
Why is this PNG mis-colored on Linux?

My site uses a PNG for a transitional background. Here is the site on Firefox on Mac, and here is the same site on Firefox on Linux. As you can see, the PNG background displays in a duller green on Linux. Is this due to the gamma correction issues described here? How can I solve this problem? I have tried using a JPG and also a BMP, but...

How to run a jQuery Code after loading all the images in my page ?

How to run a jQuery Code after loading all the images in my page ? ...

How, to prevent image cache by browser?

Hi, in my Pylons app i write a script to autogenerate thumbnail, from image geting by url. To generate thumbnail i use PIL(python) W wont to prevent image cache by browser. I can't use after src ?[random_number] because the site, where i past this image must be static. I try to send headers response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'n...

How can I stream a .net chart as a PNG? (Parameter is not valid)

I have a generic handler in that builds a chart and then returns a png as a result. Relevant code on /GetChart.ashx (which is actually called as /GetChart.ashx?report=1): AssetChart.RenderType = RenderType.BinaryStreaming Dim mstream As New MemoryStream() AssetChart.SaveImage(mstream, ChartImageFormat.Png) Dim byteArray As Byte...

what's the common approach while saving and editing images in a website?

I am building a website using and this website will host users images and will give them options to edit these images by resizing, cropping, watermarking,.... I am thinking of 2 ways to save images and want someone to recommend one or advice me with something different better. 1- The user will upload his images, i will put th...

How to access photo EXIF in pictures taken from camera in iOS 4.0+?

How do I access the EXIF info in a picture from the camera taken using the new 4.0/4.1 APIs? I use captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection to take the picture and: [AVCaptureStillImageOutput jpegStillImageNSDataRepresentation:imageDataSampleBuffer]; to get the jpg data but how do I extract the EXIF? The doco makes references to...

Combining 2 Images overlayed

Hi There, I've got a things to do with android, so, I have 2 images, 1. image from camera 2. another image from somewhere so what I want to achieve is how to combine those image into 1 image, but it's overlapping (just like watermarking the image), the 2nd image should be scaled first into the size of the 1st image(camera) - so they ha...

How to link parts of different images with one another?

I am trying to link different images with one another. What I want to do is to be able to click on a specific area of image A so that I land on a specific area of image B. How can I do this? ...

Display different images on different locations of one major image with mouseover

I have one major image that I have mapped so as to have many different hotspots that link to other images. What I want to do is to have thumbnails of those images popup when the user goes over the hotspots with the mouse. How can I do that? Help is greately appreciated. Keep in mind I am new to HTML and barely know there ...

Obtain image width and height without loading image in .NET?

Like the Title, is this possible? I only need the width and height, so loading the image into ram would be unnecessary. ...

Rotating images

Hi all, Just wondering if someone can help me code the following. I want to use a fading effect to rotate a series of images (7 in total), within the CSS and code already defined below: <style="text/css"> .rotate {float: left;width: 160px;height: 215px;background-color: #FFFFFF;border: 2px solid #0066CC;margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;text-...

PHP GD ttftext center alignment

I'm using imagettftext to make a bar graph and at the top of each bar I want to put the value. I have the following variables for each bar (which are really rectangles) $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $imagesx $imagesy $font_size Also, The fontsize should decrease as the string length increases. ...

Adding Text to Textblock in StackPanel does not move Image, Silverlight

I have the following xaml: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" x:Name="HeadlineSP"> <TextBlock x:Name="CanvasHeadline" Text="Sample" Margin="8,8,0,0" /> <Image Source="http://localhost/myimage.png" /> </StackPanel> when i update the text of CanvasHeadline the Image does not move right to left dependiong on the wid...

App Crashing when using large images on iOS 4.0

Hi everyone, I've been having a problem to show large images on a scrollview, the images are 2,4 - 4,7 MB. It runs fine on the 3GS and on the simulator. But whenever I try to run on a 3G or iPod Touch 2G, it crashes. I searched across the web and found the "imageNamed is evil" article. Ok I changed all my image calls to imageWithConten...

Draw dot on image using jQuery.

Hi there. I have the following code to track where a user clicks on an image: <img src="images/test.jpg" id="testimg" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#testimg").click(function (ev) { mouseX = ev.pageX; mouseY = ev.pageY alert(mouseX + ' ' + mouseY); }) </script> Wha...

Images that dissapear for some milliseconds and appear while hovering (or delay in loading hover image)?

In my web site, there's two buttons in both sides of the jQuery slider. When I hover them the image disappears and then the hover image appears. (is not long, just a few milliseconds). Do I have to preload the hover image to solve this? How to do that? CSS: #prevBtn { left: 0; } #nextBtn { left: 474px; } #prevBtn a, #nextBtn a...

How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images?

I'm trying to provide an in-app Activity which displays thumbnails of photos in the device's media store, and allow the user to select one. After the user makes a selection, the application reads the original full-size image and does things with it. I'm using the following code to create a Cursor over all the images on the external sto...

JasperReport creation with image fails to create temporary file on Windows Vista, 7 or Server 2008

Hi, We are getting the following error while generating a Jasper report when running our app on some machines with Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 2008: java.lang.RuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't create output stream! at

Systematically updating src of IMG. Memory leak.

Systematically updating src of IMG. Memory leak. I am currently updating an image every x sec. A few ways I thought of doing this were as follows: Take One: var url ="..."; $('#ImageID').attr('src', url); Now this works perfectly changes the image but causes a memory leak. Take Two: So it is creating DOM elements, so I attempted t...

How do I convert a EPS , DOC and PPT document to a preview image in PHP?

How do I convert a EPS , DOC and PPT document to a preview image in PHP? I need to display the image thumbnails in the list of items uploaded, how can i get the thubnail images of EPS, doc and PPT files? ...