
are there some libraries like java httpclient in ruby

hi all, i want to know whether there are libraries like java httpclient in ruby? great thanks. ...

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext: method <init>()V not found

Hi I am trying to put up a small webapp but I am getting above error. Below is my code HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("SomeURL"); // Using a URL local to my machine // after setting nameValuePair and setting it on httppost httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nvps, HTTP.UTF_8)); ...

Android: Problem/bug with ThreadSafeClientConnManager downloading images

For my current application I collect images from different "event providers" in Spain. Bitmap bmp=null; HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(strURL); long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); HttpResponse response = (HttpResponse) httpclient.execute(httpRequest); Log.i(TAG, "Image ["+ strURL + "] fetched in [" + (System.currentTimeMi...

Apache HttpClient 4.0. Weird behavior.

Hello. I'm using Apache HttpClient 4.0 for my web crawler. The behavior i found strange is: i'm trying to get page via HTTP GET method and getting response about 404 HTTP error. But if i try to get that page using browser it's done successfully. Details: 1. I upload multipart form to server this way: HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPo...

Java: HTTP Post to create new “Ride” in a Ruby on Rails application

My question is very similar to I have a form that I want to "post" to a form that looks like this Offer:<br /> <input id="ride_togive" name="ride[togive]" size="30" type="text" /> </p> <p> Request for Offer:<br /> <input i...

How to force a Http HEAD command to terminate (for HttpClient and curl) ?

If you run this command: $ curl -XHEAD -i -H "User-Agent: myuseragent" HTTP/1.1 302 Found ... snip ... Server: gws Content-Length: 222 X-XSS-Protection: 0 you will notice immediately that the curl command hangs. (I am running this in cygwin/VISTA) If you run it against twitter or facebook, curl terminates immed... Unconnected sockets not implemented thrown

Iam using HTTPClient 4.0 to connect a remote server and transfer file using HTTPS. When i tried to connect i get the exception " Unconnected sockets not implemented". Please look at the stack trace Unconnected sockets not implemented at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(

Use HTTPClient or HttpUrlConnection?

We're implementing a REST client on JRE 1.4. Seems two good options for a client REST framework are HttpClient and HttpUrlConnection. Is there a reason to use HttpClient over the JRE's HttpUrlConnection? ...

How to get current Transfer Rate in Commons HttpClient 3.x

I have some code that does a bunch of HTTP GETs, POSTs, and PUTs using Commons HttpClient 3.1. I'd like to provide a current transfer speed indicator in my GUI, but was unable to find any methods for determining the transfer rate of a HttpMethod being processed. I could easily just time the transfer and do some simple math after it was...

Faking web requests in Rails test without Fakeweb

I'm using the Handsoap gem with Httpclient gem as the driver in a Rails app. How can I prevent network calls from Handsaop/Httpclient gems in test cases? FakeWeb doesn't support Httpclient. ...

Upload a File in Server in Target Path using HTTPClient 4

Hi, I want to upload a file using HTTPClient jar. Where i can mention the target path in the destination server to which the file should be uploade. In HTTPClient 3.1 the target path can be mentioned in MultiPartPost constructor method but in HTTPCLient 4 this class is removed. Thanks SHyam ...

multiple http requests when processing streaming response using httpcomponents

I'm a newbie to http and Apache's HttpComponents API. I need to process a streaming response of an http request using Apache's HttpComponents, while there may be additional http requests made on that connection. For example, a POST request is initially made to, which later follows with additional requests, while ...

Apache HttpClient doesn't work.

I have: ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64 + NetBeans6.7.1 I just downloaded "Commons HttpClient 3.1 (legacy)" from . I created new application with IDE NetBeans. I focused on Projects -> Libraries -> Add JAR/Folder and here added commons-httpclient-3.1.jar By now, I can write "import org.apache.commons.httpc...

HttpClient and SSL

I know, there are many different questions and so many answers about this problem... But I can't understand... I have: ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64 + NetBeans6.7.1 installed "as is" from off. rep. I need connecting to some site over the HTTPS. For this I use Apache's HttpClient. From tutorial I read: "Once you have JSSE correctly installed,...

How to create https client with synapse ?

I need a https client used with synapse. Do you have any demo about it? Thank a lot. ...

Login to facebook in android using REST API

I develop facebook application in android i want to log in to facebook via HTTPClient , teh user give me username and password and then i connect to i want to make like this code but in andro...

Why is it more memory efficient to read input as stream vs. string?

We're using HTTPClient to implement a REST API. We're reading the server response using: method = new PostMethod(url); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); String responseBody = method.getResponseBodyAsString(); When we do this we get this warning: Dec 9, 2009 7:41:11 PM

Cookies...Http POST doesn't correctly work, why?

Probably this is often problem, but I can't solve it. I need to automaticallly fill out some fields on the web form, which is given from server. I use Apache HttpClient to make more easy my life) By now, one can consider my steps to acheive the aim: 1. I have not certificate to so I download this software and...

How to read non-english texts in java? They are represented in wrong encoding.

I use apache HttpClient. And when I'm trying to "read site", all non-english content is represented wrongly. Actually, it's represented in windows-1252 but it should be in UTF-8. How can I fix this? I tried to use InputStreamReader (inputStream, Charset.forName ("UTF-8")), but it didn't help (wrong symbols transformed into ????????). ...

apache HttpClient to access facebook

Any examples, tips, guidance for the following scenario? I have used Apache HttpClient to simulate the functionality of browser to access facebook through java application. to do that first i have to provide user credentials. i have used examples provided in the following web site.