
Different Hudson folders for wars and jobs

Hi! Is there any way to have the war files of Hudson in an different directory or drive that the job files. We want to have all executables in c:\programme\hudson and all jobs in f:\data\hudson. I've alredy played around with in hudson.xml. But this redirects not only the job directory but copies also the whole war directory to the...

Jira-Hudson-Mercurial integration

When a developer commits a bugfix, I want to be able to open up the relevant JIRA issue and see what Hudson build number contains this fix with the Mercurial changeset listed alongside. Extra points if this information is listed in its own tab (does not pollute the "comments" tab) but shows up alongside comments when the "all" tab is se...

Java-implemented equivalent of rpmbuild tool?

Is there an implementation of the rpmbuild that is written in Java? Alas, the build server is running on Windows and yet the build process for a particular Java-based application needs to generate an rpm via which to be able to install it on RedHat Linux servers. The build server (Hudson) needs to stay on Windows OS as it also runs ...

How to install Hudson on windows server 2008?

I'm calm... Everyone loves windows... 1,2,3,4,5...10 Ok How to install Hudson on windows 2008? More specifically - what exactly is 'Windows filtering platform' thingy and how to kick it so it would allow Hudson pass through? This is what i get in event log when i hit java -jar hudson.war and try to open web page: The Windows F...

Integrating SourceMonitor into a Hudson CI-System

I would like to integrate SourceMonitor into my Hudson CI-system. Since there is no SourceMonitor plugin how can i make the results of SourceMonitor visible on my Hudson Server. ...

Hudson: Can't email upstream committers when downstream builds fail

Hi, I have a set of unit test projects (one per customer), a set of config projects per customer, and a core Java. The unit tests are just JUnit tests, the config projects are just customer-specific xml files, etc, and the core project is the runtime. So the unit tests are testing the specific config for each customer. So my unit test ...

Hudson and Maven. Packaging sources/resources to WEB-INF/src

Hi, We are working with Maven and Hudson for unit testing and war building. Copying sources (java and resources) to WEB-INF/src is required by our customer. There is a simple way to do this with maven? Thank you in advance. ...

hudson build problems

I can only ask this in vague terms since the code is IP. But basically what happens is this, I have a Hudson autobuild setup hooked with perforce that has 2 builds steps. 1. A setup script that deletes old source/jars in our test framerwork. Then copies the new (synced from perforce) source/jars back 2. build and test through ant (frame...

Fresh solr instance for every hudson test build

I'm building a test suite for a python site, powered by hudson. Currently, the workflow for a test run looks like: Pull down the latest version from the repository. Create a new mysql db and import schema file and some fixture data. Run tests, largely powered by webtest, which means not needing to run a web server. Delete mysql db. ...

Hudson CI server shuts down randomly; nothing useful in hudson error.log

I've not been able to perform any builds lately. Suddenly Hudson, mid-build, just shuts down entirely. I have to ssh in and do /etc/init.d/hudson restart to even get the server working again. Sometimes during this wonderful process I get this result: Restarting Hudson Continuous Integration Server: hudsondaemon: no process killed failed!...

Speeding up PHP continuous integration build server on Hudson CI

I'm trying to speed up my builds some and was looking for some thoughts on how to do so. I currently use Hudson as a continuous integration server for a PHP project. I use an Ant build.xml file to do the build, using a file similar to Sebastian Bergmann's php-hudson-template. At the moment, though (due to some weird problems with Hudson...

How can prevent the son class call public method of super class in java?

Possible Duplicate: Is there any way to forbid the son class to call the public method of super class in java? some days ago, when I develop the plugin for hudson(a Continue integrate tool), I met the this problem . I created the class which extends the SubversionSCM(the offical class). I just wanted to override the public...

Pre-commit hook for Git when Hudson build has failed

I'm trying to figure out how to write a pre-commit hook for Git that checks the status of my Hudson build. If the previous build failed, it should disallow anyone from committing without first writing a specific line, e.g. "fixed build." EDIT: The first answerer has provided one side of the coin: the Hudson API. I now need the other s...

How to make Hudson create changelog since last deploy

I would like our Hudson deploy job to output a changelog of all Subversion changes since last deploy. Any ideas to how that is done? ...

Help me improve my continuous deployment workflow

I've been developing a workflow for practicing a mostly automated continuous deployment cycle for a PHP project. I'd like some feedback on possible process or technical bottlenecks in this workflow, suggestions for improvement, and ideas for how to better automate and increase the ease-of-use for my team. Core components: Hudson CI ...

Why does git fetch via hudson fail, while git fetch via the command line works?

I'm trying to fetch a read-only git repository from github and have it be built via hudson. This process is failing. This is the hudson output: Started by an SCM change Checkout:workspace / d:\hudson\home\jobs\gdcm-hudson\workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@19ba1d8 Using strategy: Default Checkout:workspace / d:\hudson\home\jobs\...

Creating SSH keys for Gerrit and Hudson

I'm trying to use the Hudson Gerrit Trigger plug-in. For whatever reason, Gerrit is not accepting the SSH key located at /var/lib/hudson/.ssh/id_rsa. In the GUI I get Connection error : com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail as an error, and when I'm working in the terminal I get a Permission denied (publickey) error. How can I gene...

php development workflow

I'm looking to setup a development pipeline that will allow me to separate my code into three categories: live, staging and dev I'm using a2hosting's shared hosting package with ssh access. Ideally I'd like to have three paths on the server for each one of those branches. I'd like to keep each version of the site into svn so I can quickl...

Swapping test database connection code as a post-build step

When promoting or deploying a build, I'd like to automate swapping out a single database connection file. This could be done as either a post-build step or as a pre-packaging step before deployment. The file that's being swapped out is a test file; the file being swapped in should have the real database connection configuration. How ca...

How to install Hudson as a service on OS X?

Running hudson it is easy but currently the documentation is missing the tutorial for installing an running hudson as a daemon/service on OS X. When you switch to production you need to assure that it is properly configured and secured. Requirements: be able to run it on port 80 not running as root (or at least not running the jobs...