
modified android ACTION_VIEW intent

I execute the following code: Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, imageIdStr); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(uri); activity.startActivity(intent); which opens the image viewer activity but I don't want to see th...

best way to show a image near my header section of tableview with header title

Hi friends, I have to show a image near my header section of tableview with header title.Can anybody suggest the best way of doing it? Thanks in advance for your suggestion. Regards, sathish ...

echo image url with tags in php

I have previously asked a question on how to echo the url of images from an html page. I can do this successfully but how can I narrow this down further so only images urls beginning with a certain phrase are shown, furthermore how can I add an image tag around them so the images are displayed as images and not just text? e.g I only wan...

Drawable-hdpi, Drawable-mdpi, Drawable-ldpi Android

Hello, I was working on Android 1.5, but now moved to the latest version. So there is only "drawable" folder in Android 1.5, but now There are 3 different folder for storing images in android project. And as i have found some articles for these 3 folders that hdpi means High-dpi mdpi means medium-dpi ldpi means low-dpi But stil...

Using $_Get['color'] to display different colors.

I think I'm doing this wrong but this is what I have... if($_GET['color']) { $color = "signature_"; echo "<img src=\"/images/+ $color \"; \"class=\"border\" alt=\"\" />"; What I'm trying to do is output the colored image based on the users input. So say this is what I am doing. Http://

Django Template Images

Take a simple view like this: def my_gallery(request): images= ? t = Template("<html><body>Here my images from XY {{ images }}.</body></html>") html = t.render(Context({'images': ? })) return HttpResponse(html) How do I have to define the variable images/ What do I have to fill in the Context so that Django displays m...

HTML image loading problem

Hello, I have a site where I have to dynamically load images. I must know their width/height before laying them down, so I am using the onload event handler. What I found anyway, is that sometimes those values are 0/0 even in the handler (this happens on Chrome and as I am targeting webkit, this is the browser to use). Is there any way ...

Image Swap wont work in Firefox But works in IE

Hi, I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to coding but have been in the process of setting up my own webpage via Dreamweaver as the WYSIWYG approach waorks for me. The problem is I am trying to implement a disjointed image swap on click event.. It works fone for me on IE but not on firefox, and have been tearing my hair out trying to fi...

How to crop an image while uploading?

Hi I am doing an social networking project ,where i have an option to add/edit photos ,When user clicks the button the image will be uploaded to the database and it will be it possible to crop the image before it is saved to the database. ...

How can i use GDI+ to save a HBITMAP

I want to save my created image as a PNG or JPEG file with the help of GDI+ but i can't find a way to do this. Seems that there is no way to create a non file based Image and fill it with a bitblit from the HBITMAP. Or do i miss something? ...

jQuery .load() : callback slideshow function doesn't load all images to load first, but then loads correctly on second .load()

Hi there, Ive got this function, showcase_loader() that loads html into a wrapper with .load() and then fires up a plugin function called .nivoslider() which formats a list of images into a slideshow, depending on the dimensions of all the images in that list (has to wait for all of them to load to do that). Once I fire .load...

Image change every 30 seconds - loop

Hey I would like to make an image change after 30 seconds... The code I'm using looks like this: Script: var images = new Array() images[0] = "image1.jpg"; images[1] = "image2.jpg"; images[2] = "image3.jpg"; setTimeout("changeImage()", 30000); var x=0; function changeImage() { document.getElementById("img").src=images[x] x++; } An...

Recognize image with PHP

I run a site with lots of small images ( and would like to develop a feature that can compare and recognize images. A user should be able to upload an image (icon) and then the site will respond with information about the image if it's in the database. What is the approach to finding similar (or the same image). I kno...

Export Crystal Report as an image

Is there any way to export a Crystal Report as an image? CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType The above type doesn't include anything that looks like an image, so does anybody have a clever workaround to generate an image? I am using C# to generate a PDF already, and I would like to generate an image (.png, .jpg, .gif) along sid...

java images to grid layout

Can you add an Image to a GridLayout? ...

OpenCV: Load multiple images

Hi All, I am updating some older OpenCV code that was written in (I guess) an OpenCV 1.1 manner (i.e. using IplImages). What I want to accomplish right now is to simply load a series of images (passed as command line arguments) as Mats. This is part of a larger task. The first code sample below is the old code's image loading method. ...

How do I allow an iPhone user to "Move and Scale" a photo that has already been selected.

I am trying to replicate the functionality that users see when they go into edit mode for a contact for which they have already selected a photo, and then click that contact's photo. An action sheet slides up, with options including "Take Photo", "Choose Photo", and "Edit Photo". When you select "Edit Photo", a view comes up that shows...

I can't figure out why this code does not display an Image in Android

I am following very closely to the sample codes in the resources for TicTacToeLib as well as an example of how to display a bitmap in a book titled Android Application Development. I am doing all the same things they are doing, the only difference is I am using a SurfaceView instead of a view. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? T...

WPF Image Formats and Binding

I have a project which requires be to convert an in memory System.Drawing.Bitmap into an in memory BitmapImage so I can bind the BitmapImage to an Image control via XAML. The problem I am running into is during the conversion the original bitmap gets shrunk and is very blurry. This is very bad because the original bitmap is a bar code ...

sqldatasource - UpdateParameters with image byte array

This is how you set the defaultValue with a string: sqlDataSource.UpdateParameters["Active"].DefaultValue = tbActive.Text; How do you do something similar to the code below so that my sqlDataSource can accept an updated image? FileUpload fuRoom1 = (FileUpload)gvRoom.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("UploadedFile11"); byte[] image...