
Rotation Not Working As I Want

Hi guys , I have the following class that rotates an image when i give it the degrees it has to rotate but it is not working as i want. The problem is this, for instance if i rotate 90 degress, the variable "currentRotationAngle" inside the rotateCrossing() is gradually set to 90 after the rotation. This happens because i increase that ...

Implementing a client-side image editor - what's the best way?

We want a web app that allows a user to edit images on the browser and we're trying to decide which technology to use. We want to support simple image customization, such as high-quality resizing, cropping, image merging, and color transformations, as well as the addition of text elements with different fonts and colors. The current opt...

How to draw anything on image and save it to hard disk on android? please help me.

Hi everybody, I have problem need everybody help. on Android, I want to view an image on screen and sketch it (as the paint function in windows). and then save it to the hard disk. how to do that? if anybody known, please help me. thanks, Thanh Hai ...

which is the suitable method to recyle bitmap?

friends, i have a page on which i am displaying image from gallery then i have next page button to move to next activity on that button i am using clearBitmap(); to free memory used by it. private Bitmap bitmap; oncreate() { _image = (ImageView)findViewById(; _path = getRealPathFromURI(_data.getData()); B...

Alpha channel transparency and resizing image files.

I'm using the following code to resize a tif. The tif has an alpha channel set for transparency. I'm trying to resize this image and honour the transparency but at the moment it's coming out with a black background. Any ideas? public static void ResizeImage(string OriginalImagePath, string NewImagePath, int Width, int Height) { ...

Deliver a generated image file to client without first writing the file to a server directory

Despite setting directory permissions to 777, I still can't get a PHP script to write an image file that it generated to a directory on the server. So, rather than wrestling with that problem I thought, why not create a new one. Actually, I thought there might be an easier solution. Is it possible to take an image file (stream) that i...

Picture editor in Android

Hey guys, I'm quite new to Android development and I wish like to develop my first app which is a picture editor. Basically it can let the user adjust the brightness, contrast, black and white effects. I would like to ask which package should I look for? I have roughly go through the Android API and I couldn't found any related package...

Setting AutoReverse true/false after Animation Starts.

After Animation Starts in AnimationClock how we will control AutoReverse True/False in Int32Animation. code Snippet. Int32Animation FrameAnimation; public void Load(){ FrameAnimation = new Int32Animation(); FrameAnimation.From = 1; FrameAnimation.To = 100; AnimationClock FrameAnimationClock = FrameAnimation.CreateClock(); A...

How to perform a linear interpolation between to images

I'm reading a paper that talks about using a lerp function in image synthesis. What exactly is a lerp and how would you synthesize an image using one if you are given two images as inputs? ...

How to reduce the local illumination variations.

Hi guys This is an image which suffers local illumination variations, especially for the right hand. Is there any method can reduce the effect of local illumination variations. Thanks in advanced. ...

Is there any standard for panoramic photos?

I am looking for a standard that describes metadata, dimensions, format and so on. ...

WordPress > Post-specific images with uploader and add/remove tool

I'm looking to find a WordPress plugin that ads an upload widget to my post editor to allow me to associate images with posts. The end result is that I can add a bit of code to my theme's single.php file that allows me to load all of the images that reside in the folder matching the post id. If no such plugin exists, I'm looking for so...

Serving images via `print fread(...)` is slow, what to do?

I have a dynamic thumbnail script I found laying around the web and tweaked a bit. One of the things I added was a caching mechanism. Whenever a new thumb is generated, it is saved to disk, and the disk copy will be used if the same thumbnail (with all the same options) is requested again. A snippet: // name of cached file $thumb_...

PHP GD Trim Transparent Pixels from created PNG

I am currently working on a website and lately have been using GD with PHP to automatically create transparent images that consist of text for use with navigation, headers, etc on the website. It saves me a lot of time in Photoshop plus I can change the text on the buttons instantly when needed. Well I have hit a dead end here. I foun...

Image Processing Programming

Hi! I wanted to know if there's any way by which we can detect the position of an object in an image using some programming language ? For example : If i have an image of a ball that is updating itself say every 100 milliseconds,is it possible to get the coordinate of the ball through some program,using something like C++ or Java ? Tha...

Is there any open technology to recognize face features?

I need to make baby face depending on parents' photos. Something like: It may be not very advanced and may just try to recognize, for example, eyes from constant set of eyes variants in database. The main feature is to set up it at own server. Is there any open-source or not-so-expensive solutions? ...

How can I create a collage in MATLAB?

I want to write a program that can create random collages from a given folder of pictures. To begin, I want to create a simple collage from three images. Something like this: I have almost no code right now clc; clear all; close all; a = imread('a.png'); b = imread('b.png'); c = imread('c.png'); % create a new image of size X x Y ...

How does Augmented reality work?

Need some pointers to resources for learning about Image processing used in Augmented Reality. I'm doing a project/paper on image processing. I found Augmented Reality personally to be the coolest thing. I'd be very happy and grateful if someone could explain or point to books or web sites which explain all about the concepts behind the ...

What are some methods to analyze image brightness using Python?

I'd like some advice on performing a simple image analysis in python. I need to calculate a value for the "brightness" of an image. I know PIL is the goto library for doing something like this. There is a built-in histogram function. What I need is a "perceived brightness" values I can decide if further adjustments to the image are nece...

Fast method to shrink HTML images?

I know of 3 main ways to shrink images: Using the img tag WIDTH HEIGHT Putting all the images in a DIV and then scaling the whole div. User zooming with ctrl + mouse wheel. I have some pages with huge amounts of images. What I have noticed is that there is massive speed difference between the methods. Method 1 kills firefox very quic...