odd one. Via jquery, I want to create a container object, visually hide it, load AJAX content into it, and, when loaded with content, show. What's odd is that it only seems to hide the object if said object is given a border. Example: This works: tr.find('td') .html("<div class='inlineLoading'>loading...</div>" ...