
hudson with NAnt - build file access

Hi, I'm new to all this. I have installed Hudson with the NAnt plugins on my box running MS Server 2008. My first test project is to run a build on one of the NAnt-0.85 example builds ( This continually fails with console error message: Error loading buildfile. Access to the path 'C:\Users\xxx\nant-0.85\nant-0.85\exa...

Has anyone a setup of Hudson CI server combined with the symbol server (symsrv.dll)?

Dear ladies and sirs. We have Hudson CI server which uses msbuild to build our C# code. Does anyone who uses Hudson CI server also has the symbol server (symsrv.dll) configured? I would like to understand what is the best way of combining the two. Thanks. P.S. Apparently, ServerFault is not the right place for this question. ...

Backup task/plugin for hudson not working - how do I fix it?

I installed the backup plugin for hudson and when a backup is requested it attempts to shutdown hudson. It seems to hang in that state. What could be causing this? It is running on Windows 7 as a service. the real issue I want to solve though is how to back up my hudson configurations. (hudson, plugins, jobs) ...

Is there a way to keep Hudson configuration files in source control?

I am new to Hudson and was wondering if there is a way to check in Hudson's configuration files to source control. Ideally I want to be able to click some button in the UI that says 'save configuration' and have the Hudson configuration files checked in to source control. ...

Hudson builds failing - hudson.plugins.mercurial.MercurialSCM cannot be cast to hudson.scm.SubversionSCM

Hi, I am currently getting the following error when I run a build from Hudson: ERROR: Publisher hudson.tasks.Mailer aborted due to exception java.lang.ClassCastException: hudson.plugins.mercurial.MercurialSCM cannot be cast to hudson.scm.SubversionSCM Our builds were working fine last Thursday and since Friday of last week they have b...

Use parameters in Hudson in configuration

I am looking into the "parameterized build"-feature of Hudson CI. I would like to make this a parametrized build and then use one of the parameters as part of the svn URL. e.g I would like to configure the svn URL as http:/oursvnserver/repos/branches/$PARAMETER is this doable, or are there smarter ways to do this? ...

Hudson, publish artifact to a windows file share ?

We've set up Hudson to do nightly builds of some Vs2008 C++ projects. How can we configure hudson to publish the artifacts to a file share ? ...

How do I get Hudson to generate a Findbugs report without failing due to an exception?

Update As of Hudson Findbugs plug-in version 4.3 this is no longer an issue End Update As an example of my problem, I'm trying to build the following project I added the following to simple-parent/pom.xml <reporting> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codeh...

Hudson Build is Frozen Using GitHub

I am running Hudson and the build just froze at the following line: Fetching changes from the remote Git repository Fetching upstream changes from [email protected]:azamsharp/EStudy.git [workspace] $ "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" fetch -t [email protected]:azamsharp/EStudy.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* The build is started ...

Hudson doesn't like Grails

I'm trying to get our CI-Server Hudson to run grails tasks and installed the Grails-Plugin, but it seems like the dependencies with ivy could not be resolved... [projectx] $ /usr/share/grails/bin/grails prod war projectx.war Welcome to Grails 1.2.0 - Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0 Grails home is set to: /u...

Maven LifeCycleExecutor with an incomplete configuration error

I am using the latest version 1.341 of the Hudson CI to build my maven-2 project (built using 2.2.0). But I get some warnings which I don't see if executed via a command prompt. Can someone let me know, how to debug this issue? ---------------------------------------------------------- Executing Maven: -B -f d:\work\software\data\hud...

Hudson build failed using Python & Coverage

I completed this tutorial from Joe Heck to set up Hudson for Python. Everything worked perfectly except the Coverage section. My build failed with this output: [workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + coverage run tests/ --with-xunit You must specify at least one of -e, -x, -c, -r, or -a. I tried to includ...

Hudson CI "Excluded Regions" can't filter folder??

Hi all, I'm using Hudson CI for my project. However i faced a problem. Hope someone can guide me... I want to check out some code from SVN by using Hudson CI. However i want to select certain folders to be check out only. I tried " Excluded Regions" provided in Hudson advanced settings... Like said i want to filter folder "folderA"....

Add Environment variable to Hudson

I am looking into a way of defining an environment variable for Hudson (NCover path on build server), so that build scripts can use it, but no need to re-define it in Hudson jobs (similar to %SVN_REVISION% or %BUILD_NUMBER%). What would be the way of doing it? Thank you. ...

Bring Hudson slave nodes online at certain times.

I am setting up a number of slaves to my Hudson master, grouped by labels. I would like to be able to have a set of nodes that run during the day and an additional set of nodes that are turned on during the evening. Is this possible, either directly by hudson or via plugin or script? If so what is your recommended solution? ...

Can I get Tomcat running as a service to dump heap?

I am attempting to have Tomcat, which is currently running as a service on a Windows 2003 box, dump heap on an OutOfMemoryError. (Tomcat is running Hudson, which is reporting a heap space problem at the tail end of my build. Running the build manually produces no such error. The Hudson guys need a heap dump to get started.) As instru...

Hudson doesn't recognize that I executed any tests after build - any ideas why?

I'm using Hudson to build a Java project w/ Maven. The project includes two different sets of unit tests: (1) a plain-old Surefire plugin execution that includes unit & database integration tests, and (2) a profile-activated suite of tests that are necessarily invoked using the JUnit ant task*. I can understand why Hudson does not recog...

Is it possible to pass parameters in the Hudson's job that will be triggered remotely?

I need to pass a few parameters in the job that will be triggered remotely. Is it possible? ...

submitting a parameterized hudson build via the REST API

hudson supports submitting a build by doing an HTTP GET to an API. I need to pass some parameters to such a build. Just adding them as additional URL parameters doesn't work for me. Is this supposed to work? Is there some other mechanism? ...

Hudson CI Server configuration gone very wrong

Hi, I am not sure if this is a true SO question really, so will understand if it gets closed or moved. I am new to hudson, I have had it up and running for a few weeks now and so far have been very pleased. It is running on a Windows 2008 X64 machine as a windows service. The WS2008 runs on VMware ESXI4.0, as well as another WS2008...