
Where to configure Hudson node disk/temp space thresholds?

I am currently running a Hudson instance on a VM slice. As I don't have a need to run more than a couple small applications from it, I'm minimizing how much space I devote to it. The sizes I've defined for this slice seem fine to me, however Hudson seems to have it's own ideas on what are considered minimum disk and temp space threshol...

How to set access control on the hdfs that results from installing the hadoop plugin for hudson

I installed the hudson plugin that enables hadoop. Now I find that I don't have access as myself to put any data in there. It's not at all obvious to me how hudson has configured hadoop. Can someone tell me how to change these permisisons? ...

Display reason of failure on the Hudson Project page

Hi Friends I am new in Hudson. In my project it is required to display the reason of build failure on the hudson project page. Currenly while build failure we have to look at the console output to see exactly why the build failed. Is there any possiblity to integrate the reason of build error into the project page display? What I want...

Publish files/artifacts for failed/broken build in Hudson?

Hi, I'd like to publish certain files for each build regardless of success/failure. In my case I want to publish a report generated from a JUnit RunListener implementation we've implemented, however I would also find it useful to publish additional log files, and any other specific files I am interested in. I know TeamCity does this ou...

Best Practices for Code Formatting on Large Projects

I maintain the build for a large J2EE/Maven/Hudson/Perforce project with about 20 developers spread across the world. The solution in-place for code formatting is to format the codebase using jalopy when the developer runs the build, thereby ensuring any code which has not been formatted gets formatted prior to check-in. There main pro...

How can I get Hudson to update through Proxy

We run a corporate proxy with authentication and we're running Hudson as our CI platform. Hudson can get to the outside world to tell which plugins need updating, but when we tell Hudson to download the updates to the plugins, we get the following error. Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 407 P...

Github post commit trigger build in Hudson with security enabled

Github has no problem with triggering a build in Hudson with security turned off because the build is a public URL. But I'd like to be able to have logins required on Hudson so that people can't arbitrarily build. I tried looking for a HTTP basic auth method so I can include the credentials in the URL itself, but couldn't find anything...

Can Hudson check out from multiple SCMs ?

Due to some politics at work we have our project in two different SCMs, SVN and Dimensions. I was wondering if anyone knew of a plugin available that would change Hudson's radio buttons into checkboxes to allow me to configure multiple SCM repositories in the project's config on hudson? ...

How to delete unneeded build artifacts in hudson

I have a Hudson CI server which is building a making a maven build. A parent project with two sub projects. One of maven subprojects creates a rather large .war (10MB) file which is stored for every build. I'd like to get rid of that .war file to save disk space, but I'd like to store everything else the Hudson build stores in history (t...

Hudson git doesn't merge into master

I'm having problems getting hudson to checkout my git repo and merge into master. I'm fairly inexperienced with Git so the terminology (refs etc...) is still all new to me. I've included the output from the Hudson console below: What I think is happening is that Hudson is checking out the master branch on the remote, but not merging i...

How do I generate Emma code coverage reports from Hudson?

Hi Friends I am trying to generate Emma Code Coverage Report from Hudson. I have added "Record Emma coverage report" plugin in Hudson This plug-in needs a path where generated emma xml report will be placed. I have added that path "/opt/dfte/hudson" but it is saying that Recording Emma reports /opt/dfte/hudson/emma.xml Finished: FAILUR...

Custom reports for Hudson CI

Hello. My past CI experience is tightly coupled with CC.Net, but for sake of innovations I want to try Hudson server as CI Server. I wondering, is there a possibility to embed into build report custom reports, by transforming XSLT output of various tools that runs on CI? For example, I have hand-made IIS Log parser, that outputs XML, is ...

How to generate Cobertura Code Coverage Report using Maven from Hudson

Hi Friends In my project I need to create Cobertura Code Coverage report from Hudson using maven build. In Hudson I haved added the Cobertura Code Coverage plugin. I need the complete modification steps of pom.xml. Please help me. Thanks ...

Hudson style build reports on developer machines/within Eclipse

We use Hudson for our continuous integration which provides us with easy to browse build reports showing compiler warnings, unit test results and coverage (EMMA), pmd, checkstyle and findbugs violations. Although we each have the relevant plugins installed locally in Eclipse, it often seems easier to simply commit to SVN in order to tri...

continuous integration with mysql

My entire environment, java, js, and php are set up with our continuous integration server (Hudson). But how do I get out database into the mix? I would like to deploy fresh MySql databases for unit testing, development, and qa. And then I'd like to diff development against production and have an update script that would be used for re...

Display cobertura coverage report on the hudson project page under test result

Hi Friends In projects I am able to generate the Cobertura Code Coverage Report. But it is available not from the Hudson Project page - which is required. Currently it is available from the 'Coverage Report' link under the build. I have to display the code coverage report just below the test report on the hudson project page. Can you ...

How to use repo as repository on Hudson

I work on a project using repo to control over a hundred git repositories and Hudson as continuous integration server. The file structure of the project is like: ./.repo ./a/.git ./b/.git ./b/c/.git ./b/c/d/.git ... more than a hundred gits The whole project must be built together, in other words, each git repository cannot be built ...

Powershell running under a service hangs on *.zip CopyHere

I'm running a Windows Service (Hudson) which in turn spawns a PowerShell process to run my custom PowerShell commands. Part of my script is to unzip a file using CopyHere. When I run this script locally, I see a progress dialog pop up as the files are extracted and copied. However, when this runs under the service, it hands at the poi...

Display Cobertura Coverage Report on the project page along with "Test Result Trend" report.

Hi Friends Say you enter the hundon dashboard page and select the job i.e. the project. In that project page I need to display cobertura code coverage report other than "Test Result Trend" reprot. Please let me know the configuration for this. Thanks in advance. ...

Hudson: How to set cvs program location on different platforms?

Ex: Windows: c:\cvs\bin\cvs Aix: /tools/bin Ubuntu: /storage/bin ...